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New gTLD

Amazon Registers 4 .Amazon Domain Names


Amazon has registered four new .Amazon domain names, according to a Registrant Monitor alert email I received from DomainTools this morning. The four domain names Amazon registered are:

  • My.Amazon
  • Home.Amazon
  • Go.Amazon
  • www.Amazon

These four domain names were registered at Com Laude, a corporate domain name registrar. None of these domain names resolve to active websites or forward to pages within the Amazon.com website as of the time of publication.

Nike Launches .Swoosh on a .Nike


Nike announced the launch of a new digital web3 community called .SWOOSH. The announcement was made on Nike’s corporate blog. Interestingly to those who are in the domain name space, the company is using a domain name from its .Nike branded TLD to host the website: Swoosh.Nike. Unlike .Swoosh, .Nike is an extension that can be reached on all web browsers.

I think it could be a bit confusing to operate a platform called .Swoosh on a .Nike domain name. In the blog post announcing the launch, Nike specifically mentioned the safety of using its own domain extension for the platform:

Pen.xyz Reportedly Sold for 6 Figures via Afternic

A domain investor shared that he sold the Pen.xyz domain name for $109,888 via Afternic. He shared the sale email he received from Afternic in a Twitter post, and Afternic congratulated the seller:

“Don’t Stop at the Dot”


Identity Digital is the registry management company that had been known as Donuts until its’ rebrand in June. This afternoon, the company shared a video on social media promoting alternative extensions to .com. “Don’t stop at the dot,” is the call to action in the video found in the tweet below:

I think the most effective type of marketing like this would be targeting domain name buyers near the point of purchase. I am curious to know if Identity Digital is able to market at the point of sale at registrars like GoDaddy, Namecheap, Tucows, Google…etc. I am also curious to know if the company is using this campaign beyond social media.

If I see any additional campaigns like this, I will share.

Video: Mr. Wonderful’s .Fun Commercial


If you watch Shark Tank, you must know about Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful. Mr. Wonderful is a prolific investor who has invested in many companies across many different industries. He has some tech investments and recently discussed some of his crypto-related investments and holdings.

Radix has hired Mr. Wonderful to pitch the .Fun domain name extension it operates. Here’s what Mr. Wonderful had to say about .Fun domain names:

The Dot-Spanning Brand

If a company is going to use a non .com extension, it will serve the business well to incorporate the extension into the brand name. Spanning the dot with the brand name will help hammer home that the extension is part of corporate branding. This should help reduce consumer confusion when they want to visit the website or connect with the company online.

TechCrunch published an article this morning about a company called A.Team. As you can see, the company is using a .Team domain name and its brand name spans the dot:

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