NameJet distributed a press release today announcing the upcoming sale of the triple repeating domain name. The press release stated that it “is believed to be the first time in history, a 3 letter repeating .com domain name is being offered in public auction.” was recently owned by Andrew Rosener’s Media Options, but the domain name is now under privacy so I do not know if his company still owns it.
Obviously, there are only 26 3 letter repeating .com domain names, and I thought it would be interesting to see how each of these are being used. Here is what I found for these domain names:
- – AAA
- – Forwards to Better Business Bureau website
- – Cole Computer Consulting
- – Company called DDD that trades on London Stock Exchange
- – Parked
- – Forwards to
- – Forwards to
- – Forwards to
- – Company called Innovative
- – Chinese website
- – KKK
- – Not working
- – Forwards to
- – Bad Gateway
- – Chinese website
- – landing page
- – Forwards to
- – Risk Retention Reporter website
- – Network Solutions default landing page
- – Coming soon
- – Forwards to a Google login page
- – Auction
- – Parked
- – Adult website
- – Does not resolve
- – Internet Communications, Inc.
With pre-bidding underway, has 266 bidders participating with a high bid of $20,000. The auction is a reserve auction, and it has not yet met its reserve. The backorder deadline to participate in this auction is Monday. My guess is will sell for low 6 figures (assuming reserve is met). As a comparable, the longer domain name sold for $22,100 on NameJet in December of 2014.
The (non-affiliate) link to the auction can be found here.
Thanks for the post Elliot. MediaOptions does still owns but we are near certain that it will be sold in the auction since we currently have 5 offers which are already above the reserve price! The reserve is well below the 6 figure mark, I can tell you that!
There are only 5 repeating letter domains left in investor hands out of the 26 possible combinatiosn and the cheapest one is $300,000!!! The next one after that is $400,000. could be anything to anyone in any country! That makes it truly unique and virtually priceless!
>> “The reserve is well below the 6 figure mark” <<
Sounds like $30-40k to me.
Why you refer to valuation of similar domains in $300-400k range, which is about 10 times more?
Am I missing something? This makes no sense.
It’s clear as day. He’s saying that the reserve is tens of thousands of dollars below 100K despite similar names having asking prices of 300K plus.
He’s also saying he’s going to let the auction play its course even though he’s had private offers near the $100K mark.
In short, he’s confident that the auction will go well.
Mike –
Not sure why that sounds like $30k – $40k to you, but if you feel that is what it is worth, then bid away!
Similar domains have all sold in the $250k – $5 Million range. There is not one single domain in this category (repeating or which is available under $300,000 right now. NOT ONE.
I will pay you $5,000 personally, and I mean it, if you can buy ANY repeating (letter or number) for under this price and sell it to me.
Anyhow, all I was saying that the offers which are coming to us directly outside of NameJet are well above the reserve we have in place.
The name will sell to the highest bidder, that I’m sure of…
Just say “Watch DomainSherpa on Monday”. You described it very well at the end of the show.
Nice write up and research. And there is no such thing as a Namejet affiliate link but thanks for letting us know. 🙂
I think Picasso would feel insulted if someone told him that in the future a virtual address comprised of three repeating letters in the English alphabet would fetch more than one of his sketches in the aftermarkets!!
There are only 26 x-letter repeating .com domain names, not just 3-letter, but also 4-letter, 5-letter, …, 10-letter. I see nothing special about that. Should be special because there is only 26 8-letter repeating .com domain names? Nope.
Domain is 3-letter .com name, more likely less valuable then some other letter combinations, because this abbreviation is very rare in meaning. In average, how much are valued? Not low 6-figure, but low 5-figure.
Next up on the Elliot Silver show, Mike calls the person that paid $100K for stupid.
Next up on the Shane Kama Sutra show, winning bid way below $50k.
No way it goes way below 50K
Mike – you are missing the point entirely! doesn’t even need to be an abbreviation for anything, although it could be. ANY repeating combination of letters or numbers stands alone on it’s own feet as a highly memorable brand.
Here is a perfect example: Do you even know what “AAA” stands for? I bet that 90% of Americans have no idea what “AAA” stands for, but they know that if they get a flat tire, that’s who they are going to call to come and fix it.
Telling someone to visit your website at “Triple V” or “Triple A” is as easy as telling someone to visit It stands out, it’s unique and can not be replaced or replicated.
These are the types of assets that take a domain portfolio to the next level.
Mike – in addition, just the very fact that already sold for $22,100 I think sets the bar pretty high for Generally speaking, the 3 letter version should sell for 10 times that of the 4 letter. Whether or not we reach those types of numbers is yet to be seen, but to say that this domain sells under $50,000 just makes you look silly and uneducated about the market.
Or perhaps you have an agenda you are trying to push?
If you are so confident about the value (or lack there of) of, then I propose a wager! If you would be so kind as to identify yourself like the others who are leaving comments, well I would be more than happy to bet you $5,000 USD cold hard cash that this domain sells for MORE than $50,000 and you can bet me the same that it sells for less than $50,000 as you stated above. In fact, I’m so confident that it will sell that I’ll even make it easier for you: I’ll raise the line to $75,000. If this domain doesn’t sell for more than $75,000 you win. But if you lose, you owe me $5,000. How does that sound?
Either way, I wish you well bidding!
Come on Mike. Make this interesting.
Drew is lowballer (as buyer) and cheater (as seller).
I don’t gamble with such people.
LMFAO, you are funny! Mike, saying that is worth $30k makes you about the worst Lowballer ever you maggot!
You hide behind these comments, you make accusations and slander me without providing any evidence or reason for such false accusations. You are a wanker troll who probably isn’t qualified to judge the value of a domain and hasn’t made a single dollar of profit in the domain space. You get jealous when others make money and see success because you have never seen either in your lifetime. Nor will you with that attitude.
You won’t take my bet because you are a pussy not because you don’t like me! You don’t have the balls to slap down some money where your fat mouth is.
And even more importantly, you probably are just trying to influence the outcome of the auction. You clearly have an agenda. You want to deflate people’s perceived value of so that you can hope and pray that you might get it at an undermarket value. Good luck with that!
That’s it..?
I am going to buy that 🙂
I am “first”
And Andrew is absolutely right. Repetition at its most powerful comes in threes. Maybe there are 26 combinations of 4 letter, 5 letter, 22 letter repeating domains, but the power in the treble cannot be rivaled.
Hey Mike – went from $20,000 to $60,000 in the first hour of public auction! You get your bid in?