John Galliano is a Winner (with Video)

As you can see from the CBS News video embedded above, (Former) Dior designer John Galliano made news this past week for allegedly making anti-semitic remarks. There was also another video in which he allegedly said something about Hitler.

All of that aside, John Galliano was actually a winner this week. He may not have gained many fans, but he and his legal team did win a UDRP case for a ccTLD domain name: (the decision is written in French).

According to my handy Google Translate tool, one argument Galliano and his legal team made was that “John Galliano is well known for being one of fashion’s most gifted of our time.” I am not that much into fashion so I can’t make a judgment about that, but I can say that Galliano is likely more well known this week than ever before, and that’s probably not a good thing.

The domain owner in this case did not submit a response to the UDRP, and the single panelist found in favor of Galliano.


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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. As a Christian, I hate it when people make anti-semitic remarks.

    The foundations of our religions (Jewish and Christian) are the same, and we as Christians respect the Jews and glady accept they are God’s chosen people.

    It’s my belief that we are encouraged to support Israel and the Jewish nation.

    Anyways, sorry for the short little rant.

    It just irks me when people slam the Jews, since they are a major cornerstone to the foundation of my religious beliefs.

    People don’t realize how important the volatility in the middle east is. Israel has very few allies… I doubt the USA is going to come to their rescue — and major powers like Iran have one goal — to wipe Israel off the map.

    It’s getting crazy over there and to say anything “snide” about the Jewish nation is pretty inconsiderate, uneducated and flat our stupid.

  2. A quick Ass whooping would straighten …

    that Girlieman out real quick!

    I am sure he was the role model Hitler was
    looking for ….


  3. Sadly, it appears that our media culture is very quick to ‘highlight’ what often should be considered a ‘lowlight.’

    Hardworking decent people don’t often make the news. John Testrake and Lenny Skutnik remain my heroes and by all accounts they were not celebrities with larger-than-life egos.
    P.S. Don’t bother registering, as someone else has.

  4. I did not like (and you may not have liked) what he said but doesn’t he have the right to say it? The entire highlighting of it smacks of political correctness – which itself is always political and rarely correct.

    Were his words offensive – you bet. Was anyone hurt by them – only the thin skinned. Who could not watch it and feel sorry for such a shallow mind.

    That being said, I stand ready to defend anyone’s right to say anything (they are only words), even if I think they are the most complete asshole for saying them. Words are merely words. They reach importance only when you give them more credit then they are worth.

    Ours is an industry that clamors about freedom of speech.

    Be careful. Liberties are rarely valued until we lose them.



    Yes, I have heard that hIs wish is that she could have been in

    Adolf’s 3rd PANZIE Division …

    Also that as a young boy he always dreamed of being Hitlers

    Bugle Boy!


  6. I believe the point Elliot is making is that a well known trademark can be reinforced using good or bad publicity.
    Im not a fan of Dior or Mr Galliano, but this incident stinks of media twisting the circumstances.
    On deeper research one uncovers the possibility that JG was subjected to unprovoked physical and verbal abuse by the ‘victims’, prior to his anti-semitic ‘attack’. Sad, but hardly suprising given his flamboyant style and so on. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that had people not ‘made fun’ of JG to start with, then he would not have made a ‘vicious attack’ in return.
    I hate anti-semitism, but please, if you issue forth filth then please dont expect anything less in return. Of course one may expect JG to have responded in a more refined manner but thats besides the point.

  7. @ Aron –

    I doubt the USA is going to come to their rescue — and major powers like Iran have one goal — to wipe Israel off the map.

    LOL, It is the USA that is STOPPING Israel from wiping Iran
    of the Map.

    Israel’s Army is the finest fighting force in there world
    as is there advanced weapons
    (The History record proves this, Google it, braindead)

    Israel could reduce Iran to dust, with out USA assistance
    at any future time should they so desire!

    FOOTNOTE: Also IRAN is No Major Power as you stated.

  8. I’ll be sure to NOT get into a debate with anyone who thinks Iran isn’t a major threat to Israel or the stability of the entire planet.

    Also, I’m not taking the USA’s side — I predict we don’t help Israel one bit when the madness occurs.
    We should, but I bet we won’t.

    I say something positive about Israel and this is what you reply with.



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