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Lnvestor.com Coming Up for Auction (Again)

Elad Nof shared a screenshot that auction participants at NameJet and SnapNames should note:

When you look at the title of this blog post, the spelling of this domain name coming up for auction is obvious. If you look at it in all lower case though, lnvestor could appear to be Investor. When browsing through auction lists quickly, I can imagine why someone might get confused. A quick glance along with tens of other bidders with backorders and others might follow suit.

NameJet Announces Platform Enhancements


Last Summer, NameJet made some “big changes” to its platform. In essence, NameJet appears to have become a clone of Snapnames, its sister auction platform, with the difference being the NameJet branding.

There were numerous features about the former platform I appreciated more once they were taken away. It looks like NameJet has made a change to address some of these issues. I have not had the opportunity to look into any of these, but I think this will take away some of the speed bumps I now encounter on the platform.

Here are some of the changes that were announced today:

You Can Now Jump into Expiry Auctions at NameJet

Earlier this Summer, NameJet unveiled its “new” website design. To be honest, I was disappointed that the new design was essentially a NameJet branded website utilizing the Snapnames platform. It’s not the look and feel of the platform that bothers me – it’s the search functionality or lack thereof. I won’t belabor the topic since I have already shared quite a bit of feedback along with others like Shane Cultra.

One change to the platform that can be viewed as a positive to some people is the ability to participate in expiry auctions that are ongoing. Previously, a person could only participate in an expiry auction if the domain name was backordered prior to the auction’s start. Once the backorder deadline passed, the expired domain name would be put into a private auction. If you did not backorder the domain name, you could not participate.

NameJet: “Big Changes are Coming”

On Friday afternoon, NameJet announced that some major changes are coming to the auction platform. The changes were outlined on a splash page, and include the following:

  • New look and feel
  • New process to place backorders
  • New option to remove backorder if you lose an auction on specific domain
  • New download file type choice of CSV or TXT
  • New way to pull Last Minute Board
  • And many others

Leonardo Dicaprio About to Lose His Domain Name (Update)

LeonardoDicaprio.com is the most valuable expiry domain name on the daily auction lists I receive. Created in 1997, LeonardoDicaprio.com expired in early October of this year. The domain name is currently registered at Network Solutions, and it will be sent to auction at NameJet if it is not renewed immediately. As I am sure you know, Leonardo Dicaprio is a highly regarded American actor.

Using the Whois History tool at DomainTools, I can see the domain name was previously registered to Birken Interactive Studio, Inc. According to an article on ZDNet from 1999, this company is “the production company established by Leonardo DiCaprio.” The registrant email address for this domain name is through the LDCFoundation.org domain name. This domain name is used by the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation, a non-profit organization connected to Mr. Dicaprio.

NameJet Auctions Extended to Today


If you were bidding (or trying to bid) on any auctions at NameJet yesterday, you should note that all auctions have been extended to today due to a “technical issue.” I wasn’t competing for any names yesterday, but the issue was brought to my attention by Kefah Makhamreh on Twitter:

Recognizing the issue, NameJet opted to extend auctions that were supposed to close yesterday. There’s a note on the NameJet website homepage:

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