Earlier today I announced the rebranding of my blog to DomainInvesting.com. As you can probably imagine, there were many moving parts to the transition. Inevitably, there will most likely be a bunch of errors that need to get fixed ASAP. It’s one of those things that no matter how much you test, some things can’t be addressed until after the change is made.
I don’t ask for much from people who read my blog (aside from comments and discussion), but I ask you to share any bugs or errors you notice on the website. If something isn’t working as you think it should work, I would sincerely appreciate it if you could share the error in the comment section. If something looks funky or out of place, please let me know that as well. You guys read my blog daily, and I want to make it as appealing as possible.
I will update this post with error reports as well as provide an update on when the error is fixed.
THANK YOU for your help with this and all the support/feedback you’ve given me.
Errors I know about:
- Like / Dislike functionality
- Default gravatar still says Elliot’s Blog
- Arrow next to Topics (in top menu) is under the word Topics
- Need a 404 error page
- May need to adjust the text area width to make it a bit slimmer
You might want to do a final posting to your old RSS feed telling people about your new RSS feed URL.
I don’t think I have the ability to do that. I am hopeful people will update their readers. Those who subscribe via email will be updated automatically in the morning.
Also, like it dislike it on comments not working
DI.com says “We’re not quite ready yet…”. Is that error that should be reported to you?
LOL… I wish that was mine 🙂
You wouldn’t use it for blog then, right? 🙂
Most likely not 🙂
Hack Tip: domaininvesti.ng is available
The written text seems awful small to me.
Thanks. I don’t believe that has changed but I will check on it.
Seems smaller to me too
Just changed it on articles and comments. Is that better?
Still tiny for me. I refreshed and tried another machine..still small.
Much larger for me… here’s a screenshot of how it looks in Chrome: https://www.domaininvesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Screen-Shot-2013-10-15-at-8.31.00-PM.png
I think you should add more dnforum banners, only 6 on the home page, clearly DNF is not getting the visibility they deserve.
Congrats on the change BTW, I like it. 🙂
Good for you Elliot – Congratulations!~
Related Post plugin is showing twice. 1 above the comments and 1 below the comments box, The one below the comments is also to far to the left and goes outside the container div.
On the other hand though, Website looks great! Also, Love the Domain Name.
Nice work thus far!
Love the new domain Elliot. Here is a couple of thoughts
-I don’t like how the letters in the logo touch each other. I think they should be separated more. This is a very powerful domain and personally I think the bright blue and green detract from the name. Maybe mute the colors a little or darken the colors. Maybe go more toward a dark blue business suit color. Its more muted but still a powerful color. Possible put the name in a box like on Morgans blog and do the letters in white or silver.
-There really isn’t as much color branding to tie everything together. If you look at Domain Name Wire you can see how his colors flow really well throughout the blog. In your old blog the perimeter was that tan color so maybe border the whole blog in a nice shade of blue to tie it together. Look at Morgans blog and you can see what I mean.
-I do agree the font is small and not as modern as the feel you are going for. Andrew and Morgan both have larger fonts so you can see a good example. I like Andrews more because it is bolder and has a more modern feel.
-This new format width seems to be about 70% body and 30% ads. I think the body is a little bit wide and maybe go back to your original size of what seems to be about 60-40.
Hope I am not to critical.
Powerful banner for a powerful website. I would not touch that banner. It’s something that the user will focus on when he comes to the website the first time which is good because it needs to catch their attention.
No, your feedback is excellent and appreciated.
Several of the issues mentioned here are bothersome for me, too, and Tia and I are working through them to make it more visually pleasing for all of us. It is a bit of a work in progress, and I appreciate all of the comments and suggestions.
I like the new font. I can actually sit back in my chair and read. Nice!
Hi Elliot,
First time to your site ! As I was scrolling back through your posts I came to a problem trying to click the “Read More” link at the bottom of any posts made before Oct 4… it goes to a page that says not found… I look forward to reading your posts Elliot. Thank you for sharing this site.
My best,
Thanks for sharing. I looked into this but I couldn’t replicate.
Does anyone else have an issue with this?
Here are a few posts from August: https://www.domaininvesting.com/page/20/
In response to a number of comments, the design will be responsive in about a week. I wanted to push this out before TRAFFIC and focus on the most important issues, which are related to inbound links and redirects. Tia will be working on making it a responsive design later on this week.
For those who don’t know what that means, here’s more info: http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/01/12/guidelines-for-responsive-web-design/
Also, the Related posts plugin is an issue that will be fixed tomorrow.
Hi Elliot,
When Iclick on the “Read More” link on any post made Oct 3 it goes to a “Not Found” error page… specifically there is a post titled “How to tell if a site is being used for SEO” here is the page link I get if I click on the “Read More” link :
Thanks for sharing that – very helpful. That is added to the list of critical fixes since there is probably a number of links like that.
Hi Elliot,
Ive isolated it to a range of your posts, from the posts of Oct 3rd on this page: https://www.domaininvesting.com/page/4/ back to the last post on the bottom of this page: https://www.domaininvesting.com/page/8/
Hope this helps…
My best,
~ Len
Excellent – thanks. Tia will fix this in the morning. I think it’s a redirection/htaccess issue.
This has been corrected. Thank you so much for helping us find these, Len.