Those GoDaddy Logo Coupon Emails Are Spam

I don’t know about you, but I seem to get a ton of emails that have “GoDaddy,” “Go-Daddy,” “Godaddy” or something very similar in the From field. The actual email addresses underlying the From field are not, but the sender tries to make them appear to be from GoDaddy.

Here’s a screenshot of my Gmail spam folder that was cleared out with the exception of this spammy looking email:


Aside from the fact that Gmail marked the email as spam and that it says “Go-Daddy” rather than GoDaddy, there are other obvious traits that make it look like  GoDaddy didn’t send this email. I won’t divulge all of them to avoid giving tips to the sender(s), but the main differentiator is that there is no GoDaddy logo or branding within the email. I believe every marketing email that is sent from GoDaddy has the company’s logo and branding within the email content.

Although the email content does not indicate that it is from GoDaddy, having the “from” field say GoDaddy shows me that the sender wants people to think the email is from GoDaddy.

One thing I noticed is that the domain name referenced in the email is one I recently won at auction. The domain name was pending delete, so it appears to be a brand new registration. Perhaps these emails are targeting owners of newly registered domain names.

I have no idea if there is any connection to the GoDaddy text message spam I recently wrote about, but the tactic seems similar to me. Whatever the case is, GoDaddy is almost certainly not sending these emails.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. I was hoping you were going to address the marketing emails Godaddy actually sends that you can’t opt out of, particularly the ones that include the bait & switch/misleading promotions that they should know you have already used or are part of their discount program.

  2. I get a lot of these as well. Most recently I received a similar e-mail claiming to be from Namesilo.
    I recommend anyone who receives this to report the emails as Phishing email (Click on the down arrow on the top right of the message and click “Report Phishing”

    This is equivalent to a Phishing email as the email is attempting to fool readers in thinking it is from a different organization!

  3. One thing that helps in gmail, is you can pull some of the strings of text they commonly reuse – i.e. “design o matic” or “get a logo today” etc etc and have it automatically filter to trash


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