Acquired by Google

It appears that Google has acquired the two letter domain name. According to the DomainTools Whois History Tool, was previously registered under privacy at Dynadot. As of today, the Whois information is public, and Google is listed as the domain name registrant. The domain name is now registered at Mark Monitor. It looks like Google bought very recently.

Before became registered under privacy in February of 2015, the domain name was owned by a company with an address in Japan. It appears that this domain name was registered to the same owner since at least 2002 when the first Whois History record can be found on DomainTools. The domain name has a creation date of January 1996, so it is possible that company owned for several years prior to this 2002 record.

An history search shows that had been used by the former owner. I don’t read Japanese, so I can’t comment on how the domain name was being used by its former owner.

I searched through my email, and I don’t see any mention of being listed for sale. Since Gmail archives all of the email I receive, I likely would have had a newsletter or other email mentioning that was for sale. Since that is not the case, my guess is that Google acquired this domain name privately. I would also guess that Google paid well into the six figures or more likely seven figures to acquire this domain name. In 2010, Facebook acquired the domain name for $8.5 million. Perhaps the price of will be shared in a company blog post or SEC filing in the future.

I don’t see any mentions about this acquisition, and at the current time, is not resolving for me. My guess is that Google will use for something to do with YouTube, but I am sure we will all find out in due time. Perhaps it will be used as a url shortener.

Thank you to George Kirikos for sharing this news via Twitter.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. I received this response from the owner back in late 2014. You would have to assume it was in this range, or definitely low 7 figures.

    “The “” price is around $2M to $3M in USD.
    There are lots of demands on “” from international companies and
    individuals, the price must be between $2M and $3M in USD.”

  2. In all honesty, there is no way it went for 2-3M.. even if you assume there is a haircut from, you are looking at 5.5 at the min.


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