NamePros Removes High Priced Sales Forum

If you’re a frequent NamePros visitor, you’ve probably been to the High Priced Domain Sales section on the popular domain forum. Although you can still directly navigate to this section, a link to it has been temporarily (I assume) removed from NamePros.

I have not been given an official reason for its removal, but I did receive a private message about it’s disappearance when I attempted to list a domain name for sale there the other day.

There was also a public thread on the topic.  According to forum administrator NPQueen,  “We have hidden that forum while RJ is working on improving it. It will either come back improved or there will be another avenue for them. In the meantime they can be listed in another appropriate forum.”

I always thought this particular sales venue was well-moderated, and I look forward to seeing what’s in store for it in the futute.


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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Since 2004, I don’t think I ever was able to sell a domain for more than $xxx at — that’s just me, but I think most of the sales there are of lower quality names. The LLLL crap for example 🙂

  2. Namepros sucks and it would not shock me if they either close the doors or sell if they can.

    all the experienced domainers have left. moderators are bitches and the good moderators have left

    plus the owner isnt even active, wife runs day to day operations. big joke

  3. I dislike NamePros because all I get is spams from that site.
    I can never get anyone at Namepros to get it resolved.

    I rather go to DNforum and do the domain business.

    Oh well, it is their forum and they can change the rules if they want.

  4. I used to moderate it, it was pretty frustrating how many junk submissions it would get, it became difficult to keep up with. After I was no longer moderating it, getting your submission approved would often take a week or more for one reason or another. In most cases, I had already sold the domain on DNForum before it was ever even approved on NamePros, so I (and I guess many others) stopped using it. Hopefully they’ll fix the issues and it’ll come back strong.

  5. Namepros should shut down. The owner isn’t running the board and his wife runs show. Sad.

    All the good people have left and pure joke.

  6. WOW…I thought I was the only one bitching about NP.

    I wished that lawsuit would have gone agst NP for $10000000K

    Beware–I got scammed by those people there. Once you paid, their userids magically disappeared.

  7. Granted, NP is probably geared more toward newish and small to medium type domainers, but I like it. I’ve bought and sold dozens of domains there. In the High-Priced Sales forum, I purchased a geo domain for $3,500 and later resold it for $10,000. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve made a lot of friends and forged new business relationships. Learned quite a few tips that saved me a lot of time and money. It even has a great legal forum, which John B. hangs out at sometimes, If you’ve been there long enough like I have (5+ years), you know that most people in domaining have an account there. So all you naysayers can go back to hiding under your rock. I’m sure I’ve run into a few of you on the forum.

  8. I’ve had one low $x,xxx sale at NP, although I don’t post frequently. Since the sale was the buyer’s first post, he may have found the sales thread through a search engine but I never asked and it doesn’t matter.

  9. The advantage and disadvantage at the same time of NamePros is that it’s free, hence open to everyone (mostly newbies/starters). It’s the best resource to learn the ropes of the business since there are (very) few experienced domainers willing to transmit their knowledge and you don’t need to spend any money for that. However once you acquire some experience, you’ll soon feel the urge for something more fitting.

  10. Very bad move by namepros the high priced domains thread is the only good thing about the intire site, I have made really big cash using that thread like 50k in a year, Atleast you know the names are filterd and most are valued at ove 1k. Without that thread the rest of the site is a heap of junk, most noobs will disagree with me probebly because the have never had any thing accepted on their because they got low quality domains, Any full time sucesful domainers agree with me ? . I love DNF but I must say a lot of times I had better prices on Namepros high priced sales thread..

  11. is not a good place to learn the in’s and out’s of the biz… You are just fed with a whole lot of bullshit, such as investing in .biz .us .tv .me .co and of course LLLL which is the hottest thing on the planet. LOL!

    A whole lot of newbies feeding each-other garbage and misinformation for the most part… Round and round they go.

    RJ is a nice guy, but come on. Tell it like it is.

  12. I rather like NamePros.

    Yes, there are many newbies due to its free nature. But it also has some strengths.

    For example, it has a much more active ccTLD trade than DNForum.

    I also think people tend to be friendlier in general. At DNForum, discussions can get very heated, and some people are pretty arrogant.

  13. hahahah, Mike from wannadevelop. Is it possible that you were never able to sell a name for above $999 because of the quality of names you have? Is it possible that people think you are a massive loser and wouldn’t want to buy your domains because of this opinion (right or wrong)?

  14. I thought it strange to read “I always thought this particular sales venue was well-moderated”. Well moderated is the last wayt I would describe it. As general concensus seems to be that it’s a dying forum, who else is there to blame?

  15. Although DNF is my preferred forum, I have had a couple of $xx,xxx sales on Namepros in the past, – in the high priced section. I’ve also picked up a couple of good deals from that particular section.

    It’s too bad if they remove it, as it will give me only one more reason to spend even more time on DNF and less on Namepros.

    I’m sure it will come back though.

  16. Let the truth be said about NP’s
    re@ “According to forum administrator NPQueen, ”We have hidden that forum while RJ is working on improving it.”[/quote:]

    Honest advice for that forum:
    how about accepting genuine $1000.00+ domain names, stop utilizing the domain cancer known as estibot as a means of acceptance into that arena in their forum and not listening the same crap from the ‘regular boys club’ members who seem to believe `` is worth a garzillion dollars~ lol. those in the know about NP’s and is ‘domaining culture’ know what I’m talking about here. 😉

  17. also just started this highly intrusive and incredible annoying thing where if you try to copy (by selecting with the mouse) some text, some ridiculously stupid “learn more” BS pop-up is shoved in your face.

  18. I may spend 2-3 hours a month on forums lately, I am more on the social media end of things lately. @jayjay – yes I do not see as a keyword term the would rank high as a keyword domain on engines, IMHO. I stick with Keyword domains because honestly I really believe that is where it’s at.

  19. Re: Steve Stank
    True to the point as you point out regarding keyword factor IMHO. I fathom to reason how it got accepted into that area of NP’s (apart from the boys club variable) as it’s ‘desirability’ factor is next to nil. Do moderators accessing domains there consider such variables? I doubt it!

    Honset question to the dominating community, which of these two would you rather see in NP’s 1000.00+ section? – domain hack ccTLD of india – generic term .com TLD

  20. Elliott, you have uncovered what people have been saying for sometime now. NamePros sucks and was way over rated from the beginning. DN forum has taken over the field. More good news has upgraded to an entirely new site and will debut on March 7th and yes its free…

  21. Hi Elliot’s Blog,

    The NamePros High Priced Domain Forum has always always very well moderated. Part of the reason we have disabled the NamePros High Priced Domains section now is because of it requires a dedicated moderator who can check it daily.

    In this particular sub-forum, many submissions are made but few actually make it to the public eye. Maybe 10% at best. It is up to a human moderator to make the determination. The person in this role needs to be level minded and have the ability to valuate names fairly. The person needs to also be patient because there are inevidibly people (like jayjay above me) who can’t help but second-guess moderator decisions and complain vocally.

    I would open the forum back today if Elliot or another blogger volunteered to step in and fill the High Priced Domain moderator position. You could use the opportunity to blog about which domains you accepted and why. This is a legitimate offer.

    I see a lot of negativity flowing from anonymous repliers, some of which is laughable, some of which is just flat out wrong, maybe due to a hidden agenda. (Seems as if the same couple of people here posting the same lies over and over.)

    Instead, I live to see stories like this from our members,

    TRAFFIC and DomainFest are both littered with people who were introduced to the domain name business via NamePros. We’ve helped thousands of people do so and are very proud of that fact.

    NamePros is far from being a “boys club.” We continue to keep our virtual doors open to all comers as we have for over eight years now. The site is free to join and attracts members from all over the World of all cultures, ages and financial means.

    Love it or hate it, NamePros is what you make of it. There is fair opportunity for everyone to succeed there.

    Both owners of the site (NPQueen and myself) are active. Day to day moderating team management is handled by NPQueen while I have taken up the lead roles of auctions, technical services and business development.

    If you have had issues in the past with how NamePros was moderated, I would invite you to try us again and see how far we’ve come as a community. A lot of improvements have been made!

    Have a great day!


  22. Hi, I joined to domaining couple of years back and found namepros in 2008. I started domaining with couple of crappy domains and now I have over 1000. I learned lots from namepros and earned more than 50 times than I invested in domaining.

    I know you can see lots of crappy domains in there. Do you know why? its because namepros is free. Most of the people started there domaining with crappy domains. And with experience they becomes Pros.

    Namepros has helped lots of domainers when they are newbies.

    Bottom line:

    Domaining Forum = #1

  23. Namepros isn’t really my cup of tea, but why bash it?
    I think it’s fair to characterize it as being geared towards entry level domainers- and some of them can be frustrating with their insistent and stubborn cluelessness- but there are some experienced people there. I agree that disinformation is a problem on domain forums in general, but that phenomenon certainly isn’t native to Namepros.

  24. @Lakshan – Namepros has more junk names than anywhere else becuase it is free. The difference is Namepros doesn’t care if people waste money on garbage names and then these garbage names are peddalled to more newbies who know no better. Dnforum encourages education before wasting money on junk names and that’s why it is and always has been the number one domain forum as listed on domainnamewire here:

    The aspirations of a Namepros member are simple, when they grow up the want to be a member.

  25. “all the experienced domainers have left. moderators are bitches and the good moderators have left”

    I soooo second this statement.

    Made quite a bit from namepros since 2007 when good ppl were around and thought of supporting Namepros in some way. So I PAID for being a Business Member at Namepros last year but their “noob moderators” just dont know what they are upto!!

    I’m not really active on domain forums anymore, however at the end of the day, DnForum it is for me 🙂

  26. Dan H.: “The aspirations of a Namepros member are simple, when they grow up the want to be a member.”

    What a joke, Dan! The fact is if NamePros members wanted to be DNForum members, they WOULD BE DNForum members!

    Idealize DNForum all you want. It’s a fine forum. But it’s not for everyone. People have the freedom to choose what websites they spend their time on. Diversity is supposed to be a good thing!

    I don’t force anyone to be a member of NamePros or to continue to sell their domains there. We do our best to present a welcoming environment for new domainers without the snobbery of other places.

    “Dnforum encourages education before wasting money on junk names…”

    And how to you do that… with time machines? Seriously.

    Sometimes the best way to get an education in domains
    is to make mistakes. In fact this topic is being discussed on NamePros right now,

    And this is what it’s all about. We are domainers in the early age of the Internet! The term “domainers” didn’t even exist when we started NamePros. Despite the fancy looking blogs and forums, there are no real experts in this industry. Everyone is blazing their own trail.

    “…and that’s why it is and always has been the number one domain forum as listed on domainnamewire”

    Not always. We got 55% of the vote in 2007, the first and only year we asked our members to vote. LOL!


  27. Everyone here has a valid point/argument (for the most part that is).

    – moderators are bitches – this is true and when you point out their error in something you will either get the infraction removed with no further comment or you will get the asshole that will admit they see the issue however they will rather argue with you and waste your time as opposed to admitting a mistake.

    – there was this one member “hgh” that i think spend the majority of his time in .TV Marketplace. He was close to a spammer if not just a bottom feeder. With claims to be a serious investor and wanting the no negotiation price, he never replied yet he would bid like $25 – $50 in threads for domains that clearly stated the pricing. Finally he snapped about some garbage domain names that were being posted for sale ( and while this domain really makes no sense to an end user much less a domainer, it was still the owner right to list and ask offers. hgh went ballistic calling the names some pretty bad well names (lol) and was suspended/account closed.

    – My experience selling domains there has been mixed. I think if you want to dump a soon to be expiring domain or one you have no interest in for reg fee +/- then you’re okay to start a auction wtih no reserve. If you are seriously trying to liquidate and have respectful responses and offers, I think it’s a list cause. I have had many $xx – $xxx sales there, a few $x,xxx (low) and one $xx,xxx and that one didn’t take place at NP however the contact regarding that name came via whois email stating that they had seen it on NP. So all in all, it is what it is. Its not ebay crap but not DNForum either.

    I doubt they will shut down but they need to get better mod’s or maybe just more mod’s based on the number of members. As far as possible selling of the forum, if they simply figure out how to truly monetize the site they will feel better and also be in a better position to sale if the opportunity arises.

    Just my .02

  28. I’d have to say my experience with NamePros was less than stellar. I’m completely new to domaining and was asked by my employer to sell some of his 400+ domains. I setup accounts on the various aution sites sites, Sedo, GoDaddy, AfterNic etc…and then started researching. I signed up for a NamePros account using as usual my boss’s standard login. But never got a verification message.

    I then signed up myself a few days later, verification went fine and asked a few questions about selling domains and got banned. The funny thing is I notified them that I was having trouble getting the verification emails for my boss’s account and that I had setup my own account so I could get some work done.

    No middle ground just banned for my personal account. So I told them they could just ban both and I wouldn’t be back. A typical example of overkill by moderators.


  29. I am one of the coowners and Moderators at which specializes in Interational Domain Names. Anyone in the forum business will tell you it can be a thankless business, especially free forums like ours and NP.

    I find some good benefits at both DNForum and NamePros and have learned a lot at both places. DNForum seems to attract more professional domainers, and it very professionally run with a good, but ocassionally overzealot moderator staff. Adam Dicker is highly involved and is a first class guy.

    NP does seem to have a bit younger following, and I have found some of their moderators to show their inexperience in dealing with members, but as a Moderator i can say its probably an unpaid volunteer job. I see RJ being involved, but he can’t babysit the place 24-7 but he has done a great job managing a very large and active forum.

    Both DMF and NP offer huge resources , in particular providing the opportunity to network and set up strategic alliances with other members. At NP one of the most valuable resources are the up and coming developers that offer services at great prices. And on the sales side, if you are quick, there are a few ‘gems’ that pop up for sale from time to time.

    Easy to cast stones, most have no clue what goes on behind the scenes from the technical side of running these large sites, dealing with member complaints, moderating threads, sorting out sales issues, server maintenance, updates to the VBulletins, spammers trying to get in over and over etc. If you think you have the skillset and willing to put in some of your personal time feel free to apply for moderator postions at any of the forums and help make a difference!

  30. @Bill,
    You are right, it is tough job for all of the above mentioned forum owners including me, running a forum is not easy. I give props to you and the other forums for lasting the test of time.

    There is definitely more going on behind the scenes that make it tougher.

    For the most part, although we are all ‘competitors’ we all get along and would be there to help each other out if needed and that’s what a good community is all about.

  31. i just recently signed up with SHIT pros and after 4 emails gave up on answering what the fuck they think their doing??? They DO NOT answer emails in any frequency. ZERO RESPONSE!!! I hope the dump ass site AND the owner AND his wife go straight down in horribly scalding flesh searing FLAMES!!! F*T*A!!!

  32. Already have one Mr. Dicker! Thanks your forum is the real deal. Not really sure what I thought I would find somewhere else…Thanks for offering YOU THA MAN!!!!

  33. Ah, what a beautiful reunion between a troll and its master. I’m so glad we could all witness it on Elliot’s Blog.

    Yes Son of Spam, it really is awfully heartbreaking that you didn’t get the special attention you demand from a FREE forum. Your level of professionalism will be sorely missed at “SHIT pros”.

  34. So numerous folks claiming problems with a FREE site…ok it’s free it should be trash RIGHT?…. BTW IT IS NOT FREE….and if they only answer emails for those that pay that is even better right? Like your absolutely worthless comment. Because your wife and ALL her family has labeled you a real jerk doesn’t mean your comments have ANY merit. Besides your comment on here is free and like a Huffington Post busy body you could not help but post. Go lay down in the corner and swallow what I left in your mouth>>>>Your’e a NOBOBDY!!!!

  35. There’s been lots of changes since 2011 / early 2012. Including the High priced forum that was brought back late 2012 / early 2013.

    Evaluating domains is not an easy task if you want to have any type of accuracy. So just to outline the basics that NamePros takes into consideration now days with the new high Priced forum based on reseller values (NOT end-user). please refer to the below 27 variables:

    1.) Is the domain Pronounceable?
    2.) How many characters are in the domain?
    3.) If a short character domain, are they premium letters?
    4.) Is the domain currently developed?
    5.) If developed, how many pages are indexed?
    6.) If developed, Is it original or duplicate content?
    7.) Was the domain previously developed?
    8.) Does the domain currently generate any Revenue?
    9.) What are a few development possibilities for this domain?
    10.) What is the obvious target market(s)?
    11.) Is there any keyword value (cpc)?
    12.) Is there any keyword competition?
    13.) What are the top competing sites for this domain?
    14.) What is the Alexa score?
    15.) What is the root domain PageRank (PR)?
    16.) Is the domain a dictionary word?
    17.) What language is the domain?
    18.) Does the language of the domain match the extension?
    19.) How many backlinks does the domain have?
    20.) What have some similar domains sold for in the past?
    21.) Is this domain a Trademark (TM)?
    22.) Is this domain a trend that has a limited window of opportunity?
    23.) How old is the domain?
    24.) Is the domain taken in other top extensions?
    25.) Is the domain Brandable?
    26.) Does the domain have any traffic?
    27.) If traffic, What are the traffic sources?

    At the end of the day, a domain is truly only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. However, we would like to think that covering the above 27 variables helps a little more in determining whether or not a domain is high priced material.

    There will still be instances where some disagree with what ends up in the high priced forum, however I’m sure we can all agree that everyone’s evaluation system is probably a little different, may have sentimental value attached, or may devalue something at first glance just because they aren’t fully familiar with the niche.

    While our system may not be perfect, we feel that it does at least address the sanctity of a high priced forum and keeps it fair for everyone.

    Eric Lyon


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