DNForum Opens Domain Sales for Bitcoins Section

Last night, I happened to come across a new domain sales section on DNForum, “Domains For Sale (Accepting Bitcoins) – Fixed Price.” People who want to sell their domain names for Bitcoins as payment may list their domain names for sale in that specific forum.

According to an unscientific poll I ran the other day, a little more than half of the people who voted in the poll said they would accept Bitcoin as payment. Frankly, I would accept any form of spendable and reportable currency for a domain name if the value was right and I could use or convert the currency. You can pay me in US dollars, gold, Bitcoins, or even a luxury watch if you wish (Pierre Kunz, Franck Muller, Vacheron Constantin, or Hublot in no particular order). As long as I can use the currency and report the value to the IRS, we can probably work out a deal. Well, the watch deal might be complicated (pun intended).

It will be interesting to see how popular the forum becomes, especially given the fluctuations in Bitcoin value. With Bitcoin in the news, there is quite a bit of interest in the currency, but it’s tough to sell a domain name for a bitcoin when the value can fluctuate 30% on any given day. That would likely mean people who list names for sale there are pricing the potential fluctuations into their purchase price, and that doesn’t exactly jive with making a quick sale.

We’ll see if this forum sticks around or if it’s more of a temporary novelty. Whatever the case, I would recommend that people put a time limit on their offers if they choose to list domain names there. It would be upsetting to list a LLL.com name for 20 Bitcoins only to see a precipitous drop overnight. That would certainly test the ethics of forum members.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. “I’ll Bite”, that was a headline on Domainging regarding Bitcoins. After dropping fifty percent last night. What do the “bitcoin” fans have to say now? When you deal domains with “underground” currency like bitcoins you are devaluing your credibility and reputation. Bitcoins are horrific in a industry trying to gain credibility. I am surprised a major coin auction house would allow representatives to proactively accept bitcoins. It is a conflict of interest in the “coin” industry.

  2. Aaron, you beat me to posting about the big overnight crash reported today. Okay folks, just revise my former I-missed-out post to near $50,000,000 and near $4,5 – 5 Million respectively, lol. But check out my recommendation there about how to go about being willing to sell a domain for Bitcoin. Looking like a decent recommendation now if you ask me and you want to take a risk like that. You never know, you can still come out a big winner. ——> https://www.domaininvesting.com/accept-bitcoins-domain-name-sale/#comments

  3. Selling on domains forums is act of desperation of itself, so of course you want to offer as many payments options as you can.. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if DNF offered virtual arcade tokens in the adult section.

  4. Anyway, any thoughts on my advice? I’m upping my multiple after this week’s ~50% crash. For the time being it’s a bare minimum of “2 times cash” if someone wants to pay in Bitcoin, and possibly more depending on the details.

  5. Thank you John.. I had quite a lot of friends there and of course miss them all, who would of thought DNF would endorse a ban for asking a political question?, It was a knee jerk ban by someone who I suspect isn’t even a moderator, who threatens members by PM, digs up members families and uses it as a form of intimidation, If you sense some animosity, you sense right.

    @ Elliot

    Forgive me, I’ve been busy Christmas shopping 🙂

    • Wow, that’s very surprising, Raider, and I’m sorry to hear that. You were definitely a big presence over there when I used to visit, and to my recollection nobody had any significant problem with you and you were generally well liked. When I said you were a.o.k. with me I only meant we never had any problem at all at DNF and were on good terms, but I had no idea at all you were banned and just figured you must still be active there. (I was also apparently a.o.k. with you too if I can say so myself without divulging more, lol.) I’ve always thought Adam seemed like a very honorable class act and man of principle, even a real sugar bear sweetheart of a guy when he wanted to be, so I have a hard time believing he would stand for something like that, unless there is really far more to it than it sounds. In fact, I’ve long thought it would be great to some day take him up on the offer he used to mention in public about enlisting him to help out with a deal if you think he might be able to negotiate a buyer up higher and pay him a commission on the extra amount he might negotiate. I don’t know if he still offers that, but I imagine some would recall that even if he doesn’t. Hmm, on the surface, though, this sounds very sad indeed.

  6. Thanks for the backup John, I very much appreciate it. I’m very curious to know what your username is, care to share?

    I don’t know about that offer, I personally would never allow someone I didn’t fully trust to negotiate on my behalf, I had only one business deal with Adam, I wanted to register some .CA domains and Adam was offering to do this for members using his contact info, no mention of any fees, He registered the names through Enom, I paypal’d the reg fees which were roughly $15 each, then when it came time to renew I learned the renewal fee was over $30 each domain, I tried to transfer the domains to another account for a better rate but couldn’t do it the way the account was setup, so I let the names expire, What I thought was a favor among members was actually a business deal. If it was presented as such I wouldn’t of had a problem with it.

    I had a lot of respect for Adam at one time but lost a lot of it along the way, It was hurtful the way he and his moderators allowed a onslaught of vicious personal attacks against me over a 2 year period, you would think that bigotry, racism and injecting my family into threads would be enough for a ban, or at LEAST deleting the remarks, but it wasn’t, the remarks stayed for almost a year despite repeated requests to have them removed, it wasn’t until he asked me to return to the forum that he eventually removed some of them, reluctantly.

    As for the ban, Adam openly acknowledged the reason on NP, copy and pasting what I posted.. I’d post the original link but all my posts were conveniently deleted from the thread, imagine that.

    You can view the NP thread here and decide for yourself.


    Again, thank you for the kind words, 🙂

    • One of the more well regarded Bitcoin clones/offshoots. There are now many of these crypto-currency options with Bitcoin still being way above them all. Would not surprise me if at least one well known domainer tries to do one before long since it can be a way to get rich quick (or richer). A dog related one that started out as a joke just made someone very rich.

    • P.S. Yes, it is “Litecoin” instead of the Bitcoin-rhyming “Litcoin.” Now starting with “Spitcoin,” no doubt some really comical ones can be, er, um coined (sorry, pun most definitely intended :D), but I’ll stop at Spitcoin here. 🙂

  7. Thanks for that link, Raider. I read a lot of that thread. Heavy stuff and sorry to see. Elsewhere here on Elliot’s blog I indicated previously that I basically dropped out of the domain forums some time ago now, so that’s why I was unaware and surprised by this. I don’t even visit them for reading, except maybe a few times in years, and have virtually never posted anywhere since dropping out. I follow domain news and have been doing so basically every day for years now, and in the process wind up visiting a number of the other domainer blogs because of links, but Elliot’s blog caught my eye in particular one day not long ago and has become the only one I care to check out and come to regularly. It’s also the first online location and time in years that I care to post among domainers which I’ve been doing here since an early HA auctions thread a little while ago. In terms of why I dropped out of the forums, I have given some indication here before, so I could definitely relate to a lot of what you were talking about there in that NP thread in general, including regarding one of the specific people you mentioned (not Adam). I believe I was still around when that “political” thread started, though. Btw, I’m kind of “in stealth mode” here as just some guy who came out of the woodwork because he liked Elliot’s blog, so I don’t want to mention what my user name in the forums was. If people thought it was that important I imagine some time and effort to figure out who I am could be successful, but otherwise I prefer to stay on the sidelines behind my virtual shades these days for now. Without alluding any further to the actual specifics of your own posts there in that NP thread, I would also note that I really liked and appreciated some of your humor there as well, btw, and it’s tempting to link to a few places where you definitely stoked my coals a bit on that front. As far as the surprising development and specific reason why you were banned is concerned, I am probably being very remiss and morally derelict in wanting to remain neutral like Switzerland for the time being instead of taking a position, so hopefully I can be excused for that by any concerned for the time being as well. Taking a position would actually be the norm for me, along with some lovely and intense advocacy, but I’m just not in the mood right now and don’t want to possibly spark more new drama here with my advocacy. That’s one of the reasons why I left the forums to begin with, and why it’s been better to post here after my long self-imposed exile. As it is even being unknown here I already did attract some unwanted trouble initially in the first HA auctions thread I showed up in. Perhaps in the future I will change this mode, however, although strictly speaking I’m not really a domainer the way folks here are, at least not any more, despite still being into domains, the industry, and being quite willing to buy and invest in a nice one or sell if the price is right. Well take care for now and best to all…

  8. Hi John, I’m really not looking for support, so I have no problem with you taking a neutral position, you expressed doubt about what happened so I provided you a link..

    I’m pretty sure who hit the ban button, an intolerant adolescent who has an amazing resemblance to Grandpa on the Munsters, without the makeup of course…. I think back to the DNF Mod who protected a member who was selling a Whitney Houston domain shortly after her death, by DNF standards that must not of been a “horrible time” for the family and her fans, but we ban a member for asking a political question about another tragedy, a question I asked that was later proven RELEVANT, that the Obama administration received warnings of the bombing suspects and did nothing;


    Members who are as bad at domaining as they are in politics, Not surprising how dead the p-section has become either, when your guy has proven himself as a complete failure, what good is there to post about?

    As for your username, I respect that, No sense in risking your membership being degraded or cancelled.

    Merry CHRISTmas to you John and all who post here, including those who give me dislikes :).. A special Merry CHRISTmas wish to Elliot for working incredibly hard on his blog, although I don’t agree with him every time, the information he offers is quite valuable.. I wish him, his family and all of you a very prosperous New Year!


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