VVV.com is up for auction on NameJet, with a backorder deadline of Monday. Andrew Rosener confirmed that his company does in fact own VVV.com and he put it up for sale with an undisclosed reserve price, “well below the 6 figure mark.”
I am curious about what you think the sale price will be when the auction closes next week. As I mentioned in my article yesterday, my guess is that the domain name sells for low 6 figures. If that were to happen, it would likely rank as one of the top sales on NameJet. The current high bid is $20,000 (reserve not yet met), and there are 281 bidders who have placed backorder bids so far.
I posted a poll below for you to guess the sale price range. You’re welcome to share your rationale in the comment section if you would like.
Update: VVV.com sold for $136,400.
Elliot, there is no doubt it will go for over $100k. None!!
Pls do update the final sales price here.
Thank you.
Obviously it will sell for $555(k) 🙂 well maybe, $111k is closer in the reality.
I am sure this one was shopped around, nobody hit the mark, so it goes on namejet
Anything over 30k is a waste of money. If you’re a domain investor, holding onto this to try and turn a profit. An end-user on the flip side may pay 100k. Just not that many uses for vvv. What? Veni Vidi Vici?
It’s like the domain I’m selling right now for low “$xx,xxx.” In around two or three years I expect it might easily be sold for 6 figures. This one is worth 6 figures now, but in a few years could be worth close to or in the 7 figure mark. I won’t explain why, however, though I definitely have a concrete reason. Anyone who snapped it up now I believe would be fortunate.
Cute domain – but, for me, of relatively little value. Some sort of brand value, maybe?…Sort of domain one thinks SHOULD be valuable, but, in reality, has almost no use at all…
…but it’ll gets bids between $30k – $45k, imo
Folks – it is also worth mentioning that VVV.com gets between 500 to 600 unique visitors per day, every day. 100% type-in traffic.
This traffic alone is worth more than $50k! At a quarter per visitor a company would get $50,000 in value in only one year! Now most businesses are looking at a 3 year – 5 year pay back period which puts the value of the TRAFFIC ALONE at $150,000 – $250,000.
Looking forward to seeing where this one sells. As I write, the auction has just started and so far is at $75k.
This is a 6 (perhaps+) figure domain with unquestionable brandability and memorability across the entire world – and solid, consistent organic traffic to boot. This domain will only increase in value over time and I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see a strong late bidding war for this rare find. Nice one Andrew!
I can’t be the only one who comes to this blog with a very specific idea why it could become worth $500K to $1M-plus within a few years, so I guess others may not want to say, either.
Or can I? Hmm.
John – by all means please share! Give me another reason to regret putting it on the auction block!
I was going to say that I was sorry but I had to draw the line and not say anything. Despite all the sharing that we do, including Elliot, there are some things we need to keep to ourselves for various strategic reasons or “trade secret” reasons. I’m you understand. If I was in a worse mood now I would do that, but right now I’m feeling in a different mood and I’m not concerned, so here it is:
If anyone has been paying attention lately to what is starting to happen in terms of “virtual reality” going to the next level, then they know why this domains could be worth $500K to 7 figures easily just a few years from now if not sooner. “VVV” is perfect for the world of *v*irtual reality.
Cheers, Andrew. Let the new domains begin. 🙂
*Meant to say “I’m sure* you understand” there, btw.
Now P.S. – One guess who’s famous from years ago for a large number of “virtual*” .com’s? 🙂
Thanks John! Agreed, would be a killer brand for all things virtual. Of course you could always pony up the $10 million plus for VR.com as well…
Auction has already hit the reserve with 2 days to go and is already at $76,100 now with 6 bidders over $50,000 and 3 bidders over the reserve price!
Perhaps “vvv” could even become the VR industry equivalent of a designation. I could even believe the possibility of a “.vvv” TLD somewhere down the road unless one like “.vr” becomes allowed.
May look similar depending on the font…
easy to address though
VVV.com has now hit $79,000 and there are still two weeks to go! Reserve was met already yesterday so IT WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER!
$88,988 USD by vvvcom
132k and still going…down to the wire
$136,400 was the final bid. I am a little surprised that someone with the username “vvvcom” did not go for the top bid…
Last 10 bids
Bidder Amount Date
first $136,400 3/12/2015 1:24 PM
sek $136,300 3/12/2015 1:23 PM
vvvcom $136,100 3/12/2015 1:19 PM
royhhh $130,700 3/12/2015 12:28 PM
yufeizhan $128,400 3/12/2015 12:16 PM
dashu007 $101,300 3/12/2015 11:59 AM
mkrules $88,100 3/11/2015 9:06 AM
twotwo $80,200 3/11/2015 8:27 AM
boothcom $75,401 3/9/2015 4:35 PM
bentfranklin $75,101 3/9/2015 3:17 PM
Why is it that you never saw a bidders name more than once on that list? Seems odd. No bidder battles whatsoever. Seems odd. Sort of like if this auction was fake. Just to hype up vvv
Probably because people like me bid the $69 minimum bid to observe. My bet is that 90% of the bidders couldn’t afford to bid 6 figures for a domain name and 99% didn’t value it at 6 figures.
Additionally, the auction quickly rose above $50k, which priced most people out right away.
FYI, the one person with the username “vvvcom” actually bid $88,988 at one point, but raised his bid, the last one being 136,100. They dont show his 88988 bid on the bid history. I think they only show that person’s last bid, not the previous ones.
Nevermind . . . I figured it out. my bad. I see the bidders names more than once when I clicked on ‘see all bids’