Dave Evanson Brokers the Sale of ElectricCar.com for $180,000

Dave Evanson, Senior Domain Broker at Sedo, announced that he brokered the sale of the ElectricCar.com domain name for $180,000. The sale announcement was posted on Dave’s Twitter account this morning:

Whois records show that the domain name is currently registered to Sedo’s escrow and transfer account, so the buyer is unknown at this time. With such a high sale price, I would not be surprised if a major electric car manufacturer or well-funded startup acquired the domain name.

The seller appears to be a business called QualityNames.com. ElectricCar.com forwards to a DAN landing page with the “make offer” option showing. I do not see any historical sales records for ElectricCar.com in NameBio, nor do I see any other sale listings advertising the domain name for sale.

Barring any larger publicly reported sales in the next few days, this sale will rank as one of the ten largest domain name sales of the year to date in the DNJournal sales report. This is the fifth largest publicly reported sale of the year closed via Sedo. It will also be the largest two word .com domain name sale of the year, beating out the $150,000 sale of BettingTips.com, a domain name that was also sold by Sedo.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • Gas prices are at record lows and will likely be low for a while, so electric cars are probably going to see an even larger dip than the full auto industry. In addition, this is one of the largest 2 word .com domain name sales in 5 years (https://namebio.com/?s==UTO0gDM1cjM). Finally, brand domain names seem to be in greater demand than product domain names.

      Put simply, I would be very happy if I sold this name for $180k and would not have any regrets.

      • Like I said, Elliot, friend of the establishment, and they know it.

        The demand for electric cars is not by any stretch just about the price of gasoline.

        You’ve done a lot of good things and have a number of good qualities, but in this you are being a disgrace to domaining.

        Mark is right. The domain is worth far more than that. Should have been seven figures.

        • My opinion is based on the current market as well as public comparable sales from the last several years.

          Your opinion is based on, what I think is, wishful thinking. I will also keep your comment in mind from a week ago as a way to evaluate your expertise on domain name valuations: “I paid a lot less for my one short domain that is worth $500 million to $1 billion+ for instance, many years ago when that was still possible.”


          Sorry, John, there is no domain name worth close to 10 figures, and if there was, it would not be your domain name.

          I think Cars.com was valued at something like $872 million, but that is a massive brand and the undeveloped domain name would not be worth that in my opinion.

        • PS: I will donate $500 to a non-profit charity of your choice if you share the domain name you own that you believe “is worth $500 million to $1 billion+” so readers of this blog can evaluate and let you know if they agree.

        • Well this is progress, Elliot, because you’ve gone from studiously ignoring all my comments in that last thread and the next one after I called you a friend of the establishment there, but you saved me the trouble of pointing that out here.

          You made a similar comment long ago when I was evaluating the unnamed domain for less than that, so I was slightly surprised you opted for not saying anything last time till now. It’s actually “priceless,” as in you can’t really put a number on it, and it’s really worth at least $1 billion+ with that in mind.

          Honestly – like I would really post the name now even for $5,000 only to have the usual predatory suspects come in to do their thing, not to mention you with an axe to grind.

          There are some domains which can be considered “sleepers” which not many think of or remain cognizant of as time goes by. I guarantee you this, though – it’s extremely doubtful many of the richest and most of the most powerful people in the world don’t know about it. All over the world.

          And yes – it’s short. Not long or multi-word.

          Guys who think the way you do here now lack vision and perspective. Yes I do have a domain worth $1 billion+ (I say “$500 million to $1 billion+” for the purpose of any possible sale, though it is not listed or “for sale” per se) and I certainly won’t say what it is now since the time is clearly not right. Around 10 to 15 years or so ago someone tried to buy it from me and at that time I quoted $12 million as I recall. He didn’t dispute it at all and even said he hopes it happens.

          How fitting for this thread, by the way: i.e., it just so happens that I would bet a lot more than your $500 that Sedo itself was actually trying to not only scuttle the deal they were supposed to be facilitating but also thereby step in and essentially steal the domain itself when I was fortunate enough to be buying it from the original registrant many years ago. Even one of the Sedo founders was involved with that abortive effort. We even had to drop the Sedo process and complete the deal another way because of what was happening there then, in which thankfully and fortunately I was dealing with a seller who wanted to do that too. (He later went on to become famous in his field and I’ve seen video clips of him appearing on national TV, but everything was very different then.) And of course – if that’s what Sedo was up to, which seemed to be so at the time, it would not have been hard to see why they would have been doing that if I did say what it is.

        • Interesting that you mentioned “usual predatory suspects come in to do their thing” because someone else might say the exact same thing about you and a couple of others when Sedo and/or Dave Evanson reports a sale.

        • In your dreams, Elliot. Because the totality of my blog comments over the years bears out something very different. Someone with a passion for truth and the cause, and “truth in domaining” as I put it. Not to mention a lot of other good “darkness vs. light” causes I throw in.

          So I happen to not like or appreciate when the actions of anyone doing things like that not only look like market manipulation and chicanery to me, but at the expense of all of us no less, ironically including you.

  1. Hiren Patel is the seller, a domainer from Michigan

    Looks like he knew he wasn’t going to get much more, and took this deal, as he had previously asked a lot more for it.

  2. “Sorry, John, there is no domain name worth close to 10 figures, and if there was, it would not be your domain name.”

    Careful Elliot, we all know thew power of “John”. haha.

  3. My domain and website BullShitWebsites.com is worth trillions$$ and anybody who dispute that is full of BS.
    The website and the name of the domain resonates all websites and people too.

    • Isn’t NP mostly “newbie land” these days? “Domainers” have been beaten down for years, beaten into domainer-think and groupthink submission, both willingly and unwittingly, mostly stultified from any perspective on real world end user value, and the narrative masters and those at the top of the food chain looking for the quick buck and looking to create churn by scoring or brokering cheap assets from other domain investors have practiced their craft persistently and well. Along with plenty of helpful “collaborators” unfortunately.

      • PS – and before anyone tries to get clever by pointing out there are plenty of non-newbies at NP or something like that, everything after “Isn’t NP mostly “newbie land” these days?” applies to *all* “domainers,” most especially the experienced, with some rare exceptions of course.

  4. A fantastic sale, and so happy for the seller (and the buyer).I think the future of electric vehicles of all types (cars, bikes, scooters, etc.) is bright. I tend to agree with your analysis Elliot, that the seller was wise to sell at this price point. He still owns some other great names, including in this sector. Thanks for quickly covering the story, and I am glad to see the outpouring of support on NamePros, as you noted. The seller is highly regarded on the platform, and it is a joy for the community to witness his major success.

  5. Please some block idiotic John. He is a disgrace to the domain industry. I guess he may never even sold a domain name for three figures in his entire life.


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