Cheddar Report: Monaco Paid $12 Million for

An article by Tanaya Macheel on Cheddar has pegged the sale price of the domain name at $12 million. According to the article, “Monaco, a Swiss payments and cryptocurrency platform start-up, paid $12 million for the URL as part of a rebranding strategy, Cheddar has learned.” I am not sure whether or not this has been confirmed by the buyer or seller.

If the sale price was $12 million, it would easily be the largest domain name sale of the year, well ahead of the $1.2 million sale of, as charted by DNJournal. The sale of would also rank as the 9th largest public domain name sale of all time, according to GoDaddy. A $12 million sale would rank below the $13 million sale of and above the $11 million sale of

Interestingly, although Matt Blaze offered some commentary on his sale of, he did not mention the sale price. He did say, he has “no financial stake in their business,” which would indicate to me that it was likely a cash (or cash equivalent) deal.

As far as I am aware, this $12 million figure is still unconfirmed by the parties involved in the deal, so it remains to be seen if this sale will be charted.

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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I’m surprised. I do think its worth that much, I just didn’t think they would pay so much for it. That guy had no idea he’d be 12 million richer when he registered it. Crazy.

  2. That the beauty of DOMAINS—if someone wants it, just pay the $$$$$$$$$.

    It is good publicity for the domain industry.

    Show me the money!!
    For average Joe/Mary, s/he does not have a clue what domains are.

    Make DOMAINs greatER again.

  3. It is BS. I “like” those reporters using anonymous sources that were involved… We see it every day somewhere. Like BBC yesterday reported 6 Thai students being rescued from a cave. They also mentioned an anonymous source from the rescue team. #FakeNews

    • Why would the reporter have made this up? I presume someone with knowledge (but not permission to go on the record) shared the information.

      Hopefully someone will confirm at some point and/or it will be shared in a governmental filing at some point.

    • This sale needs to be confirmed by a domain-sphere blogger. At this stage, nothing has been confirmed. We need Ron Jackson to confirm this was a $13 million transaction. As far as reporters, they lie all the time to meet deadlines and pay the bills.

    • $12 million is excellent. But has it been officially confirmed or is the reporter’s word being accepted as truth? Will it be listed on this week’s Top domain name sales on DN Journal?

    • What makes you think that a domain blogger will be more accurate than any other external source? All they’re going to do is the same type of detective work as anyone else who is willing to put their reputation on the line by posting a large dollar amount

  4. Might be legit, but no one knows for sure until the sale is confirmed. reporter said they talked to Matt in the past about not wanting to sell, but she never really did talk to him about it.

    But Matt did say online that he didn’t want to sell
    Now is sold, so there goes “not wanting to sell” out the window.

    So the $12 Million price is speculation for now.
    But it wouldn’t surprise me if the sale price is actually legit.

  5. Even if this figure gets denounced, there’s really no question that he sold this great name for life-changing money. So people should be less focused on the number itself, and more on exactly WHY the name was so in-demand.

    Who’s to say that Google, FB, or AMZN wouldn’t have paid double that reported figure?

    It’s an instantly recognizable brand in the truest sense.

  6. Interestingly, the Cheddar article was updated:

    “Monaco, a Swiss payments and cryptocurrency startup, paid $12 million for the URL as part of a rebranding strategy, according to a source involved in the transaction.”

  7. 12 million might seem expensive but welcome to crypto. This is a drop in the bucket in the crypto world. Even one of the worst shitcoin ICOs can raise 12 million.

    Monaco will make well over 12 million from their coin pumping from owning the domain name. Do a small dump and they get their money back.

    This domain would be better suited as an exchange though. The clout it gets with this domain would make the 12 million back probably in the first couple of months.

    I think this domain is worth at least 50 million.

  8. Here is what no one really gets: The morning when Monaco announced the purchase of their MCO token was trading at 8$. After the announcement MCO was trading roughly 20% up at 9,50$. In terms of market cap that is a $22 million increase.. Do you guys get it now? The PR impact and the fact that they bought made their currency go up more in value than they actually paid for the name…

    Just like when Amazon bought Whole Foods:

  9. Here is what no one really gets: The morning when Monaco announced the purchase of their MCO token was trading at 8$. After the announcement MCO was trading roughly 20% up at 9,50$. In terms of market cap that is a $22 million increase.. Do you guys get it now? The PR impact and the fact that they bought made their currency go up more in value than they actually paid for the name…

    Just like when Amazon bought Whole Foods:

  10. Here is what no one really gets: The morning when Monaco announced the purchase of their MCO token was trading at 8$. After the announcement MCO was trading roughly 20% up at 9,50$. In terms of market cap that is a $22 million increase.. Do you guys get it now? The PR impact and the fact that they bought made their currency go up more in value than they actually paid for the name…

    Just like when Amazon bought Whole Foods:

  11. More rumours, more self promotion. It’s not much better than the new tld sales right now.

    Let’s see some real numbers!

  12. If asked to appraise this domain prior to the sale, I would have said somewhere between 10-15 million USD.

    Can’t see why it’s not legit. 12 million — absolutely.

    • They have 200 million in the balance sheets, go verify yourself search at google “monaco 200 million balance sheet”

    • Snoopy is consistently raining on the parade and is not happy about being sold for a solid amount in an M&A transaction whereby 1 + 1 = 5

      the transaction at $12 mm makes MORE THAN sense because the increase in value on Monaco’s equity side, and separately their token market cap increases by 20% by virtue of their new leadership positioning. all in all this has already brought them more than $12mm in rewal value and will bring far more value in the future.

      respectfully Snoopy. you’re just not getting it.


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