When I win a domain name at NameJet, it usually ends up in a Network Solutions account I control. I don’t keep many domain names at Network Solutions, but I always seem to have a dozen or two domain names there. As a result, I login to my Network Solutions account regularly.
This afternoon when logging in to Network Solutions, I noticed a subtle change in how the website looks. Above the NS logo is a blue banner with a white Web.com logo and a message that says, “Thinking about selling online? Build your eCommerce Site with Web.com.” In addition, underneath the Network Solutions logo is a small tagline that says “Powered by Web.com.” Both companies are owned by Newfold Digital.
I wasn’t certain if this change is brand new or if I had previously missed it in my haste to login to my account. A look at Archive.org shows this banner was not there as recently as May 21, so it seems to have been done this past week.
A look at Register.com, sister company to Network Solutions, shows the same banner above the Register.com logo. The Register.com logo also has the “Powered by Web.com” tagline.
I am curious to see if Newfold intends to move more towards the Web.com brand as a flagship brand.
Really bad that all domains sold/bought on Namejet/snapnames need to be now in Network Solutions. NS is probably the worst platform for managing your domain. Its complicated and non-user friendly.