Domain Parking

DNS Testing New gTLD Cross Sell on Landing Pages

A friend shared something interesting that he noticed when typing in random keyword domain names this afternoon. If you visit, a domain name that is owned by Frank Schilling’s Name Administration and parked via, check out the link below the PPC advertising links:

This domain is registered. Click here to buy KneeBraces.Email

When you click the link, it takes you to

Frank Schilling: We Are Now the Largest Parking Company [Updated]

When Frank Schilling launched his parking company Internet Traffic (now under the Domain Name Sales branding) in 2011, he won a considerable amount of business away from competitors. At the time, many early adopters reported a rise in PPC revenue, which was a change from years of declining PPC earnings.

In May of 2011, I reported that Internet Traffic was quickly gaining steam, according to In August, I reported that Internet Traffic may have passed Domain Sponsor in terms of the number of domain names parked on the IT nameservers.

According to a note I received from Frank Schilling this morning, “this past weekend we became the

ParkingCrew Product Tracks Domain Profitability


ParkingCrewI received an email this morning from Nico Zeifang, Founder and CEO of ParkingCrew, a domain name parking company. In the email, Nico introduced a new back-end feature that is codenamed “Revenue Hero.” The goal of this feature is to allow domain owners to see how profitable individual domain names are compared to the annual renewal fee.

Here is how Nico illustrated how this feature works:

Jim Grace Joins Team Internet

Team InternetA little over a month ago, I reported that Jim Grace was no longer with Domain Holdings. I mentioned that I thought he would find a new position in the domain business quickly, and he did.

This morning, I received an email from Team Internet CEO Nico Zeifang, and he announced that Jim Grace had joined the company in the role of Director of Business Development. Jim will be working with Team Internet on its domain parking product,, and he will also be working on its advertising platform,

According to Nico,

Would You Like Your Parking Company to Offer a “For Sale” Landing Page?

After a couple of posts discussing the topic, I think it would be interesting to see how many of you would like your parking company to offer a simple “for sale” landing page without PPC links.

I understand that parking companies may be reluctant to offer these because they are in business to generate revenue from pay per click advertising, but they are in the position to easily offer these landers to their clients, aside from the costs associated with creating and testing landing pages. It’s also easier than creating our own landers, which requires a hosting account, some coding skills, and time.

If you’d like to see straight up for sale landers offered by your parking company, please vote yes, and if you don’t think they are necessary, please vote no. You may also indicate what parking service you use, and if you know of a company already offering for sale landing pages, let us know that, too.

Joe Higgins Introducing You to Rook Media


Joe Higgins has been involved in the domain investment space for many years, and he is the Senior Sales and Strategy Consultant at Rook Media, a parking company founded by several people who have considerable experience with domain name monetization.

As you probably noticed, Rook Media is now advertising on my blog. I didn’t know much about Rook, and since this company is relatively new, I asked Joe if he could provide some information about the company.

I want to thank Rook Media for being a sponsor of my blog, and I hope you will check out the company.

Hello everyone. With there being more choices than ever for domain investors to park their domains, I wanted to take a minute to let you know about Rook Media  and what makes us unique.

Rook is a Swiss-based parking company founded in 2010 by Ash Rahimi, Daniel Law, Ed Russell, Martin Andersson and Simon Pupo, most of them part of the founding and management team at NameDrive. Before that, Dan, Ed, and Ash held management roles at Sedo. To make a long story short, we’ve been doing this for a long time, and you’d be hard pressed to find a team with more experience and know-how than ours.

I joined the team in July 2011, just as Rook opened their platform to the public. Having spent the prior 6 ½ years with DomainSponsor, I brought an expanded understanding of parking to the team, along with a pretty solid reputation among industry clients.

We have over 55 years combined experience in the domain industry, and this is evident through the strength of our monetization and customer service alike. Our unique blend of cultures and past parking experience has taught us how to monetize traffic from all over the globe, not just specialize in any one geo-type. The small size of our team, along with our location in Switzerland, allows us a low cost structure. That means we can afford to pass you on more of what you earn. The privacy afforded by Switzerland is a nice plus in this day and age. So are the chocolates.

Including Rook, most of the founders have either worked with or founded 3 parking companies. This is significant because, while it may not appear domain parking has gone through many phases on the outside, things could not be more different now than they were in 2007. Different times call for a new, fresh, and lean platform. Rest assured there are no band-aids holding everything together, and that means a lot moving forward.

When working together with our team as a partner, you’re working directly with a stakeholder at Rook, not some kid straight of college who knows next to nothing about domains and isn’t allowed to make a decision even if they wanted to. We’re problem solvers, and we easily offer more customized solutions for our partners than anyone else in the industry. We understand the needs of domainers because we are domainers ourselves. A good example of this is our new DomainAdvance product, which allows our partners an interest-free prepayment on their parking earnings.

We want to grow together with our partners, and we’ll help in any way we can. We’ve been around for a long time, and we are staying for the long run, just like you.

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