OpenAI Now Using

Last year, OpenAI filed a UDRP against the domain name. The company had been using for its Chat GPT platform. In September, I shared that there appeared to be a settlement in that dispute, and transferred to OpenAI. For some time, the domain name forwarded to the subdomain that served as the ChatGPT base.

The company has now migrated its Chat GPT platform to

If you visit, you’ll be forwarded directly to the website at

I presume OpenAI made this change because Chat GPT has grown enough that it has become its own well known brand name. Operating Chat GPT on its brand matching domain name is a sensible move.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. There is also some controversy about Open AI claiming the trademark to “GPT”, and this URL change may help them with that. The USPTO rejected their trademark claim for “GPT”, but only because the USPTO said “GPT” was not widely known by the public. This means Open AI can apply for the trademark again later. Last year they had sent cease and desist notices to many AI sites using “GPT” in their domain. Even without owning a registered trademark, Open AI can still claim common law trademark rights to it, and possibly win a lawsuit, or possibly win an ICANN domain dispute, so it is risky to register a domain with “GPT” in it.

  2. Companies frequently falter in major product launches due to their oversight in securing the appropriate domain, indicating a lack of domain name strategy. Consider Google Gemini, which followed their initial failed attempt, Bard, where they also neglected to acquire Despite their existing distribution channels, the absence of an Exact Brand Match domain is a significant deficiency. From my perspective, Gemini appears poised to follow in the footsteps of Bard as another potential rebranding effort.

    • I don’t think the term “neglected” is fair to use in this case. is owned by a company with a $69 BILLION market cap. They might not have any interest in selling their domain name for any price. Maybe you can blame Google for branding their AI chat platform with a name that has an unavailable corresponding domain name, but they can’t control whether or not someone else sells them a domain name.

  3. I believe Open AI received a final refusal on its GPT TM application with the USPTO
    Moreover, it was the company that cited the meaning of GPT is/was not well known with consumers; however, the examining attorney cited documentation reflecting widespread use of GPT, and “GPT” would need to be disclaimed.
    I would think companies using ____GPT will be fine unless the first word is Chatter or Chats, or ____ChatGPT as in LiveChatGPT – as these could cause confusion in interstate commerce.

  4. I checked the USPTO per OpenAi’s TM application for “GPT”

    The examining attorney made a final refusal citing below: (however, OpenAi has file an extension to appeal at the TTAB or make another response to the office action, so OPENAI really wants the “GPT” mark, and will spend lots of legal monies in an attempt to get it)

    “The Internet attached evidence establishes that “GPT” is a widely used acronym which means
    “generative pre-trained transformers,” which are neural network models that “give applications the
    ability to create human-like text and content (images, music, and more), and answer questions in a
    conversational manner.” See the previously and presently attached acronym definition and industry
    definitions from,, H2O.AI, Newsweek, and NostaLab. Some
    excerpts showing both use and description of “GPT” in applicant’s industry are below:
    “Generative Pre-trained Transformers, commonly known as GPT, are a family of neural network
    models that uses the transformer architecture and is a key advancement in artificial intelligence
    (AI) powering generative AI applications such as ChatGPT.”


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