– An “Oldie” but a Goodie

Subscribe to Elliot's BlogIt’s funny that a documentary created in 2001 about an Internet start-up company can be called “an oldie but a goodie,” but I think this is the case with is the story of how fledgling Internet company went from an idea to start-up to bust during the .com bubble. Everything from choosing the company domain name to fighting for funding from VCs to dealing with their growth is shown in this behind the scenes film.

While it’s intriguing to watch the company’s progress, I also realize how lucky I am that I have found an industry and a niche where I am able to work somewhat alone (albeit with the assistance of freelancers), and I think I might have less stress as a result.   Sure, I am typically stressing about something (just ask my wife), but at least I don’t have to worry about paying someone back or building more value for someone else on top of everything.

Having your company be injected with venture capital can be great, owning/presiding over a company with 50+ employees can be prestigious, and founding a company with a $xx million dollar valuation can be exhilarating, but at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth the stress. I think there is plenty of opportunity in our industry to build businesses of our own.

One thing that is still pretty amazing to me is that despite the time the start-up was born and the amount of their funding, they still settled on the name, which is now a parked page.

I couldn’t find the video in full, but someone cut several parts of it on YouTube.   The movie is a couple of hours, but I found it fascinating the first time I watched it several years ago, and I thought it was neat to watch again years later.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. They do show that once in a while on IFC channel and HBO….great movie to watch those guys and the ups and downs…Back then though it seems the name was not as important issue instead focus was on the service. I still think many are in this bubble of the domain really is secondary and more is focused on what they want to deliver or project out on the web.

  2. the glory of the .com days…i watched movie years ago and was a great one..

    the ups and downs to things, forget the business model and dont worry about the profitable business model… we will just get vc cash, grow like mad and have big parties, lol..

    those were great times, i got a few .com ipo in the days and i recall telling my broker who cares if its not making money, just get me a .com ipo.. my first 2 were and netscape, then before the tumble probably got into 8 other ones…mainly small shares, under 100 shares but i did manage get 2000 shares in an online brokerage firm at the offering price..

    funny how things had changed and reflecting those days..

    thanks in post elliot, great post you did!

  3. “I couldn’t find the video in full”


    If you are interested you can order the DVD online from the New York Public library’s LEO catalog.

    They will send it to any library branch you select and will notify you when it’s arrived.

    You usually get DVDs for 7 days and can renew up to 5 times if no one else has requested it.

    You need a NYPL library card and a Pin #.

    The Pin # is often the last 4 digits of your tel #.

  4. I’ve worked for four venture backed companies. My last company raised millions. My new company is self-funded. Here is what I realized. I’ve had similiar success with ALOT less headache by doing it myself. Venture funding comes with alot of headaches.

  5. @Robbie

    You will get a copy at amazon for the UK, just search DVD’s for

    I am going to get a copy as well!

    Great post Elliot. I find business start ups in general interesting and the internet is going to continue to get bigger and bigger.



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