During a special Super Bowl commercial television show that aired on CBS last night, GoDaddy’s 2017 Super Bowl commercial was debuted. GoDaddy’s commercial doesn’t discuss domain names, but it does feature GoDaddy’s new GoCentral website builder tool.
Here is a description of the Super Bowl commercial, as shared by GoDaddy:
The new GoDaddy Super Bowl ad is called “Good Morning” and introduces a new character who personifies the Internet …… with the idea that no one knows the Internet like GoDaddy.
The :30 spot is packed with humorous Internet references designed to appeal to women and men of all ages. At the heart of the long-term campaign launch is a promotion for GoDaddy’s innovative new website building service: GoCentral.
GoDaddy’s 2017 Super Bowl commercial will air during the first quarter of the game. In case you missed the special last night, I have embedded it below.