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Domain Conference Panel I Would Attend

When I am at a domain conference, I don’t generally attend the panels or keynote speeches. I go to conferences like TRAFFIC and Namescon to reconnect with friends and colleagues, meet with industry companies, and make new contacts. I very rarely attend the panels. There is one panel I would attend though: a Q/A with UDRP panelists.

A UDRP is a risk for any domain owner. Regardless of how defensible a domain name is (check out the Photo.com UDRP for an example), there aren’t really any domain names that are immune to a UDRP filing. I think a UDRP on a descriptive domain name should be a “no brainer,” but there are quite a few examples of a UDRP being ruled in favor of a complainant, despite the domain name’s descriptive nature. Even when the correct decision is made, I think there are many UDRP decisions that are inconsistent. I suppose it is the nature of the system.

That being said, I would find it

TRAFFIC: Complimentary Limo from Miami International Airport


If you are attending the TRAFFIC conference at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami later on this month, and you’re flying into Miami International Airport, a complimentary limo ride is available to take you directly to the conference. In order to take advantage of this offer, you will need to be in touch with the sponsor to make your reservation.

I want to share an email I received this afternoon from TRAFFIC conference co-founder Howard Neu announcing the limo sponsorship:

TRAFFIC Prices Increase Soon


The TRAFFIC conference in Miami in coming up in just a few weeks, and the prices for the conference pass  and the hotel are going up soon. I received an email with some details about the price increase from Rick Schwartz, and I want to share it with you so you don’t miss out on the current rate.

Here’s what Rick had to say about the conference price increases in this morning’s email:

My TRAFFIC Awards Ballot

I’ve never done this before, but I want to share the 2014 TRAFFIC Awards ballot I plan to submit at some point this afternoon, with a bit of commentary. Most of these selections were difficult choices to make because there are many deserving people and companies in the domain space.

The nomination period is open today through this Friday, August 22nd at 6pm (Eastern). A person or company needs to receive at least 3 nominations to be listed on the final ballot. I believe you need to participate in the nomination period in order to cast a final ballot, so if you are the type of person who complains that the nominees are the same each year, you should make your own nominations.

I am sure I will think of someone else (or another company) later on who may be more deserving of recognition. When it comes to the final vote, I won’t reveal my selections because I might realize that I screwed up and omitted a better choice. Having more options rather than a blank slate tends to do that.

My 2014 TRAFFIC Awards Ballot:

Early Bird Miami Beach TRAFFIC Tickets on Sale


2012_header_logoEarly bird tickets for the TRAFFIC conference in Miami Beach, Florida are now on sale at a price of $995. The $995 price point is valid until May 31 or until 50 tickets are sold (whichever comes first). The 2014 TRAFFIC East conference will be held at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel from October 30 through November 2.

The TRAFFIC East conference held in Florida is one event I hardly ever miss. As I recall, I’ve been to every Miami/Ft. Lauderdale show since 2007, with the exception of the year my wife was pregnant. It’s generally a well attended event, and it comes at a productive time on the calendar, shortly before people shift gears to focus on the holiday season.

Because ticket prices increase gradually up until the conference, this is a good time to reserve them if you know you’ll be there.

Here is this morning’s email from Rick Schwartz announcing ticket availability as well as an offer for the Las Vegas TRAFFIC conference:

TRAFFIC Keynote Speakers Announced

Rick Schwartz announced the two keynote speakers for the TRAFFIC conference coming up at the end of the month, and I think both are excellent choices. Howard Lefkowitz, the former President and CEO of Vegas.com, will be speaking on Friday, May 30 at 11:30 in the morning.  Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager at Bing, will be speaking on Thursday, May 29 at 10:15 in the morning.

You have mostly likely heard of Vegas.com. If not, it is probably the best geodomain success story. The company is an all encompassing Las Vegas travel website where you can book vacations, make dinner reservations, and read about Las Vegas tours and activities. Lefkowitz joined the company in 2001, and until then end of his tenure in 2010, he helped to grow the heck out of the company and brand. You can read more about the brand and Lefkowitz on HotelInteractive.com.

Duane Forrester is a search expert, and in his position at Bing, he helps webmasters and publishers learn about how to leverage their content to improve their visibility. He  has spoken at most of the major SEO and webmaster conferences, and his opinions and feedback are highly sought after. To give you an idea of how much Forrester’s opinions are respected, he will also be the keynote speaker at Pubcon Las Vegas in October.

As much as

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