JG.com is in auction at NameJet. When I wrote about the auction yesterday, the high bid was $751,000. The high bid now stands at $805,000 and there are 5 different bidders who have bid over $700,000 to buy this domain name.
Yesterday evening, Media Options’ Andrew Rosener (who earlier this year sold PX.com for $1 million +) commented, “JG.com is liquid at $1M – $1.4M right now so I expect this auction will get very close to that level if not above.” I think Andrew is quite experienced with 2 letter .com domain names.
If JG.com sells for $1 million or more, it will rank as one of the top 3 public domain name sales of 2015 as recorded by DNJournal. It is already the largest NameJet sale of the year. Incidentally, FW.com is in the NamesCon auction on NameJet, and it has a bid above $1,000,000 but has not met reserve. The same thing goes for At.com as well.
With the JG.com auction price now over $800,000 with a few hours remaining, I am curious if you think JG.com will sell for more than $1 million.
Update: JG.com sold for more than $1 million.
If you voted yes, you were right: https://www.domaininvesting.com/1-million-sale-of-jg-com-sets-namejet-record/