I believe that some parking companies use zero click landing pages to generate revenue for the domain owner. As an Internet user, I dislike zero click landers because they seem to land on some sort of shady page that suggests a download or they take me somewhere I don’t want to go. As a domain owner, I think a zero click landing page can hamper a sale.
This morning, I visited a domain name that is listed for sale. Before making an offer on this domain name, I wanted to see what effort the owner is making to sell the domain name. Obviously if there is a huge notice that the domain name is for sale, it means everyone else that has been interested in the domain name has seen the for sale message. When I visited the domain name, I noticed it was using a zero click lander that took me elsewhere. I think this could be hurting the sale potential of the domain name.
I can’t speculate about whether the domain owner knows (or cares) that there is a zero click landing page, but because of this type of parking, there is no “for sale” or “make offer” banner at the top. A prospective buyer interested in the domain name who wants to see how it is being used will not know that the domain name is for sale simply by visiting the landing page. I receive offers and inquiries regularly from people who click the inquiry link, and this is not happening for that domain owner.
Aside from this, a prospective