Details About 6.XYZ Sale

When I read Ron Jackson’s weekly domain name sales report this week, one sale stood out to me the most. 6.XYZ reportedly sold for $125,000 in a deal brokered by FindYourDomain. Not only was this the largest publicly reported sale of the week, but it also currently ranks #54 in DNJournal’s year to date sales chart.

After reading about the sale, I reached out to .XYZ registry CEO and founder Daniel Negari to ask for more information about the sale. Daniel confirmed that the 6.XYZ domain name was owned by the registry, and it was sold in an all-cash deal. The buyer of the domain name had inquired about this domain name, and the two parties were able to reach a deal.

I asked Daniel about other single letter and single number .XYZ domain names, and he told me the company owns every single letter .XYZ domain name, and all single numbers .XYZ domain names, except for 6.XYZ and 8.XYZ. He didn’t reveal the price of 8.XYZ to me, although I did not ask him about it.

If you are interested in buying a single number .XYZ domain name, the price is steep. Daniel told me the company is “considering offers of $250K+ for the remaining numbers individually.” The company would consider selling the entire alphabet full of single letter .XYZ domain names for the right price. “It is more important to me who owns the alphabet than how much, however an offer would need to start at $10 Million USD for the entire alphabet,” Daniel told me. The company already reportedly has “an offer of 3.25Million USD for the A-Z .xyz single letter; and a 100K standing offer on the remaining numbers,” according to Daniel.

Daniel also share this insight about .XYZ domain names and the growth of the extension:

“The early supporters of .xyz domains will continue to be rewarded as .xyz domains become more popular around the world. We expect to have Chinese government approval early next year, and their are still great domains available at reg fee and deals to be done in the aftermarket. I get emails often about people flipping their .xyz domains, and am proud to be where we are today. Thank you for your support #GenXYZ – See you at 5 million .xyz domains soon.”

According to, there are now over 1.6 million .XYZ domain names registered. A Chinese domain name registrar has a 30% market share of registered .XYZ domain names.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • IMO, the CEO held out sharing the domain sale as if it was some massive sale. Why not reveal a sale that is public? Maybe this is a strategy to make people think these single letters and numbers are highly sought after in this gTLD.

  1. In my opinion, this gTLD is not worth the investment. It would take more money to get people familiar with this gTLD than to market them (IMHO).

  2. Three hours after I posted on the DomainInvesting Weekly Brokers Listing, my secretary Phyllis calls saying DNJournal just reported the sale of, my first question was “Is this a radio test?”

  3. We own several and domain names. Email inquiries and offers…. off the hook in the past few weeks. Amazing! Just getting stronger!


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