Dave Evanson Reports Sale of MM.com for $1.2 Million

According to a tweet just posted by Sedo broker Dave Evanson, Sedo brokered the sale of the MM.com domain name for $1,200,000. This sale will rank as the sixth largest public sale of 2014 when it is reported and recorded by Ron Jackson in DNJournal. I believe that Dave has had this exclusive listing for about two months.


The seller of MM.com appears to be a company called Minnesota MicroNet. The domain name has a creation date of January 18, 1994, and the domain name was registered to the same company for as long as the DomainTools Whois History Tool has a record.

The current registrant of the domain name appears to be an entity in China possibly called “Hangzhou Duomai E-Commerce Co.,Ltd.” A Google search of the registrant’s name shows some other great domain names registered to the same entity, including the following:

  • Game.com (looks like it had been owned by Hasbro)
  • XC.com
  • 44.com
  • 33.com
  • 73.com

I am a bit curious to know when this deal was closed. Dave’s daughter got married this weekend, and this sale is even more impressive to me knowing that it probably closed as Dave’s family was making final preparations for the big day.

Congratulations to all of the parties in this large deal, and a special congratulations to Dave on the marriage of his daughter.

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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Congrats!

    I love LL.com names, but I don’t like CC.com and NN.com names. But that is just me… 🙂

    Anyway. It is good to see 7-figure sale of LL.com, even it is just on entry level. Personally I believe LL.com are worth more: mid 7-figure range.

    • Same, quite interesting tbh. Although, when you have mms.com in your locker you can afford to pass I guess – what’s a mil and a quarter to the makers of M&Ms though?

  2. Elliot, you have a good relationship with Dave, right? Would be interesting to find out who paid commission, if buyer or seller.

  3. Mike,

    When we have a domain on exclusive contract for sale the seller typically covers commission. There are rare exceptions. I would not be able to comment specifically on this deal.

    Hope that helps.


    • Thanks, Dave. Considering the buyer is a domainer and not end-user, the sale price is very nice. I wish you focus more on end-user market in future, so we can see higher sales. But most of them are private, right? 🙂

    • Hi, there !
      My opinion is that MM.com was sold to cheap.
      A two letters dot com registered 20 years ago, is worth at list $4-$5 million USD. Companies like Mars Inc. (they own MMs.com where they promote M&M) would pay a lot more tan the $1,2 million USD paid by the chinese company wich is a “DOMAINER”. Just take a look to outher LL.com & NN.com and see the diference of the selling price:

      FB.com sold for $8,5 millions
      JD.com sold for $5,24 millions
      IG.com sold for $4,7 millions
      YP.com sold for $3,85 millions
      MI.com sold for $3,6 millions
      KK.com sold for $2,4 millions
      37.com sold for $1,95 millions

      They could search or wait for a better buyer.
      Just my opinion.

    • @Mariano, you would be right if this is an end-user sale. Those you have listed are domain names bought by end-user for use, not for resale. Wholesale market (domainer-to-domainer) is much cheaper. Question is, why any owner of LL.com is willing to sell to domainer. Unless such person is in need of money (broke?), I call such decision to leaving money on a table very wrong…

    • It’s a bit funny that you are being critical of a 7 figure domain name sale. There are many, many reasons why someone would sell a domain name for 7 figures.

      Perhaps it could have been sold for more at some point, but perhaps it wouldn’t. There’s no sure thing when it comes to domain name values. There are plenty of times I’ve taken less money than I may have taken had I held out for the optimal offer, but I’ve used the money from those sales and made a lot more money.

    • You don’t think Dave reached out to those obvious companies with his exclusive listing? You have to be kidding. I am sure the obvious companies would have been the first he approached.

      Separetely, why would Mars want to spend 7 figures MM.com? Their product is M & Ms not M & M.

      Have you worked in the marketing department of a huge company like this? It’s fun to speculate how they could and would spend their marketing budget, but I don’t see too many legacy companies like this spending big money on the aftermarket for domain names, especially those that don’t even match their brand name.

    • I completely agree with you. As I sad before this is just my opinion.
      There are some domain names out there that should wait for their end-user(buyer), and my opinion MM.com is one of this. This domain is worth at list $4-$5 millions. You´ll see how in short time the chinese “COMPANY” will sell them for this amount (or higher)…

    • It´s not funny and I wasn´t critical with a 7 figures domain name sale.
      I was just expressing my personal opinion about the value of MM.com domain name. As (there are many, many reasons why someone would sell a domain name for 7 figures), there are also millions of reasons to wait and sell MM.com for higher price. I´m not critical and I don´t talk about Dave Evanson work ( is one of the best domain brokers); I´m talking form the owner of MM.com point of view. If I was the owner of MM.com I have never sold for less tan $5 millions. This great domain is worth that.

    • Once more: I don´t talk about Dave Evanson brokerage.
      I talk about what do I thing that MM.com domain name is worth from the owner point of view.
      Please check better: Mars Inc. product is M&M; (M&Ms) is just the plural form of M&M; and yes: I do work in the marketing department of a huge company even bigger than Mars Inc. I´m the marketing director of a Swiss company with presence all over the world. I´m a bit disapointed with you ELLIOT because you always disagree with third party opinions and you have not always the reason on what you wright. I´m also surprised as how a “domain investor” like you can´t see that the owner of MM.com left money on the table with this sale !!! just compare with outher LL.com & NN.com domain sales and you´ll see.

  4. I can’t go into details but this domain was marketed. It’s all nice to state you wouldn’t take less than 5 million but that’s not the reality. Just because another name sold for 3-4 doesn’t mean you can it just means you can MAYBE get it too. Domain’s are like houses on the same block but just because they look similar on the outside the interior inside could be very different.

    Maybe that house (domain) has a pool in the back, or a converted loft or extra rooms. Maybe its more modern. Every domain is unique and many get caught in that loop of “Bills name sold for $5m that means mines worth that too” then they wait 5/10/15 yrs and never get that offer.

    Sometimes due to your circumstances you need to decide do I take this now or do I let it go. You can’t hold onto it forever.

    • How Shane verified him reported prices? If WW.com has been sold privately and the price was not released, then Shane’s information may be just rumor that is nothing just wrong and misleading. Huh?

    • See a difference between your blog and Shane’s one? You always list your sources and relevant information to keep us posted how did you found out such information you share with others. Shane’s post is just too plain and possible incorrect. That’s why I would not call such posting “additional information” as you did in your above comment, as “information” may be “misinformation” 🙁

      • Yup, most likely not. He answered my comment in his post, that he got this information from 4.cn directly. Well, okay, but it is strange that it was reported when it is private. Just weird. But regardless of that, Shane should mentioned source in post, as you do…

    • Mike,

      My source is 4.cn themselves. I don’t appreciate that you are implying that I made up the numbers. It is pretty well known that I have worked with 4.cn for years and have shared their sales every few months. You have soiled my name by implying that I am a liar and now I have to sue. Looks like I have to call John Berryhill, damn


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