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ICA to Host Kate Buckley AMA


The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) is set to host an AMA session with domain broker Kate Buckley. The Zoom session will be held on August 10th. This AMA session is only open to ICA members.

The ICA has hosted several AMA sessions with other members of the domain investment community. Andrew Rosener, Braden Pollock, Monte Cahn, Richard Lau, and Paul Nicks have all participated in these interactive sessions. ICA members also have access to these recorded sessions.

Nominations Open for 2022 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award

The Lonnie Borck Memorial Award honors was established to honor someone who has made “an exceptional contribution to fostering a sense of community within the domain name industry.” The award was established to honor the memory of Lonnie Borck, a domain investor and friend of mine who passed away in 2016.

The Internet Commerce Association will be awarding this year’s award in person at NamesCon. The ICA has opened the nomination process for this year’s Award, and any member of the domain name industry can submit a nomination. ICA Members will then elect the top three candidates, and the winner will be chosen from the top three by the ICA Board.

This is Why I Joined


The public comment period at ICANN related to the UDRP status report ends today. I know that George Kirikos submitted a comment, and a number of domain investors submitted comments. I did not submit a comment, and someone asked why I am not “all over this:”

ICA to Host Mock UDRP Hearing at NamesCon


The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) will be hosting a unique session at NamesCon this week. The ICA teamed up with the International Trademark Association’s Lori Schulman to host a mock UDRP hearing. This session will offer insight about the UDRP proceeding from all sides of a complaint using a fictitious UDRP dispute. I imagine this unique session will be something most domain investors could benefit from watching.

Participating on this panel are five individuals with extensive UDRP and legal expertise:

Location and Date Set for ICA Meetup in September


The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) announced a members-only meet up to be held in Las Vegas this September. The date and location for this event has been finalized by the ICA. The event will be held at the Green Valley Ranch resort September 19 – 21, 2021. According to Google Maps, Green Valley Ranch appears to be a short drive from McCarran Airport in Las Vegas.

While the event is only open to ICA members, it is simple to sign up and become a member of this domain investing trade organization. New members are permitted to attend as well, presumably if they sign up for a membership in advance.

Kamila Sekiewicz, Executive Director of the ICA, shared the following information about the event this morning:

ICA to Host Event With UDRP Panelist Georges Nahitchevansky


The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) is hosting a member-only event that I think will be of interest to domain investors, myself included. Georges Nahitchevansky, an Intellectual Property Attorney at the Kilpatrick Townsend law firm. Notably, Mr. Nahitchevansky is also a UDRP panelist who has served on several notable UDRP cases, including the recent Picture.com decision.

The virtual ICA member event will be held on June 9, 2021 from 12:30 pm ET to 2:00 pm ET via Zoom. The format of this event will be a discussion with ICA General Counsel Zak Muscovitch, who has represented many clients in the defense of their domain names.

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