Daniel Negari Comments on 6 Figure 9.XYZ Sale

According to multiple tweets yesterday, the 9.XYZ domain name sold on West.cn for 1135000 RMB. At today’s conversion rate of Chinese Yuan to US Dollars, the sale is approximately $175,000. Since the auction just ended, I do not believe the deal is officially closed yet, so keep an eye on the Whois change if you want to confirm.

This is the second notable public single number .XYZ sale, with 6.XYZ having sold in a private transaction for $125,000 in November. When 6.XYZ sold for $125,000, .XYZ registry CEO Daniel Negari told me that single number .XYZ domain names are going to be priced much higher going forward. Specifically, Daniel told me the company is “considering offers of $250K+ for the remaining numbers individually.” I asked Daniel why 9.XYZ sold for less than this figure, and he told me that this domain name was put into the no reserve auction prior to when he made the comments to me.

Both of these domain names were owned by the .XYZ registry, so that should be a nice boost to the company’s bottom line.

Interestingly, Daniel told me that .XYZ domain names don’t even work yet in China yet people seem to be paying quite a bit of money to buy them. Here is what he had to say about that and his thoughts on what will happen when / if all approvals are granted by the government:

We put this at no reserve before that article. .xyz domains along with most all other new gtld’s still do not ‘work’ in China. We have made tremendous progress in the region and expect to be one of the first foreign registries to operate legitimately with all the appropriate approvals in China. All remaining names – offers would need to start in the previous mentioned ranges.

When that happens – I expect all .xyz domain names to SKYROCKET in value. We are working really hard to make it happen as soon as possible – early next year. Once that goes into effect our pricing will go up. For the moment; a few buyers got a steal, and are sure to flip their names at a profit like many many others are. There is an economy around flipping .xyz domains in China look into it.

These sales are stronger than I would have guessed, and I’ll continue observing the aftermarket.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I know that Daniel and .XYZ have had their share of haters on the blogs. I’ve only had one financial transaction with them- other than just buying a name etc- and they did exactly what they said they would and also paid right on time. So much for all the knocks on .XYZ.

    • It could be a sort of “portage” (if you know what is it in the financial industry) or a fabricated transaction as regards pricing … it could be many things indeed, there are many ways of creating fabricated transactions …
      If it’s a legitimate purchase, guess the face of the buyer when he will realize that he has spent 175,000 USD for a worthless piece of junk … lol 😀 … good luck with it!
      No thanks, I don’t like to waste my money 🙂

  2. Let me also add that with 175,000 USD you can buy real Premium Domains, both .com and 1 or 2 letter in the main, well-known, ccTLD (for ex co.uk).
    If Chinese buyers are interested in serious Premium Names feel free to Contact me.
    Sorry for the short advertising stunt, but if Chinese buyers want to invest their money in valuable Domains, at least they should choose real Premium Names, not that xyz junk.

    • You have no idea about domains my friend …
      On today´s world not everything is about the .COM
      For the buyer of 9.xyz that is the most valuable domain he could get …
      Everybody has his own feling of value … PREMIUM names is a definition
      that has not the same value for all … for that guy 9.xyz has more value than SEX.com just to give an example. STOP calling New gTLDs JUNk as they are the future of internet … .COM is just an old DINO that will die in 4 – 5 years from now …

    • I am sure that 9.com will command a minimum of 20 times as much as 9.xyz. VeriSign claims that many of those who are registering the new TLDs, can find the same domain names in the .com version at a registry price. For a reality check, I have put for sale at afternic.com, the domain name 3xyz.com for $100,000. What kind of value do you believe this domain name which is a .com is worth as compared with 3.xyz? Should it be more or less?

    • Anonymous Jim, aka Daniel Negari … lol 😀
      Your pump-and-dump of this JUNK won’t change what it is … JUNK …
      A market with no or very little end-users is just speculation, easy to manipulate, very volatile and illiquid …
      No serious end-user (if we exclude those few which are part of your paid marketing stunts, including abc.xyz …), especially at corporate level, will ever use it …
      Your numbers are just fabricated … and when the asset bubble burst your xyz will be flushed down the toilet … 😀
      Unfortunately for some people, I can smell out con men and scammers from very far …

    • @Andrea Paladini ,

      Judging by your 2 comments , sounds like you have a bad case of domain envy.

      It is obviously eating you up that , in your words , “a worthless piece of junk” fetched 175,000 USD.

      If the Chinese buyers wanted one of your so-called “serious Premiun Names” they would have contacted you. Apparently they don’t.

      Andrea , maybe you need to upgrade your inventory and acquire premium names that appeal to Chinese buyers.

      Don’t be an envious hater , be a smart imitator.

      And , as someone who is known in this space , you should also be a congratulator.

      Andrea , you don’t have to like .XYZ but by using terms such as “piece of junk” and “that junk xyz” you have come off looking very envious and highly unprofessional. And honestly , your comments almost seem personal against Daniel Negari. What’s up with that ?

      Big Congrats to Daniel and .XYZ !

    • .xyz IS junk

      It will never ever ever ever compete against .com let alone displace .com

      ANd maybe the sale is real,…maybe it isnt

      Negari has to suspect people would be suspicious after he INFLATED the .xyz registry with marketing swap agreements with other vendors

      Dont get me wrong,…I am VERY impressed with Negari as regards his ability to find suckers that are born every minute

      He could truly best PT Barnum

      Honestly,…these are compliments!!!!

      He definitely is running circles around donuts and is one of the finest Crnival Barker promoters in the modern era

      Not as good as Trump…but still….very impressive !!!

    • Accusing Jim of being Daniel Negari ?

      “Con men” ? “Scammers” ?

      Paid marketing conspiracy ?

      Andrea , now you sound paranoid and unhinged !

      What’s next ? .XYZ operating out of Area 51 ?
      Daniel Negari behind the Kennedy assassination ?
      Daniel wasn’t even alive in 1963 !

      Put the wine glass down and step away from the keyboard ! You are seriously doing yourself a professional disservice.

      Take a nap and sleep it off.

      And no , Andrea , there is no secret Alien base inside the Earth.

    • @Jason,
      Kinda tough feeling envy for that sale, we don’t buy or sell junk.
      And twisting my words won’t help you in your xyz cheerleading role …
      We don’t need to upgrade our inventory, since I was clearly referring to our Domain Brokerage business, which is representing the owners of ultra-premium .com and 1/2 letters ccTLD, among others.
      Maybe you should read the post before commenting … lol …
      I found frankly pathetic that some people define as “hater” someone who has a different view.
      Unfortunately for those, we still have freedom of speech, and you can’t buy all people with money … sorry dude …
      Nothing personal, but I call things with their name … junk is junk … 😀
      Btw, “unprofessional” is rather another feature of those who act as bootlickers for con men and scammers.

    • Jim,

      China has a population of approx 1.4 billion which is almost 20% of the World’s population and that number does not include Taiwan and all the other Chinese living throughout the world.

      Think how long it would take you if you had to count them one by one.

      Also, xyz are very Chinese friendly letters.

      Putting .xyz aside, what percent of that enormous population would you need to make anything a success?

  3. Andrea , glad you liked the humor 🙂

    But in all seriousness , it’s wholly apparent that you have something deeply personal against Daniel Negari.

    I have read comments of other domain industry notables as to why they are not buyers of .XYZ , but none of them expressed it with such disdain , vitriol and unprofessionalism as you have.

    Relax !

  4. Don’t kid yourselves into believing that China’s interest in .xyz domain names is some type of “pump and dump” or “marketing scheme”. It’s just the beginning.

    I own numerous NNN.xyz and LLL.xyz domain names and “the phone is ringing off the hook”…. More accurately, my email is “burning up” with inquiries and offers for these .xyz domain names.

    You are seeing the future “unfold” before your eyes and choose not to believe what you see…. Foolish on your part!!

    Don’t misunderstand my comments. I’m not suggesting that .xyz will some day over take the .com marketplace and/or its’ values. However, .xyz is showing signs of being a potential, long term survivor…. only 18 months into it’s existence. Think of the possibilities 10 to 20 years from now. Food for thought.

  5. A domainers job is to make money from domains, mainly buying and selling them.

    You shouldn’t be concerned with the domains extension but rather if there is a buyer for it.

    If there is a buyer then a domainer should be there to sell.

    This is domaining.

    Telling a domainer that is selling domains that the domains he is selling are junk is like telling someone cashing in aluminum cans that they will probably never be reused and will make their way to a landfill somewhere.

    It’s not the job of a domainer to worry about the use.

    If people want to buy aluminum cans to bury in a landfill, then I will sell them aluminum cans.

    • WQ,

      You’re right. What’s “junk” to me may not be junk
      to you. I’ve seen some domains sell for many thousands of dollars that I would not have hand registered. Stupid, ignorant me.

      Just because I look at things through
      American- centric eyes and with my English language pattern and limited personal life experience doesn’t mean everyone else does too.

      A few weeks ago, TripGo.com sold for $4,500 I think.
      I couldn’t believe it. I would not have hand-regged
      it. TripGo made no sense to me because that’s not how we talk in English. But it made some very nice sense to someone else.

  6. @Patrick
    Actually the real junk, I mean waste in its various form, is way more useful that .xyz names.
    Maybe you should get informed better about current macro and micro situation in China, which is very different from the silly optimism used just to sell more useless stuff.
    That said, anyone is free to waste their money how he/she prefers … in this case it’s “fool’s money”, as said John Kenneth Galbraith.
    Good luck, time will tell.

    • @Andrea “Conspiracy Theory” Paladina ,

      I thought you said you were out of the comments.

      I thought you were going to sleep it off.

      But no , that $175,000 .XYZ sale is killing you !

      The success of the .XYZ registry is killing you !

      You certainly are consumed by what you deem as “junk”.

      Andrea “Conspiracy Theory” Paladini , your unhinged personal vendetta against Daniel Negari frighteningly hilarious !

      Don’t break into Negari’s house and boil his pet bunny rabbit 🙂

      I’m LMFAO ! And I’m sure Daniel Negari is too !

    • “Conspiracy” is the term used by people who don’t have anything smart and useful to say.
      I’m used to stick to facts, nothing personal against Mr Negari or anyone else.
      And I put my name on what I say, unlike some people who hide behind anonymous aliases.
      Peace, amen.

    • Andrea “Conspiracy Theory” Paladini ,

      You wrote , “Nothing personal against Mr. Negari…”

      Singling out an individual by name and calling him a “scammer” and “con man” isn’t personal ?!

      Peace out ! Amen !

    • Facts speak for themselves … no need to get personal on anyone …
      As I said, time will tell.
      Merry Christmas to everybody! 🙂

  7. China is both the world’s biggest consumer and producer of gold, they just joined the World Gold Council, the Shanghai gold exchange is the world’s biggest physical bullion marketplace, and China may dominate the entire global gold market before long. All that spells “.gold” should be one of the next hot TLDs for China even though the extension hardly has any regs now and is probably held back by the high reg fee for basic registration.

  8. Many years back I use to know an artist how sell his painting for $900 and give you a receipt for $15,000 is this is what is happening here?
    we want to see some one who buy .xyz domain for $900 and resell it for $15,000. any one know some one????

  9. Just for the record, having seen the WHOIS updated and the new owner being Cui Kai of China, one can conclude the sale did happen. Hence adding to other 270 .xyz sold within a year and a half.


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