For years, I would almost never touch non .com domain names. Reflecting changes I have noticed across the aftermarket, my viewpoint has been evolving. My portfolio now consists of approximately 7.5% non .com domain names. My goal is to increase that to 10% by the end of this year.
I believe the top 3 extensions I own beyond .com are:
- .CO
- .XYZ
- .VC
I am primarily an opportunistic buyer for domain names in alternative extensions. I don’t go out seeking to privately buy domain names like I do with .com, but I will bid on good opportunities I see in expiry auctions. I believe I have only spent low four figures on one non .com domain name. Everything else has been below $1,000 and mostly below $500. I am strictly a vulture non .com buyer, so there’s no need to pitch me your domain names.