Whois records at ICANN show the Parler.com domain name, used by the Parler social network, has transferred to Epik today. The domain name had been registered at DreamHost before it transferred to Epik at some point within the past few hours. Parler has been used more frequently by US conservative politicians, groups, and supporters in light of President Donald Trump ban from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
According to multiple news outlets, Parler has come under pressure from companies that provide services to it. For instance, Amazon is no longer providing its AWS hosting services to Parler. NPR reported that “Amazon had told Parler it would suspend its account Sunday at 11:59 p.m. PST. The website has been offline since that deadline passed.” The article also stated that Parler is “seeking a temporary restraining order to prevent Amazon from removing Parler from its servers.”
It is unclear if DreamHost asked or required that Parler transfer its Parler.com domain name to another registrar. The company did reply to a tweet mentioning Parler, but it was to clarify that the website was not hosted there:
We do not host parler(DOT)com or any of their content on our servers. If you believe that a hosting provider is hosting content which contains or promotes criminal activity, we encourage you to report it to law enforcement directly. FBI’s (IC3): https://t.co/ed85RMyMxs *MC
— DreamHost (@DreamHost) January 10, 2021
Earlier today, Epik published a statement on its blog related to Parler. The company stated that it “had no contact or discussion with Parler.” The company is also the registrar for Gab, another social media network that faced similar issues to Parler a little more than two years ago.
At this point, it appears that Parler is still facing downtime. It is not known whether Parler plans to use Epik for hosting or other services.
Don’t be surprise that the site will be up very soon as Epik is just 5mins drive from Amazon
This is good news for the country in the cause for free speech, truth, principle, and due process. And I am anything but a member of the red wing of the blue and red winged dragon. See my comments here:
And here:
I am very happy for Epik. Refreshing for their truth and the work in helping to protect others. Reminded today of all the horrible things that technology providers allow, and this letter from them is perfect.
I’ve watched Facebook be used to distribute flyers to bring cans of gas to my neighborhood, hoping to burn entire blocks down while people on TV say that violence is okay. Our world is broken and some people act like they are possessed and demonic in how they attack some and love others. All joking aside, it looks like political parties have paid thousands of people to lose their minds at once together.
We are the biggest suckers on the planet.
In Rob i trust.
The nameservers are now pointed to Epik. Congrats, Rob!
The word is out, bad business or domain? No problem, just go to Epik.
You mean ‘ business or domain you don’t like or agree with’ the already slippery slope of big tech censorship is getting steeper by the day.
Whatever floats your boat Robert.
This is a great new statement on the present censorship issue by Kim Iversen, one of the best “truth tellers” and “real journalists” in the world today (and also neither perfect nor infallible like all of us).
I watched this video at 1.5x speed with headphones. May take getting used to, but well worth it to cover more ground in less time.
“How To Handle Dangerous Speech Without Resorting To Censorship”
I like her but I’m not sure I agree that social media companies should be “regulated as utilities” and not allowed to censor what they don’t like. That might be an infringement on reasonable freedom of commerce. My knowledge of current regulations is paltry but I think the government should only be able to implement, say, price controls, on a company which has received government assistance, like a utility which is, for example, given the right to be the only company in a community which installs cables under the ground because many companies doing that would be disruptive. When you are being granted that kind of a monopoly you agree in advance that the government may control your pricing. But social media companies are not that kind of monopoly, they are big because people have liked their services and chosen to use them, so until I hear a good argument to the contrary I support their having a right to implement as much censorship as they want (although I would advise them against it as I think censorship is counterproductive).
I think the current situation is an opportunity for a great free-speech movement by which people boycott the many companies which are trying to shut Parler down and switch to companies which support free speech. I have no problem with such companies providing information about users to law enforcement if such is demanded from them, providing that’s clear in their user agreement.
Maybe people in the domain community who support free speech could chip in to buy a great domain for the movement!
P.S. I still use Twitter because it’s a great free service but won’t click on any ads, preferring the hashtag #BoycottTwitterAds to #BoycottTwitter. Don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
It’s good to see Epik not siding with questionable censorship. Epik is one of the registrars I use.
Thank you for assisting Parler and any other platform that desires free speech. Censorship is not right. Thank you again.
Kudos to epik for standing up to free speech!
Wait…didn’t Rob Monster received backlash for being aligned with white supremacists and posted something ill mannered about a video where Muslims were massacred…and now hes patted on the back for this?
People are hard to understand, so why try.
On another note, enjoy this 2021!!!
The is a very good statement by Kim Iversen about what’s going on and where things are probably headed. I watched at 1.5x speed with headphones to save time.
NOTE: Stop being deceived by the false “left/right” divide (and conquer).
“The Looming Patriot Act 2.0”
The great but flawed like all of us and not infallible truth teller and authentic journalist Caitlin Johnstone put it very well today on Twitter:
Today, Jan 14: “It was obvious then and it’s obvious now.”
Nov 5: “I’ve said it before and I will say it again: any violence in the aftermath of the US election will only serve the powerful, will be used to roll out authoritarian measures desired by the powerful, and will in all probability have been instigated by the powerful as well.”
PS: Do a search on ‘FBI knew about a planned attack on the Capitol’
That’s very likely so. I have learned that a former FBI agent revealed that there was at least one truck of Antifa members disguising as Trump supporters and infiltrating the rally on January 6.
Also, a video tape shows that the Capitol polices were likely involved in the conflict as well. A possible fake “Trump supporter” was seen changing his appearance behind Capital polices after vandalism. The news is mainly in Chinese, but there are some English: https://youtu.be/4kN1-PRogKo?t=250
Please ignore the “fake Trump supporter” part in my previous message. I think a more discreet investigation is needed before concluding whether he is a fake Trump supporter and what he was doing behind Capital polices.
That said, there are other signs and evidences showing that the incident is a planned one. Such as the four points raised by congressman Mo Brooks (https://youtu.be/FPHhjGRk0pI?t=830) and the leaked chat logs of anti-Trumpers showing “a large sum of anti trumpers” infiltrated the rally and stormed into the Capitol (http://tw.aboluowang.com/2021/0116/1546393.html).
This report is inaccurate. The domain name for the social media app is Parlor.me. Parlor.com is an adult entertainment site.
It’s Parler, not parlor.