Sale History of Parler Domain Name

The Parler social platform has been in the news quite a bit lately because many of President Donald Trump’s biggest supporters have either moved their social media presence to Parler or have added accounts there. Under pressure from various service providers, the domain name recently transferred to Epik. It is unclear what other services, beyond domain registration, Epik is providing to Parler, if any.

I was curious about the history of the domain name considering it was created before the Parler platform was launched in 2018. Whois records show that was registered in May of 1998. This means that was acquired by its current registrant in the aftermarket.

A quick search of NameBio provides more information about how much was sold for in 2018: $4,814. (just the domain name) was sold on February 6, 2018 at Sedo. According to the seller (Virtual Network SA), the actual price of was 3888 EUR. Around that time, the domain name transferred from GoDaddy to DreamHost, where it was registered under privacy proxy. The domain name stayed at DreamHost until it recently transferred to Epik.

One interesting aspect of this is that is almost certainly regularly spelled incorrectly as Parlor is a more widely recognized word, so likely gets a fair amount of traffic from people intending to visit If you visit, you are greeted by an age verification landing page, and it would appear that is being used as an adult-related website.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Someone on FB had recommended Parler not long ago because of the huge amount of censorship constantly occurring on FB. I took a look and felt that it was probably just going to be a Republican/conservative/right wing “echo chamber,” like a few of the FB clone type sites I’d already seen, so I was totally uninterested in joining.

    Fast forward to the disgusting acceleration of the already existing tidal wave of censorship and suppression of free speech in favor of one particular clear bias and agenda by mainstream media monopolies, and the perpetrators of this disgusting development in 21st century society only succeeded in getting me to join Parler after all, whereas I otherwise wanted nothing to do with it before that.

    I was able to join practically hours before the disgusting deplatforming. I was even able to participate a bit already, ironically at the page or “Parley” or whatever the correct term is, for a person who is (wait for it, wait for it) a real “leftist” (not to be confused with the fake left, i.e. the neoliberal Democratic establishment) and not a “right winger” at all. Go figure.

    Looking forward to Parler coming back.

  2. Elliot – my comment is either held up in moderation or there is some delay for some reason. That rarely ever happens at your blog, so if you could look into it…

  3. That’s total bull***t, BullS. You obviously haven’t been reading my blog comments lately. I don’t have time to gather and post everything all over again now, and I’m sure it would probably be a waste of time even trying to enlighten you about what’s really going on with that.

    • John, some people have no interest in breaking out of their psychosis. Don’t even bother.

      The one good thing about al this societal degradation is that we can now separate the Iiberty lovers from the statists. Not much gray area left anymore.

    • “it would appear that is being used as an adult-related website.”
      Wow constantly amazed at how little thought and research by domain buyers and sellers.

      Huge fail for domain industry to not educate buyers and sellers better.

      Kudos to and other domain bloggers and domaineducation sites for their noble efforts.


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