As I mentioned a couple of days ago, 2015 was a pretty good year for my business. I thought it would be interesting to share a bit of data from my blog and from my corporate website, which I use for inquiries and some landing pages.
The information shared below comes courtesy of the JetPack “annual report” that is provided to all website owners who have the JetPack plugin installed and activated. If you don’t have JetPack installed, I highly recommend it because of all the tools you can use (and I believe it is free). insights from JetPack:
- Longest streak with an article published: 52 days
- 3 Most read articles:
- Article with the most comments: What Is Your Favorite Domain Name You Own?
- Top 3 referring websites: Google,, and Twitter
- Top 3 places visitors originated: United States, Canada, and India
- Visitors came from 210 countries
Top Notch Domains, LLC website insights from JetPack:
- 3 domain names that referred the most traffic to the inquiry page:
- Visitors to my domain names came from 153 countries
The fact that visitors to your domains came from 153 counties while visitors to your blog came from 210 counties is rather interesting.
Those 3 domains you mentioned are SOLID names.
Thanks for the insight Elliot.