Will EZ.com Sell at Great Domains Auction?

EZ.com was listed for sale in this month’s Great Domains auction put on by Sedo. The reserve price range for EZ.com is $500,000 – $999,999, and the current high bid for the domain name is $430,000 (reserve not yet met).

The domain name is being  brokered by Dave Evanson, and it had been listed for sale with a $1,000,000 asking price. If EZ.com sells, it will be the largest sale in a Great Domains auction in quite some time. You may recall that Dave Evanson brokered the $1.2 million sale of MM.com in June of 2014. The auction for EZ.com concludes on Thursday, October 22.

With the value of 2 letter .com domain names seemingly at an all time high, I am curious if you think EZ.com will hit its reserve price and sell. I have no idea what the reserve is, but I would guess that it is on the high end of the reserve range.

I posted a poll below asking if you think it will sell at auction, and you are also welcome to share your thoughts.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. 1 million plus. It is worth that and more. Not just two random letters.
    Worth more than MM IMO. It Looks better and can use it for just about anything.


    • Market for these right now is driven by chinese buyers. Mm.com was purchased by a chinese buyers.

      Chinese buyers are dutch tulip buyers. They typically don’t like vowels and aren’t looking for a name that they can flip to an end user. I have sold many names to them. A great deal. They pass on the names that make sense and would be valued by American end user companies. Brand-ability doesn’t matter. Certain characters that they like do matter and drive the prices that they will pay. That entire pinyan thing.

      ez.com really is a great domain for an end user. But mm.com is as well. Hard to say which is better, depends on the particular end user. In either case an investor (not chinese) will hold on until the right buyer comes along. That could be in a day or in 20 years. mm.com doesn’t have vowels and as such chinese paid for that name. The way the chinese are me.com (obv. owned by Apple but let’s say it wasn’t) would have less value than mm.com because of the “e”.

      Domainers (I have been doing this for 20 years) know that with 3l .com what matters is when the right end user buyer comes along and wants your name and can afford to pay for it. As such a name that has the characters that they want will sell and a name that on the surface appears to be a better name can sit forever. Only difference is the “better name” can be more easily flipped to an investor who will think it has greater value – eventually (whenever that is).

      In theory 2l .com’s to the chinese should go up in value from what they are now. There are only 676 total and they are getting sold to the Chinese. And some will never be sold (ge.com aa.com and so on) So there is less merchandise and assuming the buying phase continues that should mean the prices paid (even for less desirable characters) should increase. We will see what happens.

    • Pre-existing diamonds stand out and appear even more valuable and desirable in a sea of rubbish when most new options are rubbish. Only a rare few new options are also diamonds.

  2. Strategy wise would make more sense to price this at 1.2 million rather than 1 million. Adding 200k allows you to move a bit down and make a buyer happy and is unlikely to scuttle a sale from a serious buyer. Whether end user or investor, assuming investor wants to pay in that price range.

    Separately if you own a 2l .com (I do) everyone and their uncle (from China) writes to you and wants to buy it. Almost every single day, from multiple emails. Consequently there is little reason to pay an auction fee to Sedo for the buyers they might bring. Most buyers will probably sit it out and not bid it up. They will then return later when and if the name doesn’t sell and go direct to the owner. Is it possible that Sedo will uncover a buyer who isn’t already approaching sellers? Sure it’s possible. But I am not seeing that those buyers would pay 10% more (or whatever Sedo’s fee is) for a name on spec.

    • I would say that 98% (that’s arbitrary to prove a point I don’t track this who has time obviously) falls into these categories:

      – Chinese brokers representing Chinese who don’t speak english.

      – US brokers representing Chinese who don’t speak English.

      – Both of the above brokers representing Chinese who speak english and will contact you and try to cut the broker out once they see that a name could be for sale and the price.

      – Actual chinese buyers who are investors themselves and spray everyone who owns a 2l or 3l .com.

      But even with the last point, it’s hard to tell who is the actual buyer and who is buying for someone else.

      With respect to the chinese buyers (or brokers) they often make up american sound names “Tim Johnson”. Others just have somenumber@qq.com and actually write in Chinese or really broken english. Or both.

      Here is an actual email (xx.com is made up..)


      Pro, hello:
      Your domain xx.com whether to sell?
      I want to buy your domain name xx.com
      how much is it?
      Thank you!

      Note the email was in both english and chinese.

    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but I get the impression Chinese buyers/investors may not like to negotiate. For instance, if you say the price is $10 million dollars, then they are not inclined to make a counter offer or try to negotiate to $8 million, for example, but simply consider $10 million as the price. Is this hunch of mine correct, or way off the mark?

    • What gives you the idea that Chinese buyers won’t negotiate? They absolutely do negotiate. Of course like anyone else if you get ridiculous then they won’t negotiate or counter. So if you said you wanted 10 million for a name that you would take 1 million for you would have a problem just like you would with anyone.

      Think of it this way. Someone who doesn’t know anything about domains and further doesn’t believe that the price is negotiable might feel as if a price is stated as $20000 someone won’t accept less. So they could walk.

      But someone in the business would certainly know what could be negotiated (or not). That is what is considered acceptable given the particular item that is being sold (or service being sold).

      When Chinese make offers they could offer $x but then add “what do you think”. That is code for “not my best offer”. Just like if someone selling says “I would like $5000” means they are open to an offer.


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