Internet Traffic Sees Surge in Names

I just noticed that Internet Traffic saw a surge in domain names that were added to its servers in the last 24 hours. In total, there are now over 680,000 domain names that resolve on its servers. It’s possible that there are other names that aren’t using this DNS.

To give you an idea of how this compares to other parking companies, here are the approximate number of domain names that resolve to their DNS according to DomainTools (rounded up):

  • Parked: 415,000
  • WhyPark: 239,000
  • Fabulous: 568,000
  • Bodis: 148,000
  • Sedo: 1,891,000
  • HitFarm: 386,000
  • Trafficz: 171,000
  • Cash Parking: 1,154,000
  • Smartname: 301,000
  • Above: 654,000
  • Domain Market: 187,000
  • DS Redirection (Domain Sponsor/Oversee): 1,957,000

There are other parking companies, although I don’t know the DNS off the top of my head. Keep in mind, some of the numbers above may not be totally accurate as people may use their own DNS and some type of forwarding.

Nevertheless, it’s a pretty good illustration of how much of an impact Internet Traffic has had in such a short period of time.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. @ Gnanes…..Good b/c sucks IMO.

    They also reg your domains it seems when they drop.

    They always seemed seedy to me.

  2. Since InternetTraffic was supposed to only accept the “best of the best”, are there really 680,000 “quality” names out there?

    I’ve seen some examples, and they are truly top names, but how much junk is parked at InternetTraffic as well?

  3. @ AB

    I think IT takes the best of the best portfolios, and sometimes there’s a lot of crap with the good names. If you have to take the bad with the good, so be it, as long as it doesn’t harm the good performing names.

  4. @Harry Flowers
    all to true, all my old lost names are residing on their servers. Maybe their marketing depot will do a better job selling them than I could. lol good luck to them – more power to them I guess.

  5. Elliot,

    I can see why is gaining steam.

    I have been with them for about 5 weeks and no regrets.

    I am happy: traffic is double and revenue has seen a significant jump.

    Plus, Frank is just such a gentlemen and trustworthy person.

    I look forward to other enhancements in their system such as making available sales technology.

  6. “I just noticed that Internet Traffic saw a surge in domain names that were added to its servers in the last 24 hours.”

    Sedo: 1,891,000 – eeek, that’s a huge loss


    I wonder if some of that is due to SEDO’s increase in commissions ?

    5% increase isn’t a big deal on a $5,000 sale but it would be on a larger sale, especially when most end users just follow the for sales link on the parking page.

    If Frank sets up a small sales department with a few talented salesmen he could make a mint from commissions on other peoples domains.

  7. @BFitz,

    I don’t know how to answer that but the truth is traffic is 2 to 3 times more than what was reported before by DS/Sedo/ etc.

    Soon we will be using Frank’s sales system also.

    Regarding Sedo raising commissions: My personal opinion is that sedo lost quite a bit of revenue from their parking due to sedo pro members (like us) moving out and now perhaps they are trying to make up for the lost revenue by raising commissions.

    My sedo account manager asked me the reason for my move and I honestly explained them my traffic/revenue jump.

  8. > I ask how traffic has doubled?

    With no transparency from the parking houses strange things happen.

    I had a good generic at NameDrive that had a reported 1300-1500
    ‘uniques’ per day. They said quite a while ago that they had
    filtered the ‘bots’, so I assumed the traffic report was accurate.

    However, I decided to try it at SedoPro and the reported ‘uniques’
    immediately dropped to about 900 per day, although the earnings were marginally higher.

    Then, late last year when SedoPro implemented the Google
    Javascript filtering (whatever that is) the reportage immediately
    dropped to about 500 uniques per day, but then over the next few
    months slowly worked its way back to 1000.

    You tell me what’s going on if it isn’t deception and traffic theft ?

    Recently, I moved everything to Frank.
    As was said above, no regrets.

    If I used the low point of Sedo’s traffic reports, then Frank has definitely doubled the traffic.

    Realistic assessment ? Who knows.


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