.NYC domain names were front and center in this clip from HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. More specifically, Oliver discussed .NYC domain name registrations related to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Some of these domain names were vulgar and likely defensively registered on behalf of the former Mayor (I would assume without his knowledge).
Andrew Allemann reported on these domain name registrations a week ago. Some of the Mike Bloomberg domain names he discussed include gems like BloombergBlows.NYC, MikeIsTooShort.NYC, MikeBloombergisaDweeb.NYC, MikeBloombergBlows.NYC, and FuckBloomberg.NYC.
There has been quite a bit of press about .NYC domain names lately, and Neustar must be loving it. The Wall Street Journal published an article last week, and other local newspapers have published articles as well. You can’t buy this type of publicity, and it’s probably helping to contribute to the growth of the extension.
Enjoy the video embedded below, although it might be a bit unsafe for work due to some of the language:
Thanks to Jeff Neuman for sharing the video via Twitter.
LOL, Yeah I’d say your right, these are more than likely defensive, I think the people dislike him the most (including myself) can think of a lot worse names to call that dirty rat, but to spend money on him? no happening.
As a reminder, folks, the famous John Oliver vid on Net Neutrality is pure genius, and you’d almost have to be crazy not to watch it – even just for the health benefits one can derive from how it can me you laugh on a scale seldom seen in life. 😉
“make you laugh,” that is** 🙂