Sunday Updates

I want to share a few updates this evening. I hope you’re enjoying the last few hours of your weekend. Summer is slowly coming to an end, and I would expect to see a pick up in business in a few weeks.

  • I want to start off by congratulating Morgan and Daina on their wedding this weekend. It’s great to see two people so committed to each other getting married, and I wish them lots of happiness and good fortune personally and professionally.
  • Always do your due diligence when closing a domain acquisition! This thread doesn’t look good, and I hope the buyer gets his money back, but the circumstances of a large company selling a domain name on a domain forum would have seemed fishy to me.
  • The infographic that Ray shared is very neat. One of the most interesting things is that Mike Berkens’ blog and my blog are now separated by just 8 websites out of millions online (22,278) vs. 22,286).
  • Speaking of that infographic, I really respect what the team at is doing to get their name out there. Instead of pestering blog owners to try and get people to post press releases, they are creating very cool graphics that blog owners want to share. I am thinking about having an infographic created for, and when I decide to do it, I will almost certainly use them.
  • If someone wants to organize a $100/team fantasy football league for other domain investors, let me know and I will post about it and participate. I have a bunch of non-business related things going on and don’t want to be a fantasy football commissioner… I will gladly participate though (might as well just give away $100, but that’s another story).
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • Saw it but I don’t have any interest in getting involved in the “scrap.”

      I think Francois is entitled to choose whatever articles he wants for his newsletter. I am sure if he wasn’t doing a good job at choosing, subscribers would unsubscribe and he would have to re-evaluate. He runs a private business, much like my own business, and if people aren’t happy with the format, they can go elsewhere. He is accountable to nobody but himself. Similarly, if people don’t like what I am doing here, they can suggest that I do something different or stop visiting. If they choose the former and I don’t oblige, then that’s my prerogative.

  1. Thanks for the mention Elliot.

    Last year fantasy football was fun and Elliot was a great commissioner.

    Infographic for makes a lot of sense. Let me know when its done I will help get it out there.

  2. Thanks Elliot for the mention and to all who liked the infographic.

    At this moment in time we don’t make infographics to order it’s just something that the design team do when they have time on their hands.

    But I guess if we get the right info and have the time we can make one up on anything free of charge as it’s advertising for us as well.

    So its a win win situation.

  3. We’ve got some really talented people and I am sure they could produce a cracking one, one that dog lovers would like to see.

    But at the moment it’s all about time.

  4. You guys should have more info about you and whois is privacy. If someone doing business with you they should know where you are in the world.

    • LOVELOGO is split into East and West.The Design Team are part of the LOVELOGOEAST team based here in the UK and we get all the work done while the WEST are based in the Caribbean and sip Pina Coladas all day while relaxing on the beach.(I’m kidding…….they actually do manage to drag themselves back to the office and get about 1 hour’s worth of work done every single day!)

      I think some of the above information (obviously not all of it) is on our website under ABOUT.

      @RH Personally I agree with you about the whois privacy, but maybe it was done so that pesky ” Alex ” doesn’t spam us with twice daily doses of crappy domains to sell.

  5. Hi Elliot – did you find a fantasy football league to join? If not, my league lost an owner at the last minute and has a nice team available (we drafted it as we went, as a group, so no stupid picks!). If you’d have any interest it is only $50.00 and I’ll send you a team roster to review. Just thought I’d offer, just in case. Hate to see you miss out on the fun of kicking some hicks’ behinds!


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