Affiliate Domain Development

I’m still pretty enthused about affiliate marketing after spending some time at Affiliate Summit in New York a couple of weeks ago. On Saturday, I mentioned that I would like to do some sort of affiliate website for my next project, and I am looking to find a name in a category of interest. I had a couple of questions emailed to me about the project I am considering, and I wanted to explain it better.

To illustrate the idea, I am thinking about something along the lines of owning a name like (just an example).   In addition to explaining how PPC works, discussing parking provider relationships with search engines, and other information, I would have a page dedicated to each domain parking company. The page will give information about the parking company with a sign-up button that has my affiliate link. It’s simple, but because of that, I will need a great domain name that will help me get good search rankings, so when someone searches Google for parking companies, the domain ranks well.

I am not actually looking to build a site in this vertical but wanted to illustrate my plan. It’s also not a unique business model, but I haven’t done a site like this yet, and I want to test out how it would perform on a targeted domain name. The goal will be to create a site that requires very minimal upkeep, and because of the targeted domain name, it will rank well in search engines. Not only do I want it to be in a vertical I am familiar with, but the affiliate payments should be high enough to offset development costs and the domain acquisition costs.

Like (which wasn’t expensive and has decent paying clicks), I want to be able to have an ROI of under 3 years. I don’t know if it will work out in the case of, but that’s the goal.

In any case, Rick Latona Auctions is now holding a CPA, Lead Generation, and Affiliate Marketing domain auction, and there are a couple of domain names I am considering. The auction wraps up on August 28th. Please note, I do not have any names in this auction, and since I may be bidding, I don’t want to create competition for myself so I am not going to list the name(s) I like. I am also looking at other venues as well.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Good luck, hope you find the name(s) you are looking for! I too have been looking for good vertical to target with a affiliate program that performs.

    Are you planning on any other methods to drive traffic to your affiliate site besides buying a highly targeted domain?

  2. Did you pick up any tidbits at the summit in regards to a list of good affiliate networks like Clickbank or CJ, and also what programs are hot right now (forex, acai, etc)? Looking forward to seeing where you run with this.

  3. If you are gonna do the site on domain parking I got 4 two word .com domains and 4 three word .com domains that would work, all eight of them are 3+ years old, hit me at the email address I submitted this comment from if interested in the list.

  4. You aren’t only limited to offers in the CPA space… with great domains you have the potential to setup your own affiliate program or build your own leads. Going direct has its pros and cons, but developing websites around one vertical via affiliate marketing can be tough if there are few offers for it. (what happens when they all die?)

  5. Stick with product related domains as you can always monetize them through many different affiliate programs and earn a percentage of sale. I think this is where domaining is headed as cpc parking revenue declines over time.

  6. The world is changing quickly , always think outside the circle if possible and dream of not is, but what can be

    I recently registered

    appsaffiliateprogram / com

    appsaffiliateprograms/ com

    You may not need a fortune for a good affilate domain name , just a vision into what can be ,

    good luck with it

    • @ Roddy

      I want a great domain name so I can focus less on SEO and updates. I want it to rank well for the keyword with little effort.

      You spelled parking wrong (I am sure it’s intentional but not interesting to me).

      I am looking for acquisition targets on my own – no need for any submissions.

    • I have these domains that are niches :
      can be used for High Quality Scanners, such as Xerox, HP, Epson, etc
      can be used for pharmaceuticals that produces medicne for cacer
      can be used for consulting services related to sales accountant 
      can be used for Robots that manages Radiation environment

      If interested can contact me at

  7. I believe we will see more parked domains use CPA.

    For example, we have an internal beta that turns domains given a keyword into CB affiliates. An example is This uses CB products that have commissions of $25 – $50, which for this site brings $500 per month (on SedoPro, it made less than $50 per month). Again, the key to this whole thing is to make it scale for hundreds and thousands of domains.

    Most domainers have ignored CPA historically because CPC was easy money. This will change. In addition, Google itself is in the game with their own CPA experiments (


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