Domain Names Removed from Parked Pages at Uniregistry

Thorsten from Finlead tweeted about changes to Uniregistry parking pages, and I asked him what aspect he was referencing:

Sure enough, if you visit a parked domain name at Uniregistry, the text of the domain name is not visible on the parked page – just the pay per click links. This is particularly noticeable for domain names that do not have a “for sale” banner at the top of the landing page that lists the domain name within it.

If I had to guess, the rationale is that less text on the domain name will lead to higher click through percentage. I would also assume that since most people have some sort of “for sale” link text on the top of their landing pages, the domain name text is a bit redundant.

I noticed one other issue that could be important for some people who do not have their domain names listed for sale via their Uniregistry landing page.

When I went to check out the changes Finlead mentioned, I visited, a domain name my company has owned for quite some time. For many months, this generic domain name has seen regular traffic and revenue. Because of this, I am not interested in selling the domain name, so I have it set to “not for sale,” as you can see in this screenshot:

Despite this setting being enabled, the “for sale” banner still showed up at the top of the parked landing page for the domain name:

I then discovered that in order to have the sales banner not show up, customers need to change the “Sales Banner” setting to “Off” in the parking settings box. I had been pretty sure that simply setting it to “not for sale” removed the sale banner, but that is not the case.

If you have domain names parked at Uniregistry but not listed for sale, you might want to check to make sure there is no “for sale” banner at the top as some people might be doing that for legal reasons. I am not sure if this is a change or has always been the case, but it is good to double check.

Without the sale banner showing, here is how the parked page looks sans domain name:

UpdateUniregistry has fixed the issue.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn



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