Sold for $121,675

Monte Cahn emailed me to let me know his company, Right of the Dot, brokered the sale of for $121,675. A week ago, Monte reported that his company brokered the sales of for $276,077.45 and for $60,029.60.

The domain name is currently registered under Whois privacy at Namecheap. When I visited this morning, I was taken to an Efty “for sale” landing page on That website is owned by prolific domain investor Brent Oxley, who has acquired many high value domain names over the last few years.

Using the Whois History tool at DomainTools, I can see the domain name appears to have changed hands in May of this year. The domain name Whois information was redacted by privacy, the nameservers and registrar both changed around May 15. It is unclear if Monte is reporting that sale or if Brent resold the domain name. My guess is that Monte is reporting Brent’s acquisition of the domain name, but Monte did not clarify for me.

Once Ron Jackson confirms the $121,675 sale, it will rank as the 17th largest publicly reported sale of 2020 on the DNJournal YTD sale report. It will beat out the $115,000 sale of, which transacted in April of this year. I added the sale to the one word .com sale list. Notably, was sold for $180,000 earlier this year.

I reached out to Monte and Brent to seek clarification about the sale of If I hear back from either of them with more information, I will post an update.

Update: Brent Oxley just confirmed he was the buyer of the domain name

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Agree with John. This is a nice sale only if the seller desperately needed the money urgently. Rick Schwartz sells this type of domain or $3M-5M plus % ownership.

  2. CHEAP🤔.If a broker cant get you maximum ,sell yourself. I dont need a broker to sell vehicle .com for this cheap.Except owner is so broker he needs this amount before deducting the broker fees.

  3. Whoever was selling. If you are going to post this news of a sale, why wasn’t the name shopped more?
    I never saw it presented as for sale. Good name. I suspect it could have gotten more coin. Even if didn’t, don’t sell in a vacuum. Shop the name if you have an offer. Shop the name of you aren’t trying to hide your sales.

  4. Sold for $121,675, are you kidding me.
    Also other sales mentioned like sales of “ for $276,077.45 and for $60,029.60”
    These domain can be sold any time with more then double of its sold prices and for the right reseller with right approach kick and vehicle are way above 1M mark.

  5. Brokers are human, some bad some good. Funny how he brokered it to someone he knows personally for much less than its value. The market dictates the price but in this case it was done under the radar.


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