Sedo Brokers for $165k


Sedo Broker Dave Evanson just reported that he closed a deal on, and the sale price was $165,000. The domain name appears to have been owned by Dotzup, and it looks like it’s already been transferred to a Canadian buyer according to the current Whois information.

Dotzup is a company that owns a large portfolio of domain names. The company has listed as one of its “premier properties” along with other names like,, and

The landing page is the same as it was prior to the sale, so it’s not known what the plans are for the domain name as of yet. Warnaco Inc, the company the owns Calvin Klein, is the owner of the plural

Congratulations to all parties on this deal.


Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Elliot, Great marketing domain, keyword always grabs a lot of attention, If I had a broker executing this sale, I would say $200K-400k…

    Everything comes down to economics, maybe seller needed to push money elsewhere, no clue, after commissions, they probably looking at $150K

  2. Agree with Ron

    Just goes to show you prices transacted nowadays appear to be what they were back in ~ 2005 (before the go-go years)

    Would appear that Dotzup are happy to get cash for any reasonable offer

    They sold for $70,000 recently

  3. I used to park with dotzup back in the day, fair payouts, and they had a great portfolio of domains, I am sure they know the metrics better than anyone on their domains, sometimes you have to take these offers, as they don’t come along everyday, I had a similar situation on a domain that is worth more where I was offered 20K, start escrow today, but I just couldn’t get more out of them, if you can source more domains, or have more in your portfolio, at the end of the day, a little safety in the bank, is worth a bit more than one less domain in your account.

  4. Dotzup selling such premium domains for peanuts its a huge redflag that the domain business is sinking…add to this sedo’s report on parking revenues and it looks like the business we are in hit an iceberg but we don’t know yet….i just hope there are enough life boats this time around….

    • For my business, parking is a inconsequential number (under $500/month). Even if I tripled my monthly PPC earnings, it wouldn’t move the needle.

      The one area it has hurt my business is that other domain investors who do rely on parking aren’t buying as much these days. End user buyers don’t really care about PPC revenue and are more concerned about the general economy.


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