Canadian Sex Acts

I was watching the show How I Met Your Mother on CBS last night, and the characters discussed a website that they visit, which is all abo0ot (pun intended) Canadian Sex Acts – Β  The site lists the made-up names of a whole bunch of comedic “Canadian Sex Acts,” and clicking on each link opens a pop-up page with a photo of Canadian actor Alan Thicke and an error message.

Oftentimes production companies mention domain names/websites in television shows and movies, but they fail to register them (or they’re already owned by someone else), and the result is interested traffic to someone else’s website.

In the case of CBS’ How I Met Your Mother, the characters mentioned the website,, and the domain name had been purchased a couple of weeks ago – although it has a private registration so I can’t confirm that CBS does own it. The site doesn’t mention the show, nor does it mention the production company or network. In any case, it’s a fun parody website, and it was smart to register it beforehand.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. That is too funny…lmao.

    Me and the wifey watched it last night. I didn’t check the site, didn’t think anything would be up.

    What the heck is Alan Thicke doing on the site, lol.

  2. LOL, haven’t watched it yet, but it’s on the DVR.

    You got an extra “t” in your URL, BTW. : )

    Most networks have a policy to register any name that is mentioned, it just makes good sense. Many don’t put up sites, but some will redirect them and sometimes, a site is put up. Probably the best example of a crazy site was by Conan O’Brien –

  3. The .net and .com are owned by CBS for about a week before the show both resolved at They were reg’d by someone else before that who advertised on the page he’d sell them for money or a part. We corresponded a bit. He did end up selling it to cbs although he didn’t specify what he sold it for. I own which since last night’s show has received over 60 uniques and last time I checked 5 click throughs earning me 61 cents so far. It is for sale.

  4. Yes, I was stunned that CBS didn’t register the website before publicizing it.

    When I read about this episode, I quickly grabbed the singular (Canadian Sex Act dot-org), and in the past 2 days it has gotten 1,200 visitors. Only earned about a buck so far at Parked, though. (I probably could be making a lot more if I set up porn links on it … but that’s not my style.) Also have Canadian Sex Acts dot-net, with a trickle of traffic.

  5. So – I set up a show-related page with relevant Amazon links at Canadian Sex Act dot-org (after earning just a couple bucks at Parked). Yesterday, 54 visitors clicked through to Amazon (or maybe 54 pages were viewed, I’m not sure how Amazon’s reports work), but nobody bought anything (cheapskates!). Still, it seems like a good investment; I should get a bit of ongoing traffic, which will surge whenever that episode is shown in reruns.

    (P.S. to Elliot after yesterday’s spammer attack – yes, this is really me. πŸ˜‰ )

  6. I actually own but I am letting CBS use it for the time being. They dropped the ball on some of the deliverables we discussed and refused a contract. I’m hoping to get it all resolved soon but, if not, it will be for sale on the open market. It still gets over 1,000 unique visitors a day.

  7. I was wondering about the Canadian sex laws. I read the Canadian Sex Law Acts but got confused.
    I was wondering if it is legal to tell a prostitute “I would like to take adult photos of you”.
    Another question, prostitution is legal but where can you do it with out it being against the law???

    P.S. Im not a cree, nor am I ever going to rent a prositute, I am just wondering.


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