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“Technical Difficulties” Cause NameJet Auctions Extension


When I went to review domain names on NameJet last night, I was unable to do so because of a maintenance notice on the website. According to a message on the back-end of the platform, there were some “technical difficulties” on NameJet yesterday. As a result, some of the auctions that ended have been extended to today.

Here’s the message I see on my NameJet control panel:

Millionaires.com Sold for 6 Figures in NameJet Auction

The Millionaires.com domain name was up for auction today on NameJet. The auction had a reserve price between $10,001 – $25,000, and it easily surpassed its reserve price. Millionaires.com sold for $127,222. There were 198 bids placed from 185 bidders.

NameJet Now Offering Text Message Auction Updates


NameJet sent out an email to auction customers this morning announcing they can sign up for SMS/Text Messaging alerts for auctions. Customers will be able to sign up to be alerted via SMS / text on their mobile device for a variety of auction updates.

Customers can receive alerts for the following NameJet auction updates:

Stay on Top of Your NameJet Wins

When you win a domain auction, the domain name should be pushed to your registrar account within a reasonable amount of time after paying. Based on some recent experience at NameJet, domain buyers should keep track of their NameJet auction wins to ensure the domain names are properly provisioned.

On April 23rd, I won a private auction at NameJet. I try my hardest to stay away from private auctions at NameJet and think I do a good job of avoiding them. I particularly liked this one and the price was right. On May 4th, I realized I had not yet received the domain name and submitted a support ticket to NameJet. NameJet support responded to me quickly, and by May 5th, the domain name was transferred to my Network Solutions account.

NameJet Extends Auctions Impacted by Technical Difficulties

Yesterday afternoon, I had a tough time visiting NameJet’s website. It seemed that every time I tried to visit an auction page or my control panel, I saw an error message. I frequently saw that NameJet Maintenance landing page, which I asked others about on Twitter:

I heard from others who had the same issues accessing auctions yesterday afternoon. Later on in the day, NameJet’s sister platform, SnapNames, posted an update about the issues on Twitter:

Operate.com Sold for $190,000 on NameJet

Operate.com was sold today for $190,000 in a public auction on NameJet. It looks like there were more than 100 bidders who participated in the auction with at least a backorder. Operate.com was one of the Thought Convergence domain names put into auction at NameJet.

According to NameBio, this is the largest sale on the NameJet platform in at least three years. The $148,134 sale of eShop.com in March of this year was the previous high water mark at NameJet during the past three years.

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