I thought you might like to watch this humorous clip from @midnight with Chris Hardwick on Comedy Central. This week’s episode features Deon Cole, Jesse Joyce, and Brendon Walsh, and one of the topics is the new domain names.
In the video, which I embedded below for your convenience, the three comedians play a game called “NewDomainArticles.Game” and come up with funny new gTLD domain names. Perhaps some of their suggestions will be found in the next round of new gTLD applications.
Thanks to Taryn Naidu for the link!
even comedians know better…
New gTLDs are and will be a ‘Fu*?ng JOKE’
I get a different take … My take away Is awareness of the right of the dot is gaining awareness … Not one made the mistake of saying “iphone6.thiswontworkeither.com
They all used the . Correctly even in comedy
Phill, that’s my perspective too. The naysayers keep saying how there is no one advertising the new g’s. This is the kind of publicity that they need.