What is Your Most Valuable Domain Name?

Last week, I asked people to share their favorite domain name. At the time of publication, the article had just shy of 300 comments. Many of the comments offered feedback about submitted domain names, but the majority were comments with people’s favorite domain names submitted.

One thing I was surprised about was the number of new gTLD domain name submissions. I would have thought the vast majority of submissions would be .com domain names. It was interesting for me to observe the number of new gTLD domain submissions that readers favor.

I am now curious to see what you think your most valuable domain name is. I am sure many people have more than one domain name they consider valuable, and I think it would be interesting if people shared the domain name they own that holds the most (financial) value today. I also invite you to share what you think the domain name is worth. Feel free to leave a “wholesale” and “retail” value if you would like.

Others are welcome to comment on the domain name submissions to share their thoughts on the valuation. For instance, if someone posts “RER.com is my most valuable domain name and I think it is worth $100,000,” others can share whether they believe the domain name is worth more or less. This is similar to a domain appraisal thread.

As with the last article, please keep in mind that people may have different opinions than the opinion posted by the domain owner, and all comments that don’t get caught by the spam filter will be published. People who might take offense to comments about the valuation of domain names should not post their domain name here for others to review. Each week, DNJournal posts a report of sales from the previous week, and there are many names that sold for far more than I would have ever guessed.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. This is going to be another popular thread. Thanks for the opportunity Elliot!

    My most valuable domain is:


    Wholesale value: $150K
    Retail value: seven figures

    Think Shopify.com, Squareup.com and any other major ecommerce player.

    • Good question. Was tough considering the domain might seem TOO general. But hopefully what we come out with will satisfy the needs of those looking to either start or grow an online business.

      Vague I know but we’ll be launching end of July. So keep an eye out and check back later.

  2. PubsVegas.com valued at $1,000 reseller and $8k – $10k end user.

    I usually prefer and flip hand-regged names. So, all are valued in this range itself. 😛 😉

  3. I think my favorite is also my most valuable….


    I will be happy to keep paying the $430/year renewal until it sells to a major virtual reality company (Oculus, Magic Leap, Google, Microsoft, etc.) in the $xxx,xxx range.

    • Too many Mikes in the world..lol. Just to be clear the Mike that commented on your domain is not me.

      I think Virtual.World is a great pickup and if I owned it I’d definitely sit tight and wait for the right end-user.

      Best of luck!

    • I do not think Edward is holding it in a squatting position, the term has evolved, and the TM office is not awarding trademarks on such terms anymore, as they have become to widly, and loosely used. I have experience with such a Virtual TM where it was shot down as being to generic by the TM agent.

      Edward you probably could have worded it better when you committed on the eventual sale. Having a $500 renewal is a bit of a sticking point though.

    • I have a similar name .COM in Spanish which gets LOTS of offer page views but despite being priced $XXX no buyer yet. I believe $430/year in renewals will not turn out well.

    • valuable domain LENSOFBIZ.COM. Estimated price: usd.12000.00.

      DOMAININVESTERS.COM Estimated Price: usd.14000.00.

      GREENOVATER.COM Estimated Price: usd. 23000.00.

      RETOIL.COM Estimated Price: usd. 17000.00.

  4. I bought into the ‘wearables’ market fairly early. Got two:

    1. SmartWatchStore.com
    2. WearableMagic.com, which gets a lot of traffic over at DNS parking.

  5. There are a couple of angles here – exact search volume and PPC which domain investors perhaps place too much emphasis on at times and brand value which goes back to a short domain for a market where the product or service has a considerable value (real estate for example).

    I am going with a brandable with the end user being either a local TV station or a tourist destination website with video content or possibly a real estate agency highlighting local area real estate. I’ll have to admit I am not good at gauging end user value.


  6. Hi Elliot
    The favorite domain post was a hit! What a great idea. My most valubel domain is probably one of my favorite domains

    SanAntonioHomes.com I value it at $40,000

    Although Im not interested in selling I value it at $125,000

  7. I believe my most valuable domain is “SocialMediaGames.com”

    Don´t know what his market value can reach but if I compare it with:
    GamesForGirls.com (an UGLY domain that sold for $500,000 USD) I think
    my domain is worth at list the same amount.

    NOTE: Talking about the market value; it really depend on what a domain
    name means to the buyer … I own “1stBandWidth.com” a domain name that
    SOLD back in 2000 (source: NameBio.com) for $800,000 USD and today I won´t
    get 1% from that sale for it.

  8. At the top of my best domains is DNAsequencing.com (plus DNA-sequencing.com) with wholesale price $ 300,000 and retail/end user price in 7 figure USD.

    Other top domains are
    DigitalPrinter.com ($20k and $ 100k)
    HollywoodTimes.com ($20k and $100k)
    GuruNanak.com/.org ($20k and $100k)
    Bathinda.com Indian City ($10k and $50k) on auction at sedo from June 3rd.

    Appraisals are welcome.

  9. Depending on the outcome of ‘Project Ara’ and other modular phone start ups, my most valuable domain would be:

    ModularPhones (dot) com,

    Potentially a mid six figure valuation should modular tech really take off.

  10. Elliot, now you see what those new domainers are dreaming about :)) How unrealistic their opinions are. You should have added a sub-question “How much would you pay for it if it is available?”. That would be a game changer.

  11. Autoinsurance.company | http://www.autoinsurance.company is my most valuable domain. There re thousands of auto insurance companies but just one exact match domain Autoinsurance.company with instant credibility, built in brand 100% discriptive and many more. The fact is we all search for auto insurance company, not auto insurance com, net, org, club, etc. I hope to lunch it someday until then Autoinsurance.company is available for purchase.
    Thanks again Elliot.

    • IMO too generic and too long – companies go with shorter brandables….


    • Thanks Britt for the update :). VacationRentals.com isn’t short but was good enough to sell for $35,000,000 in 2007.This is just one of hundreds more dear friend. If I was expecting xx,xxx Autoinsurance.company would have been sold last year; look up the offers on Sedo. Speaking of shorter domains, I’ve got you covered with Insure.company | Protect.Website | IMI.company | IMI.website and a few more.


    • I can tell you’ve got no problem with Auto Insurance. You’re just not a bit happy with the new extension .company; maybe all of it (new gtlds). Me too, I still don’t like the fact there re too many extensions & with such high renewal price, BUT THE FACT A DOMAIN EXTENSION CAN FINALLY BE MEANINGFUL IS WORTH THE CHANGE. Man, i mean no disrespect; pls. let’s leave the global argument of new gtld vs com. We all got better things to do.

    • Um…actually, I don’t.

      The gtlds make no sense to me and are foolish. Stick with one people recognize and won’t forget, whatever that may be.

    • I also mean no disrespect to anyone, but at this early stage in the game I would suggest allowing time for the market to define the value of new gTLD’s vs .com’s. In my book, the only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happened at once.

  12. The most valuable name (I think) is my most favorite name as well.


    Reseller:$1k (..if I did my homework)
    Retail:Should be a bit more, not sure how much.

  13. “SocialMediaGames.com”

    Not sure about his value but if I compare it to this UGLY domain: (GamesForGirls.com) which sold for $500,000 USD I believe my
    domain name is worth at least the same amount.

    • The gamesforgirls.com $500K sale sure has been a tough act to follow. You can have a better domain that doesn’t even generate interest yet. The one you have is nice, but it’s also up against “SocialGames.com.”

  14. Social.cc

    I’ll take a stab and say $23,000, which is 1% of what the .com sold for.

    In the end,it (and any domain) is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


  15. My most valuable is currently under lease agreement with buy option in the low 7-figures so not at liberty to disclose (thanks to Rick and Danny). So I will list some others on the next tier with my retail price valuation:

    ChiaSeeds.com $250K
    ToasterOven.com $100K
    MiniLaptops.com $100K

  16. This will another super thread.

    I will go with GetAutoFinancing.com (I think it’s worth around 15K), and LuxuryReservation.com (10K), would like more opinions on the pricing though.


  17. I do not like to sell undeveloped domains It is losing money before and after. there are many good domains that have nothing, think how much they could win with just develop a little.

  18. For some reason i like helicamproductions.com, i picked it up on a drop.
    It has no appraisal value, a few broad searches, but to me its a business in a box and i like it.
    Could be worth a few grand to an end user.
    But i agree with Jen, a domain is worth what a person is willing to pay for it.

  19. Great post Elliot, love to see these kinds!

    I would have to put 3 of mine up there that I can’t quite split.

    Claim.com – I’d probably peg it at $250k wholesale, $1.25-1.5MM end user. Still working behind the scenes on this one.

    Claims.co.uk – I’d peg it at £30-40k wholesale (I did pay £100k as an end user though, before I developed it into a business).

    c.uk – I’d peg it at £50-75k wholesale, but with the traffic and help we’re doing with it, I wouldn’t sell.

    Would love to see other opinions on them.

    Just for the legals…. None of the domains are for sale. These domains are developed much beyond the value of the raw domain names. I just think this is a great opportunity to get a view of the market on domains, and as such it’s really interesting to see the results.

  20. Tough to say mine all fall within a given range. Maybe that’s a sign that I need to spend more into one domain instead of catching registry drops.

    InvestorTechnology.com I would say is low 5 figure domain and our most valuable as it’s age, ImpacySensor.com is there too, and with recent things going on in the world TacticalCamera.com is getting up there.

    • Also, what’s the price you sold a domain name for that, after the sale, you realized it was worth much more — especially if it sold later for much more than you sold it for. And, share the domain name, of course.

    • Lol, yes, like that one too.

      I wonder if the guy who turned down $8 million in cash and $30 million in stock for cool.com is still active in the industry, and if he even participates in any of the blogs.

    • Thunayan from FMA?

      He is still active… I spent quite a bit of time with him at NamesCon in January. I don’t think I’ve seen him comment on any blogs though.

      Where did you see the “$8 million in cash and $30 million in stock”?

    • ^ agree

      Unfortunately I don’t see people going with ithings for IoT devices. First I’ve actually heard this term and I’ve read quite a few articles on IoT.

      But as I’ve said before, domains are lotto tickets so you could get very lucky. Best of luck.

    • Check it out:

      International Conference on Internet of Things will be held in Australia December 2015.

      The name of the conference?

      You guessed it:

      iThings 2015

    • So you think there’s value based on someone else’s brand equity? There’s a word for that… Don’t worry they won’t come after you for $8.99.

      Becoming easier to see how Bob Parsons became a billionaire.

    • Thanks, Amir

      Forgot about iThingsShop.com. I know you’re being facetious, but time will tell who is right and who is wrong about iThings. I’m willing to wait to win.

    • bob dylan said
      time will tell who has fell and who’s been left behind.

      most people either weren’t in the game long enough or can’t afford 3 letter dot come or fuel.com but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, so i find it kind of offensive when issac says reg fee for linda’s domain but thinks his own is worth 5 figures.
      some stupid names get lucky and get great offers.
      so linda go for it

    • Thanks, Chris. I am new at the domain game, but have a thick skin. That’s because I’m lucky not to have been born stupid.

  21. Domainersnews.com I’m thinking low to mid x,xxx also have Orionspacecraft.com. This is the spacecraft that is hopefully taking the first humans to Mars!Coud be worth anywhere from x,xxx to xx,xxx to the right end user.Would appreciate any comments.

  22. I think you all have some pretty great names, but I would be careful about ascribing value to new gTLD names this early in the game. Even new gTLD names that are obviously really good (like the aforementioned virtual.world) generally have little or no value now and their future is uncertain.

  23. Just started investing in domains, so I’m still getting a feel for this, but here are my thoughts on my most valuable ones to date:


    onlinetradingwebsites.com – $x,xxx
    forexvsstocks.com – $x,xxx
    buildcondos.com – $x,xxx
    needvolunteers.com – $x,xxx


    piqant.com – $x,xxx
    azoodle.com – $x,xxx
    fadingo.com – $x,xxx

  24. Based on the number of inquiries I get each week, I’d have to say my most valuable domain names are:

    – CAPM.com (financial firms inquire)
    – NoMatterWhat.com (ad agencies and weird people with no money inquire).

    I think they are worth low to mid $XX,XXX to the right deep-pocketed end user buyers.

    • Thus my comment about weird people with no money — they want it really badly for some personal reason or project but they don’t have the funds to pay what a corporate buyer would pay for it. Better to wait for the corporate buyer, unless a wealthy individual decides he or she just has to have it.

  25. selbentag.com German for “same day”. I have the .de too. I think a xxxxxx is what fair given its brand able nature

  26. My fav are

    Wealthmanagementfirms.com and .net $10000
    Zerointerestcreditcards.com $5000
    Antartica.org – $5000

  27. Thanks Elliot for such engaging posts.

    Not sure about the MOST valuable so listing few of them, hope that’s ok.

    Aloft dot de is certainly worth mid x,xxx

    miry.co.uk – low x,xxx

    dairycows.in – India is the largest milk producer in the world
    seas.in – I believe mid to high x,xxx

    hasawa.com – Worth high x,xxx – Health and Safety industry

    NewHanoverRealestate.com might be valuable for the right buyer. Wholesale: xxx

  28. Some of the best domains.
    StorkMan.com $xxx,xxx brand promote the best football player the name Lionel Messi.
    Cryd.com $x,xxx
    Mensual.com $xx,xxx
    Cots.de $xx,xxx , Tower.es $xx,xxx

  29. Thanks Elliot..

    This’s going to be another mega post,like the previous one..

    my most valuables are

    estreat.com….. xx,xxx – xx,xxx

    upcloudy.com….. x,xxx – xx,xxx

    charteraero.com.. x,xxx – xx,xxx

    connectedautomobiles.com.. x,xxx – xxx,xxx

  30. Zapatos.mx




    Mexico ccTLDs

    Spanish for “Shoes”, “Bicycles”, “Pharmacy” and “Vitamins”

    Estimated Values (each pair)
    Wholesale: $xx,xxx
    End User: $xxx,xxx

  31. Thanks Elliot. Very good post article.

    Some of my most valuable names:


    Each of these about $x,xxx to $xx,xxx wholesale, $xx,xxx to $xxx,xxx retail

  32. Reading your blog for the first time – Sorry I thought the question was “What is your most valuable domain name?”…Oh wait it is!

    …would just like to point out, you asked a fun question that quickly became as painful to look at as a SEDO search result..

    Would kindly advise you start filtering out anyone who can’t follow your rules for comments – The domain industry is literally full of crap. New TLDs are nothing more than ICANN and their power brokers opening more barn doors of smelly manure for sale – and it’s working…

    Everyone wonders what XYZ stands for – I know what it stood for in the 5th grade and it hasn’t changed..

    • Thanks for reading it.

      People being unable to follow directions is one reason I very rarely post a “domain wanted” article here.

      I see what you’re saying about the comments and not being able to follow directions (like asking people to submit one domain name), but I’d rather leave them than deal with lots of emails from people asking why their comment was deleted.

    • i thought the comments section for this post was a great read, am i missing something, is it a crime to post more than one when the question posed is for one, keep off the grass,oops!

  33. Another great thread Elliot.

    My most valuable domain… (I’m dreaming of course..)

    LakeMinniebelle.com plans to develop like Elliots lakewinnipesaukee.com

    Being new to domaining I’ll really appreciate any guidance on above domain..

    P.s: IF I may? who is the the Developer of lakewinnipesaukee.com Elliot? Very much Appreciate your input on the above domain..


  34. Thanks Elliot!

    I have more faith on the brandable short dot-com names, preferably those having internet and technology genes. Ironically, most of my favorites are just drop-catches.

    I see it has great potential to brand a grocery chain, an agricultural product line, or a supermarket delivery service.

    aitho.com can be used to build an art, fashion, life style brand. The word aitho means burn, kindle, flame in Greek.

    BioCipher.com will find its value when the biometrics applications really take off.

    I welcome appraisals on these names, preferably from the eyes of end-users 🙂

  35. the pair: escrow.me & escrowme.com

    What would you guys chose as primary domain from these 2 and have the other one redirect to it ?

  36. Oxford Dictionary Word OF The Year 2013

    selfie.co.uk + selfie.uk

    IMO worth $XXXX – $XXXXX,

    We’ve already had numerous offers that we’ve turned down via the well known German sales platform and privately from within the community.

    We could have others that are actually worth more but this for me is my favourite (English spelling)and the one we have most offers on.

    • Thanks man, I don’t have time to develop it, too many other things I have to do (read my missus tells me to do).

      I would rather sell it and let someone else develop it

  37. Hi there,

    here some of my valuable ones:

    lomodo.com (wholesale $5,000 / retail $20,000)

    expresscopter.com (wholesale $10,000 / retail $50,000 – $100,000)

    pizzadrone.com (wholesale $5,000 / retail $20,000)

    3dprintingpen.com (wholesale $5,000 / retail $20,000)

    holomeeting.com (wholesale $10,000 / retail $50,000 – $100,000)

    But in the end it depends on the buyer as we all know…

    Some thoughts?

    Thanks! Cheers

  38. Excellent post indeed – many thanks!

    I registered PolymerBank.com (new plastic banknotes) in late March this year but according to DNS it has already attracted an average daily uniques of about 5 or total uniques of least 300 to date! I just wonder whether this domain could soon become quite valuable or sought-after?

  39. My most valuable is probably:

    Wearables.co.uk + Wearables.uk

    I know co.uk’s don’t reach the dizzy heights of .com values but I would still say in the region of 5 figures for this.

    Thanks Elliot

  40. My most valuable domain is


    Just starting the development into a portal for all Pediatric Specialties. Not just the value today but the potential makes this my most valuable.

  41. ElderHomeCare.com (reg’d 1997)

    Large, increasing value supported long term by boomers’ aging wave which will further increase already pressing need for elder home care.

    * Demographic mega-trend pushing need for elder home care

    * Numerous large ticket products / services needed for elder home care

    * Large ticket products + services paid for by Medicare

    Opportunities for numerous large revenue generators from national + local franchised service providers

  42. Streaming.tv



    Thanks, Elliot

  43. The “wholesale” to “retail” ratios are fascinating and let you know instantly who knows what they’re doing and who is operating their domain investing business in la la land.

  44. Most valuable: Streaming.TV


    Great thread, thanks Elliot!

  45. One doesn’t stand out so I’ll provide my top 5.

    NameThat.com (w/ 1.877.NAME.THAT)
    NewYorkHarbor.com/NYHarbor.com (w/ 1.800.NY.HARBOR)
    WilletsPoint.com (w/ 1.888.WILLETS)

    • Just curious… what is a Stank? or would it be used as a slang term as in he “stank”?

      NYHarbor.com – please share the business model – what might one find there they wouldn’t find on the Port Authority website?

      NameThat.com – do you also own namethattune.com? If so, and if any trademark from the old 70’s show has expired that might make a decent game site based on the TV show…

  46. Perhaps the next question could be what is the highest sale you have ever made and how much did you pay for that domain?

    It is one thing to reg or backorder a domain and set a $XX,XXX price on it. It is totally another to find an end user willing to pay even $XXXX for it.

  47. I think my most valuable ones are:

    Only worth as much as somebody is willing to pay.

  48. Ballerinas (dot) com
    The amount of girls wearing ballerinas is insane.. It’s really a fantastic domain I think for fantastic shoes lol
    Wholesale I’d say six figures.
    End user perhaps low seven figures. Depends how much a company wants it I’d say.

  49. My most valuable domain names are:


  50. Well, IMHO… it’s worth around $50K. Restaurant.info sold for $14.3K last month. Diamonds.info sold for $20K last year. I think this better than those two put together.

  51. Some of my most valuable domains

    egamely.com gamely.xyz
    luxuruly.com sextube.xyz
    gamelybox.com soulmate.xyz
    onlinegamely.com pokern.xyz
    privateflyjets.com fones.xyz
    ivylottery.com eloans.xyz
    ivyjackpot.com ecredit.xyz
    ivyslots.com pounds.xyz
    ivybookings.com websitehost.xyz
    ivyreservations.com wolke.xyz
    ivybet.com dailyrentals.xyz
    ivyantivirus.com paternitytest.xyz

    • I’d like to kindly offer that if I were you I would have taken all the reg fees and focused on buying 1 good name on a sedo or godaddy $100 auction – you can find them if you look hard enough…

      XYZ simply stands for “your zipper is unzipped” or “your fly is open” – ask any kid what XYZ means and that’s what he will tell you…

      Just a friendly suggestion – I REALLY hate to see people waist their money while also making TLD owner’s dreams come true… the only way to make money with .XYZ is to own it – only 1 guy does own it, and he’s got to be laughing all the way to the bank…

      Good luck!

    • I think the official term is

      “eXamine Your Zipper.”

      So if anyone says “XYZ,” turn toward the wall and look down.


  52. We have two excellent domains currently:

    distillers.com (valued at $113,000 as of today)
    whiskies.com (valued at $20,000 as of today)

    Please message us for details.



  53. As a late rider to this thread, I’d like to submit my domain easments.com for your consideration. I imagine it would fetch four figures easy, perhaps five if a law firm came looking.


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