WhyPark Update & Oenophiles.com Update

WhyParkWhen I wrote my original post about WhyPark’s services (actually an interview with WhyPark CEO Craig Rowe), a number of comments and questions ensued. I think it’s great to have the opportunity to openly communicate with people like Craig and Stephen (VP of Development). I just saw that WhyPark has a discussion forum, so if you have further questions, you can jump on a thread over there to discuss.

I also want to provide an update on my site that I have at WhyPark, which is Oenophiles.com. Both traffic and revenue have increased and there are 63 pages indexed in Google, which is strong considering that there were about 25 unique articles created for the site.

The things I like about WhyPark, specifically related to Oenophiles.com:
– Integration of social media for viral marketing
– Related searches (related to the article) lead to PPC links
– Easy to set up and manage

Things I would like changed:
– Better URLs (more user and SE friendly)
– Better meta descriptions and more comprehensive titles

For me, WhyPark makes sense because it’s easy to use, generates passive revenue, and was much easier to build than doing it myself.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Yeah, I agree on the URL thing.

    I just checked out your site that is with them. It is crazy and a bit ridiculous that URL for “Chardonnay Wines” is


    How the heck does 100347 equate to “Chardonnay wine” for a search engine?

    This is something that they should certainly fix if they want to pick up the business from more domainers that also understand SEO.

  2. We do have the URL rewrites coming up in the next week or two at the latest. We wanted to get this newest round of changes live and now we’re starting to work on the next updates. We’ll keep you posted!


  3. As one of the largest prime wine domain owner, all I can say is…good content for wine.

    Now, I am working on a site www. winesensory.com

    where we all can really really taste and smell the wine online.

    How about that!!

    • @WineInUSA – You’re one of the “largest prime wine domain owner?” I would say not, but knock me over with a few of your top wine names and perhaps I will make you a strong offer.

  4. There are many reasons why I am not selling.

    -Amazon will be selling wine online soon

    -China will be the biggest wine producer soon

    – I plan to have my one winery/vineyard one of these days…ha ha…

    Most of my wine domains are google keyword search able and best of all, they can be the name of my wine company.

    Some of my wine domains which I plan to use to open my winery:


    • @Wine – I don’t dispute your facts, but I know a couple of wine domain owners, and they own some of the top wine domain names. You might own some names that could be good down the road should all the pieces fall as you would like, but I don’t see a while lot of value right now.

  5. Well, I have offers to sell those domains but I turned down
    Those domains above are just a few mentioned.

    Anyway, I will be attending tastewashington dot org to meet people and I always tell them—your wine is only as good as it sells!

  6. “”but I don’t see a while lot of value right now.””

    When I went to my 1st wine class in 04, my 1st question was, do you have a wine website?

    Those wine owners looked at me like I was from space.
    Why do I need a wine website when I have people driving miles to visit my vineyard for wine tasting every weekend.

    Well…you know how it goes…

    Not NOW, but then…

  7. if whypark has a discussion forum then maybe just mebbe oenophiles and tropical birds need a link to their own forums? Rich with tags and topics and giving visitors something to do? features and stuff?

    dot to dot parrots for pdf printing? parrot news?

    wine ratings ratings? taster note quizzes?

    eet is good no?

  8. Remember folks, WhyPark is dedicated to building out and helping you to index domains that are NOT MAKING MONEY for you at Parking services (PS’s). Once you get a site up at Whypark (for $.99 per domain at basic level), you have the chance of getting that domain indexed, and for sure, get relevant content that will benefit in your “enduser sales” marketing efforts. End Users love to see a domain name they are interested in buying have a “website with relevant content” on it, not just a bunch of adlinks.

    If you have domains that you really like, but aren’t getting typein traffic (and I’m one of those people with killer brand domains that don’t get a lot of traffic), it’s best to build out content on those sites so you can get them SE indexed, and present a nice package for possible end user sales.

    Thanks Elliot, for your followup on WP.


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