On Tuesday, I noticed something peculiar on a domain name I have parked at Uniregistry but do not have listed for sale. At some point, I believe, there was a change made that essentially rendered the “not for sale” option useless. Customers not only had to choose that option, but they needed to also select “no” under the sales banner option, or the domain name would still show the sales banner.
Some people may think this is no big deal, and for my situation, it wasn’t an issue. However, there are plenty of grey areas in domain investing, and a domain for sale link on the top of a parked domain name could spell trouble for some people. In addition, this could drive annoying purchase inquiries to people who have no interest in selling their parked domain names.
A representative from Uniregistry reached out to me this morning to let me know the issue is fixed. I was told that when you set a domain as “Not For Sale” it will no longer display the sales banner at the top of the landing page for PPC domains. I think this is how it had been, so the change is appreciated.
Domain investors who have domain names parked at Uniregistry but not listed for sale may wish to double check to ensure their landing pages resolve as they should. I appreciate the speedy attention to this as well as the follow-up.
have the fixed the nameservers reverting back after renewal when a domain is expired?
If they revert it back, it is a courtesy.
The bigger question is why isn’t it being renewed timely to begin with?
Is there *AT LEAST* an SSL now that godaddy owns? My browser had “insecure” by the URL.That couldn’t have helped domainers. Besides that, it was the most boring/stock design possible! OFC with ADS that he could monetize – LOLOL! IDK what the rage was? Frank Schilling fans…’everything he does is great’?
Frank didn’t even have SSL on his NIC site for nTLD! He wouldn’t afford anything for his ‘investors’. His only interests was how he could maximize profits from clients/investors – at the cost of them! Take take take take take.
Sales banners seem to be broken still.
Custom banner now seem to not even show if the domain is marked “not for sale”, this was not the case previously. I’m sure plenty of people are using those banners and want it to show but don’t want Uniregistry brokering the name.
Why are parked domains still not getting a default SSL by using Uni market DNS?? It’s almost 2021..