What’s the Best Thing You Bought with Domain Investment Profits?

I was looking on Twitter this morning when I came across this tweet from @BrandAlready who shared a photo of a boat he purchased with the proceeds from his domain name sales:

As someone whose business is completely focused on domain name investing, I use the excess profits from my business to pay for our living expenses. Domain investing profits pay for food, shelter, healthcare, travel, and other life necessities and luxuries.

When I first started investing in domain names, the income was supplemental to my full time career. My initial goal from domain investing back in 2004 / 2005 was to use the proceeds to buy an expensive luxury watch. After surpassing my financial goal, I ended up continuing to reinvest the proceeds from my business in lieu of a big (and what would have been an unwise) purchase.

I am curious what neat things readers have purchased using the profits from their domain name sales.

I think the best purchase I made was my wife’s engagement ring.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. “I think the best purchase I made was my wife’s engagement ring.”

    You are not kissing up to the boss, are you? 🙂

  2. Nice boat. And, I understand him buying it.

    I sold my boat a few years ago, it is an endless expense.
    I miss it often but not the cost.

  3. You and your wife are probably living too high on the hog, Elliot. It’s a common thing even and especially at the top.

    Good that you came to your senses to some degree with this:

    “in lieu of a big (and what would have been an unwise) purchase.”

    However, people need to let go of this nonsense:

    “My initial goal…was to use the proceeds to buy an expensive luxury watch”

    Rick has mentioned being into luxury watches too, Patek Philipe.

    Loving such things is “senseless idolatry” and can easily be (and often is) the downfall of many. Sure, some people can go crazy with it, but people can still fall hard from a great height even when it looks impossible that could happen.

    This concludes your sermon for the afternoon.

    • Oh, and I meant to say, for me it was probably just one or more domains, though technically I didn’t need any domain sale profits to do that.

    • PS – Don’t get me wrong, btw, I used to be that way too, and if I had been left to my own devices in life I would almost certainly still be that way.

    • ” you and your wife are probably living too high on the hog, Elliot. ”

      That is very inappropriate comment. You only know what E mentions on this site. And, you are trying to put your opinion on someone else. Lets stick to talking about domains.

  4. “The two happiest days in a boat owner’s life: the day you buy the boat, and the day you sell the boat.”

    I use the money from this BS hobby to buy more Tesla,HD,Microsoft and Amazon stocks years ago.


    Magna cum laude
    Graduate of DKAcademy.com

  5. My goal is to be debt-free, so I was able to pay off two old accounts (to the tune of $15k one year). But domains have also helped cover a few trips to Vancouver, Chicago, and Las Vegas for conferences.

  6. Few years back i took for about half a year from work to travel the world. I am in US, but was at philiphines at the time. Few month into my trip i got notification that one of mine domains has sold…. well it was one of my well priced domains. So basically that one domain sale basically covered my entire trip.


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