If you have domain names that are getting traffic but not earning much revenue, it might benefit you to chat with your parking company about the domain name. This sounds like an obvious course of action, but I bet many people simply don’t seek out this extra help.
Most of the people I have met who work at parking companies are very knowledgeable about parking. They know how to monetize domain names better than others, and they can offer guidance based on their experience. PPC company representatives also have access to data points that users don’t have, and they also have access to data from other parked domain names.
PPC landing pages and feeds are pretty good at determining what advertisements to place on landing pages. However, sometimes it takes a bit of a human touch to ensure the most targeted advertisements are showing up. I can guess what people want when landing on one of my domain names, but I would imagine my parking company account representative or a parking company customer service representative would be able to offer better advice than my own intuition.
One important thing to keep in mind is that sometimes more targeted advertising can lead to infringing advertising being shown. A descriptive keyword domain name may have generic meaning, but if you put PPC ads that infringe on a trademark, it could put the domain name (and/or your business) at risk. The parking companies don’t have the same amount of risk as the domain name owner when it comes to this infringement, so this is where your interests diverge and you need to be cautious.
At the end of the day, the PPC company and my interests are aligned when it comes to monetization of my domain names. The better CTR and revenue my domain names earn, the better for both of us. When I run into an issue with the monetization of my domain names, I like to reach out directly to the parking company. It’s very possible that they can make a tweak or two that will boost my revenue. I don’t have a whole lot of expertise when it comes to parking, so it’s always best to ask an expert whose interests are aligned with mine.
Do any of them not require you to change the whole nameserver anymore, but allow you to do just settings changes like cname or “a” records instead?
Not sure.
They all support that in some fashion, though they may not allow it if they’ve seen a lot of bad traffic on your account. Ask your account rep for details.