Eat Healthy & Get Exercise

Ever since my Dad had a heart attack a few years ago, I have been even more vigilant about my health. Fortunately for my family, my Dad fully recovered from his heart attack, but it served as a valuable lesson for me, and it’s something I urge you to take to heart.

As a domain investor, I sit behind my computer for much of the day – drinking coffee of course. Running a business can be stressful, and with the tough economy, things can be even more stressful. Working on a computer for 10+ hours a day can lead to bad posture, poor eyesight and carpal tunnel. I really don’t think there is anything physically good about working on a computer all day – except the fact that I am not spending my day lifting heavy objects. Coupled with added stress, this can lead to bad health and physical conditioning.

Anyhow, it’s important the we realize how much we need to take care of ourselves. I do my best to eat healthy meals and get enough exercise. Since my wife is a great runner who encourages me to run and work out, it’s not too difficult to stay in shape. However, if she wasn’t pushing me to do so, I would probably never get any exercise, while drinking and eating too much.

This is just a friendly reminder that you need to take some time to look after yourself and stay healthy. Get an annual check up and cholesterol test, and make sure you listen to your doctor’s advice. ย  Working alone can be somewhat isolating but it’s important to do what you can to maintain your good health.

I am now training for a biathlon, so it’s now time to go for a run at the gym and then take a 12 mile bike ride in the park. I challenge you to challenge yourself physically. It will stimulate you mentally and gives you time away from your computer to de-stress.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Im on route to the gym in 45mins, 100% behing you on this we need to stay fit, helps reduce stress and also keeps the mind fresh imo.

    Good Luck in your training for you biathlon, I know its hard, Im getting married in 6 days and been training in the gym to lose weight, tone up and get fit for the past three months.

  2. I also work from my home, mostly on the computer. Everyone is different, but I find that it works best when a workout is part of the routine instead of “I will get to it some time today.” My routine is to workout in the mornings before starting work. I find that if I wait, I will inevitably get distracted with something (usually business) and put the workout off. Before I know it, it is the end of the day, and the workout never got done. I drop my kids off at school, and go straight to the gym, before distractions set in.

  3. yes,
    especially when I have Hypercholesterolemia!
    my sessions of badminton twice a week is sacred.
    + the Statins!
    Diet-wise, I trust my wife! She’s great with Healthy Food!

    Coffee, can’t escape! ๐Ÿ™ and I hope I’ll manage to quit
    smoking soon!.

    I hope one day, FS is going to do something good with !

    Cheers, ,
    from Delicious Mauritius ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Great post Elliot! Its VERY important to stay fit while spending most of our time on the computer. I am a big believer that a fit body translates to a fit mind.

    When I first got involved in domains two years ago, I fell victim to the sedimentary lifestyle domaining can bring, and allowed myself to get lazy when it came to fitness. The result was added weight, the start of back pains I had never experienced before, and more sick days. Generally, I rarely felt like I was running at my optimum.

    As I’ve made a firm resolution to get out of this “funk”, and start taking good care of my body again, I’ve been much happier, and productive.

    I would recommend that those who do spend a fair amount of time each day on the computer to do “pulling” exercises (if you must choose one). Exercises that work more of the back. I started do deadlifts, and the earlier mentioned back pains vanished over night.

    Get a gym membership, and make a goal to go there 3 times a week. Give it a month, and see how much better your standard of living becomes.

  5. Good reminder for everyone of us indeed!

    Some time ago, I spent too many hours a day behind my laptop. It was one of the factors that triggered DVT (deep vein thrombosis). As a result -since my day job requires a medical certificate- I couldn’t work for almost a year.

    Exercise is not only a necessity but also a true investment in productivity.


  6. My father has goiter size of ostrich egg to make me very ill in stomache. every day I do the run to chase chicken. VERY GOOD!!!!to do ecersize. I drink the redbull too makes penis to stand strong


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