When I am at a domain conference, I don’t generally attend the panels or keynote speeches. I go to conferences like TRAFFIC and Namescon to reconnect with friends and colleagues, meet with industry companies, and make new contacts. I very rarely attend the panels. There is one panel I would attend though: a Q/A with UDRP panelists.
A UDRP is a risk for any domain owner. Regardless of how defensible a domain name is (check out the Photo.com UDRP for an example), there aren’t really any domain names that are immune to a UDRP filing. I think a UDRP on a descriptive domain name should be a “no brainer,” but there are quite a few examples of a UDRP being ruled in favor of a complainant, despite the domain name’s descriptive nature. Even when the correct decision is made, I think there are many UDRP decisions that are inconsistent. I suppose it is the nature of the system.
That being said, I would find it interesting to hear about the UDRP decision making process directly from UDRP panelists. I would like to know what the panelists look at when preparing their decision, and I would be interested in learning more about how panelists think about their decisions. It would also be interesting to see how the panelists interact with the domain investor audience.
A UDRP is a constant threat for every domain owner. Most of the large portfolio owners have had to deal with a UDRP filing (and likely many threats), and the prospect of a UDRP is something that I personally consider on every investment I make. Knowing more about the panelists and how they come to their decisions would be interesting, especially if domain investors could submit questions and participate in a question and answer period.
I assume the likelihood of having UDRP panelists participating in a panel at a domain conference is slim. However, I would also think there are some panelists who would be willing to participate, knowing that the decisions they render are fair, and they always act impartially (in their minds at least).
Is this a panel you would like to see at a domain conference?
Good post Sir Elliot, but Actually, I’d prefer to hear a panel of ordinary gtld registrants so I can figure out just what da hell they were thinking (or smoking) when they registered something so foolhardy.