It looks like Sedo may have sold another high value domain name. According to the current Whois record, the registrant of the domain name is now Sedo GmbH, and Sedo’s escrow service email address is the Whois email registrant. had been listed for sale at Sedo in the past. The domain name was in the Great Domains auction in July of 2014, but I don’t believe it sold in the auction. The Whois record has changed a few times during the past two years, so I am unsure of who the seller is.
I looked at Sedo’s recent sales RSS feed, and I don’t see listed as sold. I presume this was a private sale either transacted directly on the platform or with the assistance of a broker. There are quite a few companies that use BL as their initials, but two letter domain names have become prized investments as well.
I reached out to Sedo domain broker Dave Evanson to inquire about the sale, and if he is able to offer any more information about the sale of, I will update this article.
Unfortunately, Dave Evanson could not comment on this.