JG.com sold at auction on NameJet yesterday for $1,035,000. The sale is the largest sale on record for the domain name auction platform. Once the sale is closed, it will rank as the second largest public domain name sale of 2015, just ahead of the PX.com sale and sale of 588.com.
There were 440 bids from 269 bidders. Interestingly, there were 5 bidders who placed bids at or above $800,000. Because of the late bidding, the auction extended more than two hours beyond the original ending time.
NameJet General Manager Jonathan Tenenbaum commented to me on the record setting sale:
“We are very excited about the JG.COM sale. It is the largest auction in the history of NameJet and we will continue to work to bring this kind of inventory to the platform for our customers. In fact, we already have TP.COM up for auction next month, along with a number of LL.com’s that are listed in the NamesCon auction with RightOfTheDot. It is an extremely exciting time in the domain space and we are thrilled to be a part of it!”
In addition to the TP.com auction that Jonathan mentioned, there are four additional two letter .com domain names coming up for auction as part of the Right of the Dot NamesCon auction. Those domain names and current high bids are:
- AT.com – $1,500,000
- FW.com – $1,050,000
- BY.com – $500,000
- WI.com – $105,000
My guess is that this domain name is going to end up under the ownership of a Chinese entity, but we shall see once the sale is closed.
What is more amazing? First came in second (no pun intended).
His final bid was $ 1,000. less than $ 1.035 mil. However, those 2 were the only bidders for 2 hours past the initial closing. Every few minutes First extended the auction.
Who’s on first?
First came in second…Who’s on first?
LOL Meyer and domo.