Viajes.ES Sells for €147,000

According to a tweet from Sedo broker Frank Tillmanns, the Viajes.ES ccTLD domain name was sold via Sedo for €147,000. At today’s exchange rate, that is approximately $164,717 USD. As Frank mentioned in his tweet, viajes means “travel” in English.

This sale will rank as the largest publicly reported ccTLD domain name sale of the year (to date) as recorded by DNJournal. The current high water mark for 2019 is 21.DE, which sold for just shy of $91,000 USD, also on Sedo. Two weeks ago, I wrote about the $400,000 sale of, but I was told that sale transacted in 2018.

The sale of Viajes.ES will rank as the third largest publicly reported .ES ccTLD domain name sale of all time, according to NameBio. Hoteles.ES sold for $334,428 USD in 2012, and Auto.ES sold for $173,682 USD in 2008.

Because of GDPR, I can not see who the current registrant is or who sold the domain name. Viajes.ES is parked via ParkingCrew, so I presume the domain name was sold by a domain investor.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Premium (One-Word and Exact Math) ccTLDs will continue to Sell and Go Up in Value as E-Commerce Markets, in Countries around the World, continue to catch up to the United States, in respect to ease of Online/Mobile Consumer access.

    For example, some current figures place The United State’s Neighbor to the South, Mexico, as currently having the “Second Fastest Growing” E-Commerce Market in the World and the “Second Largest” E-Commerce Market in Latin America.


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