What Domains Have You Bought Recently?

It’s always fun to share new acquisitions and new registrations. Below are some newly acquired domain names I have made in the last couple of weeks, both in the aftermarket and newly registered names. Feel free to share yours in the comment section.

  • MovieCollectibles.com
  • Grandmom.com
  • ActingCoach.com
  • StrayAnimals.com
  • BoroughPark.com (sold)
  • GolfBooks.com (sold)
  • RittenhouseSquare.com (sold)
  • BulldogBlog.com (sold)
  • CatFuneral.com (newly registered)
  • DogFuneral.com (newly registered)
  • LugeSleds.com (newly registered)
  • WashingtonDogWalker.com (newly registered)
  • TableTennisSets.com (newly registered)
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Mostly back ordered for $69,


    This is in the past 30 days…..
    I’m not including ParkSlope.com as everyone knows that already…lol

  2. A few over the last month or so,


    And some yesterday,


  3. This is the fun part of the business, registering unplucked gems. 🙂

    (DecoratedInterios.NL is IKEA site that redirects to .com)

    and one .me – LawOffices.ME

  4. The past few days…

    Ayr.net – Picked up on Namepros (12 years & Geo)

    DanceInstructor.org – Hand Reg

    DanceLessons.eu – Hand Reg (Testing .EU)

    Tuxedos.eu – Hand Reg (Testing .EU)

    All of the above are for sale anyone interested please let me know…

    Especially keen to sell Ayr.net – All offers over $750 Considered feel free to email me homes@wea.la

  5. My favorite recent regs:

    CushionCutRing.com (2.4K exact google/$1.40)
    SlingbackHeels.com (1K exact google/$1.02)

    PHEVsales.com and PHEVstation.com
    (PHEV = coming soon to a showroom near you)

    VLCDrecipes.com (VLCD = very low calorie diet)

  6. A few I picked up:


  7. Fun topic Elliot!

    Here’s a few I’ve picked up with the intent of developing over the next few months:


  8. It’s great that you share this information Elliot. Especially being able to see what you were able to turn around for a quick sale gives me a better idea of what to look for myself.
    I recently registered

  9. *

    I haven’t been regging or buying much lately, but saw


    and thought “Awesome!”

    As a non-smoker, I would rather have the person sitting next to me sipping a nicotini rather than blowing smoke in my face.

    It’s a real word, a drink made by soaking tobacco leaves in vodka (or other alcoholic liquid). I would imagine that such a drink would taste horrid, but then I think the smell and taste of tobacco are nasty.

    The word was coined (2003) in Florida by a bartender who wanted to keep his customers despite a statewide smoking ban, so he concocted some nicotine-based drink recipes and, thus, the word was born.

    I thought it was worth the 7-buck pop.


  10. New registers since Feb 10th:
    LoseWith.com, .net, .org, and .me
    InexpensiveDomains.net and .org
    LoseWater.com, .net, and .org
    00lb.com, .net, and .org
    DadWatches.com, .net, and .org
    OwnedWatches.com, .net, and .org
    PresentationKits.com, .net, and .org
    DvdsSport.com, .net, and .org
    SockSet.com, .net. and .org

    Great topic! I’m impressed with your-all’s choices, esp. Grandmom.com, AutoMechanic.de, regalpark.com, WebRedesign.com, DNdirectory.com, T-V.com – amazing! – Lolo.com – four letter! LawOffices.ME – nice! I got my first .me! Ayr.net – should have no problem selling that at $750! LadiesMules.com, LowestLongDistance.com, PerfectSpanish.com, GuitarRepairs.com, ChemicalsWholesale.com, CountryCodeDomainNames.com, Nicotini.com, and ItalyBusiness.com – great!

    New.us, have to say it’s prescient to order .us and .biz, . .. who knows where .com and .net are going with ICANN’s new poliices? At least Neustar is tops with security . . .

  11. *

    I agree, Louise. This is a great thread. It goes to show that there are some good domains still left, for hand reg and in the aftermarket.


  12. I’ve been getting some product name .net’s in forum purchases lately:


    I’m looking to buy solid product names with volume.

  13. @ Michael Carter

    The sales price of RittenhouseSquare.com (just like most of my sales) is confidential.

    @ Steve

    Congrats on ParkSlppe.com 🙂 That was a great buy!

  14. Hi Elliot,

    As we debated on Rick’s board couple of years ago, there is a huge market for newly registered domains within domainers and endusers.

    Isn’t it better to flip domains than burgers. How about RegNFlip.com for the next big domainer venture?


  15. Interesting post Elliot.

    Couple fresh regs here were –


    Couple drops were –


  16. lolo.com – like that 4 – letter. james lmk if for resale.

    good feedback on buys. this week i picked up nothing, but sold a couple…weddingbakeries.com and kansascitytreeservice.com

  17. Military Park .org

    22,200 Local, Phrase
    Lots of “Military Parks”
    Park names and .org’s are great together

    Elliot, this is a great post idea. I hope this becomes a reoccurring post type.

  18. Some of my recent registrations:










  19. In addition to the few purchases that I listed above, here are some of my most recent hand regs:

    … etc.

    And a few more recent purchases:


  20. Lately I’ve been focusing on hand regging Apps domains in multi-language, in .com and country code extensions. Mainly translating ‘free apps’ or ‘free applications’.

    Also picked up a few ‘games’ type domains in .ca

    Some french Apps domains are already getting traffic, mostly from mobile devices. I’m thinking with the apps market taking off, the term ‘free apps’ will become searched more and more.

    I also bought a few LLL.mobi domains with premium letters at dnforum, they were around 25 bucks and are nice and short for mobile websites.

  21. Nice domains Elliot. Interesting too to see that some domains have low search volumes but can still be interesting nevertheless.

    Here are my latest handregs, most have nice search volumes:


  22. I bought these .info domain names, with an Idea in mind that they have very good resale values


    Hope my investment is good : )

  23. Recent Purchases:


    Most are freshly regged and a few are from BIDO.

  24. Elliot,
    I know that this industry is very competitive and one must create his/her niche. I have recently aquired the following domains to add to the JoinWhatever Network.


    The focus of JoinWhatever is to get users to “join” your site.
    All my domains and sites are available for sale.


  25. Shoes.info is great! I’m curious what you got it for as I recently bought pants.info at Bido for around $800.
    Most of my recent acquisitions, drop catches and hand reg’s have been cctlds, though the occasional .com, .org or .info make their way into the list.



    .COM hand reg’s

    SportsGames.in and several other game related keywords.

  26. I have bought :

    And others but I am tried of typing so that all for today mybe tomorrow more.

  27. Hand-regs


  28. All hand regs …


  29. @ Michael Carter

    “i’m sure elliot will set the record straight…”

    As mentioned before, the deal was private and the sales price and range will be kept confidential… but LOL.

  30. Yeah, fun topic!

    Some favorite additions from the last few months (mostly via NameJet/TDNAM):

    .COM (many from the 1990s)
    Preseasons (reg)
    HomecomingCourt (reg)


    .WS (I know, but I enjoy getting [& trying to sell] high-class first names in it)

    And hey, for all the Philly guys who liked RittenhouseSquare.com … I’ve picked up BoathouseRow.com. 😉

  31. Cool Topic 🙂

    Some hand regs i made recently:



  32. @Jeroen

    That’s interesting that nibiru2012.org is one of your most recent hand regs ( nibiru2012.net is
    one of mine!).

    Also, along that same line:


  33. @Jeroen

    Yes, it is a very small world!!!

    At the time that I registered the name, I thought it would be a nice name to develop (I was heavily influenced study nibiru, after watching the movie 2012 ) … but I haven’t had the time; maybe later.

  34. My Recently Hand Reg Domains are …

    PracaKierowca.com ( spanish word ‘driver jobs’ 249k searches/m)

    Thanks Elliot

  35. Hi here are few domain i bought last week


    Anybody interested to buy ping me!!

  36. sorry Elliot

    I forgot some name as





  37. The majority of these are hand reg over the last few months. I’m new to domaining and am really trying to develop out some of these names, but also trying to sell a few to fund the build outs. Any advice from the pros is always appreciated.

    CISurgeons.com (CI=Cochlear Implant which is commonly used by patients, non-plural as well)
    CochlearImplantRecalls.com (non-plural as well)
    CochlearSurgeons.com (non-plural as well)
    PacificNorthwestWineClubs.com (non-plural as well)


  38. My best recent acquisitions would be:

    Windhoek.org (capital city of Namibia)
    WoodPelletHeaters.com (new registration)

  39. I read a lot about development here. How do you guys go with it?

    If you are using WordPress as CMS for your development as I do, I have coded a nice plug-in for WP.

    Create Post or page from your excel file including tags and All in One SEO information.

    I have to write the Readme file and the stuff to add this plug in to WordPress repository. I see no reason to spend time on that.

    If any of you want it, mail me

  40. . . . insuring a robust drop & re-reg market for many, many years to come . . . 😉

    (Though 5-7% or so of the above were excellent buys.)

  41. elitefind.com

  42. Way to go EL-SILVER!

    Dang it! That young unspoiled mind of yours came up with a major winner of a topic. It took me 10 minutes just to get through the first 20 posts!

    Man, I can’t wait to see you and give you a head noogie for nailing this topic.

    Okay, here’s the quick review of what’s been posted. Since I’m the best domain appraisal expert in the business *cough*, here’s my FREE review in order to butter up EL-SILVER into buying me a shot of $250 scotch when I see him next. (EL, I’m not helping you on your domains at all, you don’t need it, Mr. Assassin.)

    Okay, my review points. Some posts didn’t define how much paid for their domains, but assuming they were OOTB’s or under $100, these are the killer purchases:

    @ JAMES – Lolo.com — was this a drop? An OOTB? how much for this killer brand 4C domain? Beautiful.

    @LOUISE – Very nice with PresentationKits.com. A buildout set for some CPA success.

    @ JASON – Norco.org. BANG! Top geo domain in this blog. Norco is a big city, I own “NorcoHills.com” which is a subdivision. Asking $750 if you’re interested (have a buyer already for $100 less, but I know it’s worth more. Also own “NorcoHomes.com” – $1500 if interested.) *By the way, the two most valuable domain extensions in my experience are .com and .org.

    @ROB – Buttkicking with his DanceInstructor.org and Tuxedos.eu. Both have huge build potential.

    @ HOW TO URL – I normally wouldn’t answer someone who didn’t ID themselves, but I sold him “PerfectSpanish.com” for a sweet low price on a promise, so I know who he is. He owes me a favor for giving him this one…. heh. Excellent domain for branding, and the price.

    @ RON – Own a big directory buildout with “ItalyBusiness.com”

    @ BISKY – Your package of “UnitedStates *armed forces list*.com domains rules. Were these OOTB’s or aftermarket buys? Depending on what you paid, you own it all here. Nice

    @ JASON – AlbumWarehouse.com is OH YEAH big buildout. Albums are retro huge right now. Build it out QUICK. You can score huge with this domain. Sweet

    @ OJOHN – Big Tech winner of the list: 3DHomeTheater.us. A .us domain that will be worth around $10,000 in 2 years. (set up your “google alerts” on “3D” to see what I’m talking about). Best .us domain in these comments

    @ RON WELLS – Best geo domains for local directories, LaJollaShops.com (just getting 100 shops in La Jolla to pay you $499 a year gets you $50,000 annually). Then SanDiegoSalons.com – huge market for directory buildout. VERY VERY NICE!

    @ IRA ZOOT – CardioTrainers.com spells big need and big brand for a national listing directory. MobileHomeDealership.com – sub-category killer worthy of its longtail.

    These are the best domains listed so far, in my professional opinion.

    Oh… you wanted to see one of mine? I normally would not do this, but I’m feeling very happy lately so I’m giving a hint to my recent treasures:



    okay, no more hints revealed…

    To everyone buying OOTB’s, make sure you do your research, think hard about the potential branding potential, and try to get them under 20 characters if going for the longtail generic.

    *Atom, I think I just beat you this year for verbosity* 😉

  43. @Louise and @Stephen Douglas,

    Thanks for your reviews on ItalyBusiness.com! I saw a similar directory for this name using the way back machine.

    @Stephen Douglas,

    Yes, it is true that La Jolla is a great place to find potential advertisers who will pay to be listed in this type of directory … because all of the shops there are high-end (for those who don’t know, La Jolla is the Beverly Hills of San Diego!).

    As for the SanDiegoSalons.com name, I already have an unfinished directory site on it using Octane360 (threw this up real quick just to gain a little traction in the search engines … even though I did not add content yet, this site is already on page 2 of Google for the keywords: San Diego Salons).

  44. @Stephen Douglas

    Why all the excitement? 90% of the domains I tested went to PPC. Therefore it’s simply a game of insider trading and “tag your it.” Like musical chairs you do ok if you can get in and get out without being the last man standing without a chair.

    I give Elliot a ton of credit for he is very good at this game.

    But it is a game and not a market.

    98% of the domains offered for sale haven’t sold and probably never will, after 10 years of trying to get end users interested and social media and mobile apps diverting their attentions and budgets to better “perceived” solutions.

    Everyone, including me, have great plans, ideas and visions of what each domain could be. Problem is that it never is.

    Until then, buyer beware.

  45. Well, I might as well show a few I have bought although holding most back as not to give away a few things wink wink.


    Some for resale some for development, with the Smartname Ecomm templates getting ranked well it opened up my eyes a bit….


  46. I like several of the names listed above. But I suspect salesmanship often trumps a good name when it comes to making money from domains.

    A few names I’ve picked up since the beginning of the year. Mostly backorders, but one or two hand reg’d after they dropped.

    California geo’s:

    TJHotels.com (Tijuana hotels)


    poleTrimmers.com (I have a few developed garden tool sites)






  47. @ Stephen

    Thanks for the word of encouragement about the 3dHomeTheater.US , today I managed to register ( 3d-T-V.com ) , amazingly google sees it the same as “ 3d TV “, I am going to make it into a mini site about the new 3d technology, as you mentioned already hopefully this will become a big tech category in the near future.

  48. @ Owen

    O-Frag, my imperious cousin, I don’t know what you mean by “testing 90%” of the domains and “they all went to PPC”. Did you mean you looked at 90% of the domains listed here, and they’re all parked at PS’s? Or are you talking about the domains you personally come across?

    If you read my comments, I said the domains purchased by these commenters to be potential strong “BUILDOUTS”, usually as directories. In fact, Ron Wells above answered me describing his domains as previous directories or presently being built as such.

    Although the domain I described I sold today (NorcoHills.com) to someone outside my domainer circle, I think everyone in the domain industry knows I’ve been whining about “incestuous domain sales” for over four years now.

    You may be cynical by saying “domains haven’t sold…after 10 years of trying to get end users interested…”, but I think, good friend, that you’ve jumped the shark when instead it’s a dolphin.

    Let me ask you: When has the domain industry EVER SPENT EVEN $1 Million collectively promoting domains to “end users” or the business sector? What’s the name of the “public relations firm” that we hired to do this? What was the name of our Non-profit industry mouthpiece, what were our promotional campaigns, slogans, and where did our commercials and advertisements run?

    They didn’t and we haven’t, but we should and we will. End users are completely in the dark about domaining. I just attended a Home Convention in PDX last weekend and proved my point by getting over 25 landscaping companies interested in finding out more regarding their “domain marketing” problems.

    I see a wide open world for positive thinking, even though we domainers seem to be on a rudderless ship (I heard Rick Latona was voted “Most Influential” on one website – *cough* – I’d vote El-Silver and/or Craig Rowe [Whypark], both who scratched their way to the top, bringing thousands of domainers a lot of options and ideas to succeed).

    Here’s my prediction (and they always come true): I think some company is going to step forward soon and bust out a major promotion that will be followed by other domain companies because they NEED TO in order to manifest the true value of their portfolios — or like you say “visions of what domains can be” will never be.

    Think positive – many of your readers depend on it… find an answer. Keep smilin’, O-Frag.

  49. “Everyone, including me, have great plans, ideas and visions of what each domain could be. Problem is that it never is.”


    Probably better to reduce you plans, ideas and visions then 🙂

    Personally I hold domains for today. If it makes money now great, but if you’ve had your domains for a while and they haven’t returned a profit, time to let it go. Maybe some day domains will be alot more valuable than today, but if that is your business plan…..

    I do agree there is alot of unreality in this thread, people expecting companies to promote domains to endusers (why? They don’t know what they want?) and even worse expecting “some company” other than yourself to do it (yeah, nice idea, they’ll write the checks for you).

  50. Nice post Stephen Douglas. You really know how to tell it like it is and not sugar coat. You are one of my domain heroes. I have spent a little more than a year seriously trying to learn this business and have a long way to go. People like Stephen Douglas, Elliot, and others are helpful. Last week I sold the domain MarshaWright.com to MarshaWright of the UK. She already owned http://MarshaWright.co.uk . Marsha is a renowned Speaker and Presenter and is known for her no-nonsense insight into investing, building businesses and putting your money to work by creating income generating, and scalable business models…”In Simple Terms, Marsha Is Known For Helping People Become Wealthy & Successful”
    She said she would like to talk some more about domaining – perhaps for an interview or something. I would prefer someone like Elliot or Stephen or some other high profile hard working positive minded and successful domainer to interview with her. This may lead to some great public relations for the industry and hits to your website. Her contact info is on her website http://MarshaWright.co.uk
    Quote from Marsha. “Can you tell me, how successful have you been doing this? Give me an overview of what you’ve been able to accomplish. I have heard of Domain Buying and selling, just never heard the proper term before.”
    So if you are listening Elliot or Stephen – Please contact her. I have already recommended you to her

  51. @ Arlen

    If she thinks you are a cybersquatter for registering the .com domain name to profit off of her well-known “brand” name, she may have preconceived notions about the domain space. I do not buy names of people or trademarks.

  52. I picked up a few good domains.


    I also picked up my name (5 min.ago) as I figured I better get it before someone else gets it…Hey everyone is worth $8 bucks? Maybe even $360 wow! how did that happen… and people are looking for me, better hide. So don’t forget to buy yourself for $8.

    edwardemery.com $360 16,900 110 low $0.83

    What a fun thread, even if I don’t anyone. Well nice to meet you all.


  53. Hi, @Stephen Douglas, Thanx for your encouragement, here and on Andrew’s blog! Presentation Kits is great – my cousin can help me build it out. We’re both out of work. I need help. Someone buy DomainerRehab and I’ll pay you to make me stop! Since reading these comments I bought 3 domains with 3d in them:

    3DBalloons.com, .net and .org
    3DTrial.com, .net, and .org
    3DSequel.com, .net, and org

    Maybe I can unload a couple of them – already submit two to Moniker’s Showcase for entertainment! Prolly they won’t be accepted, tho.

    @Ron Wells, Don’t forget TRAFFIC Milan is in April! You should go, and hobnob with Italy businessmen, to get sponsors for your site!

  54. Hi @Louise,

    I was considering TRAFFIC Milan, but decided to skip the next set of conferences (I’m still trying to catch up with work, after attending TRAFFIC Las Vegas and DomainFest 🙂 )!

    I’m sure that it will be a great show – which probably would have been an excellent opportunity to hobnob – but I will have to catch it another time.

  55. “3DBalloons.com, .net and .org
    3DTrial.com, .net, and .org
    3DSequel.com, .net, and org”


    I hate to see this stuff, firstly those names make little sense, secondly what is the point in registering the .net and .org aswell? All that does is add to your holding costs. If the .com was available nobody is going to care about the .net or .org.

    If anyone tells you those names are worth registering they are leading you up the garden path.

    My suggestion would be to spend alot of time researching names before hitting the buy button on anything.

  56. That’s a relief – thanx! Just noticed these comments before I log off, and zeroed in on them. If you had said they were valuable, I would have had incentive to keep on registering – LOL! So, thanx!

    However, I don’t want to copy anybody – I have my own perspective with regard to the .net and .org . . . the rest of the domain world should show a little more regard for their “names” by acquiring these where available, IMO . . .

    You don’t think 3d sequel is huge? I just typed it in to Google news, and it looks like major blockbuster sequels are being made 3d . . . it would make a nice buildout . . .

    This is the list I gave Moniker:

    They are all 3-for-1 .com, .net, and .org, except DeckofCards is only .net and .org. We’ll see which Moniker picks.

    • @ Louise

      3 D sequels may be the next big thing, but do you think people will search for “3 D sequels” or do you think they’ll search for “Avatar 2”? IMO, unless you need to protect a brand – or you scored the .com of what’s going to become a huge thing (like SwineFlu.com), there is no real need to buy .com, .net and .org. In fact, it would almost be better to keep those available for someone else who would buy and add value.

  57. Elliot
    I thnk you completely missed the point of my post. I think you are a little too freaked out on the trademark issue although I agree to stay away from names in general and of course trademarks. However, if you buy Smith.com, which Smith out of the millions has the trademark. I bought MarshaWright.com on a drop because of the many people that have the same name. I had never heard of MarshaWrigh before I bought the name. She never accused me of being a cybersquatter. But after thinking about your statement of someone having preconceived notions about the domain space of their name I think I will stay away from names completely unless I think it is truly generic last or first name.

    You have a very good reputation and she may have some power to give you some notice beyond the vicious circle of incest of domainers. Maybe she could help Elliot start a reality show about your domain life. Take it to the TV and make popular the buying and selling of domains like the flipping house shows have done. Show the world how you can make a business out of name such as dogwalker.com. Let it be knonw that it is hard work that makes success. Educate the thousands of small businesses on the importance of a quality doman name. Come on Elliot – Use the power of thinking big! You are one of the few that has what it takes to take it to the next level. That is why so many want a be domainers such as myself and thousands of others follow your every word. You often share things as it happens and you never brag. It is going to take a man or woman with your skills to get this industry noticed in a positive way.


    • @ Arlen

      I do understand what you are saying completely and agree that education is necessary. That is one of the reasons I write my blog every day – to help others who are in this business. I believe I have a unique perspective, having started out in 2003 and become full time basically by buying and selling generic .com domain names.

      If you became well known and someone bought ArlenBischke.com (a unique name I should add), you might think it was done to make money off of your “brand.” There may be more than one Marsha Wright, but it’s not you or someone you know. I can’t speculate whether you bought the name because of the Marsha Wright, but it’s not exactly common. That being said, unless this person has a very different personality than most, she probably wasn’t too keen on paying extra for what she would consider her brand. Of course, if she came off as a jerk, you might not have sold the name to her, so you might not know how she really feels about the situation.

      If she had a common name like Jen Smith, it would be a different story because she would have an understanding that she shares her name with thousands of others.

  58. recent hand regs:

    CanadaVPN.com ( virtual private network )

    And, since .org’s are in the news, here’s a few that I registered in the past:

    FreeGrantsForCollege.org (perfect for a dotOrg!)

  59. I agrees 100% with Snoopy. Don’t hit the buy button til’ you do all the research, but if you must grab the domain as you may think it will be gone in the morning…go for it as you have the 5 day wait period to dump it off! My Bottom line is to hurry up and wait if I am not sure.

    Good luck,

  60. Man…
    I’m convinced the vast majority of people in this thread lose FAR more money than they make at this game. Most of these names are just positively awful.

    I’m one of the wet-blankets who believes we crossed the threshold of peak-domaining long ago and the majority of todays domain-game participants are lighting money on fire.

    My purchases in the past few months?
    Two .com’s on the aftermarket- one for low XXXX, one for mid XXXX. Both are being developed in full-scale fashion.

    I suppose I could’ve spent that same amount of money registering piles of speculative, marginally coherent crap names, but I’ll just be the contrarian of this bunch and hold that it’s better to buy a smaller handful of great, meaningful names than it is to impulsively register enormous swaths of garbage.

    • @ LS

      “I’m convinced the vast majority of people in this thread lose FAR more money than they make at this game. Most of these names are just positively awful.”

      I can’t speculate since I don’t know the portfolios of most of the people. But there are many people who buy speculative names in addition to their gem names. I buy a few speculative names a month just as random rolls of the dice. I am actually very close to selling one newly registered name I bought within the past 4 months for over $5,000. The end user came to me via Parked.com. We negotiated for some time and I should know by next week. Assuming it goes through and he doesn’t ask for a NDA, I will post what I can. These deals are few and far between, but they are possible.

  61. @ Paul Shaw aka “Snoopy”

    Companies want to promote their domains, because if you were aware of the domain industry more than beyond your nose, you’d find that there are more than 10 major domain industry companies who own over 300,000+ domains. Not all of those domains are PPC wonderdings, correct? Do you think at some time these companies will want to resell their domains to end users? No? Then let me introduce you to BuyDomains.com. Take it from there.

    @ Paul Shaw aka “Snoopy”

    I agree with you when you are advising Louise to do her research before hitting the buy button. When you begin in this industry, it can be addictive and almost like gambling… or… yes, it is gambling. If you are picking up a domain you like (by the way, any noun with the adjective “3D” in front of it has future salels potential), make sure before you do your purchase, RESEARCH IT. Where did you hear about it? THe term used in the industry? New product sites? Trending sites? Make sure you know what you are potentially spending the price of a small pizza on.

    When you find a domain you like OOTB, just grab the .COM if you can, don’t go all out and get all the extensions. Forget about the .net’s unless you have an online service business/product. I myself have bought some killer .net’s I still like, but I’ve only managed to make about 5000-10,000% profit on reselling them… but they have to be VERY STRONG keywords.

    @ Louise — slow down your domain purchasing. Find a niche you feel comfortable about being involved in, join the newsletters, read the ads, check out the marketing blogs for that industry, check for new products coming out… then find the domain — that one domain for your winning OOTB purchase.

    @ Arlen

    I agree with El-Silver but I routinely buy and sell full name domains in the .com version. The dangerous part is, like he said, potential TM issues. However, that only comes into play when the full name is world-renowned, and locally known names especially super-common names don’t count. If you search up a full name IN QUOTES and it returns over 25,000 results, and in your first 100 results you find over 10 different people with the same name, there’s probably not going to be a trademark issue. Plus, I sell my domains for $1000 or less, which is cheaper to buy than to UDRP it. No person has ever challenged me on my full name portfolio.

    For beginners, this is an EXCELLENT place to start in investing in OOTB domains, or even finding them on the drop. You most likely will be able to sell for $250 or more, so don’t get into a bidding war on the drop.

    I can see one thing about Arlen by his writing — he’s got big hopes, big dreams, big visions — give him another five years and let’s see how big his smile is then… and I wouldn’t doubt it will be bigger than a lot of some domainers commenting here…including myself.

    Don’t lose the excitement of domain investing, people, but be smart and go slow.

  62. @ El

    “Speculative” purchases at OOTB prices are more palatable if you’ve done hours of research for undiscovered or newly developing niches. I rarely buy aftermarket domains anymore unless I’m getting a really good deal.

    However, your experience in your $5k possible sale, I do those every month, every year, for the last five years. There’s nothing like selling a domain for $8,000 that you bought OOTB.

    Like I said, it’s research, knowing and understanding branding, and with my strategy… following these steps to success:


    2) ________

    3) ________

    Heh, think I give away my secrets for free? I already spilled too many beans in the spirit of your blog. It makes me laff when the naysayers complain that there is no money in domains. I only see that in standard commonplace item domains (I actually do sell those from my porftolio, but not at the same pricing).

    Okay, i gotta stop posting here. I’m beginning to sound like M.C.

  63. Hi, @Stephen, No, don’t quit posting – I bookmarked this discussion!

    Sounds like you really care! I love you guys! It’s like looking in the mirror waving the white flag, but I can’t stop! Before I logged on, I just purchased my first dot biz:


    to give to my cousin! He developed flyordie.com – it’s his concept, all his graphics, his domain, but he signed something to do it for free, and they took it over – makes me so mad! He’s great with models, and he wants to create a ’57 Chevy, not just airplanes, so it’lll test my SEO skills to get that extension up high! That’s one thing I didn’t research, does Google rank dot biz?

    Okay, toodleloo! Got to walk to Starbucks to celebrate my purchase, then turn the computer off and do taxes all day . . . No more purchases!

  64. Thanks Elliot for the feedback. You are right and I need to stay away from any name that is not completely generic. I am learning as I go here. The way you explained it has finally sunk in to me.


  65. Hi, I did well for four days, then today bought:
    pinkbustier.com, .net, and .org

    all fresh registers.

    The .net doesn’t count, because I used an account credit!

    I started building out one of my domains with Associate-O-Matic, so that is the plan . . .

  66. One thing I would like to ask you Elliot, if you buy only American English spelled domains or U.K. English spelled domains as well?

  67. Okay, this is my last one – I’m putting it down in writing!


    I’m going to start Signal Hill for exercise – it’s pretty steep! Four days a week.

  68. Hi Elliot, No Salt is my thing. I did go off the deep end purchasing some domains lately, and I’m sure a third of them are lame. Maybe that’s the price you have to pay to land some good domains, because front running puts the pressure to buy it when available. You’re smart, and I appreciate your feedback and read your blog with interest, also the comments – it’s more like a forum! No Salt is really my thing; it’s a passion, that’s what I REALLY want to develop, and my father his math program, so I have some math domains I listed at my porfolio page, linked to here, but I don’t want to sell. My brother who owns 3GR also questioned my developing No Salt, but finally he is on board, because it’s been in the news alot lately. There must be a couple sites you develop because you believe in them, right, not just your blog?

    Maybe you’re right! I’m set to learn a big, expensive lesson. It’s okay, I had fun, and if I can unload a few, it would still pay for the . . . spree.
    Take care!

  69. @ Louise

    Some of my sites are:

    Lowell.com and Newburyport.com (being re-done right now)
    Burbank.com (being re-done by Scottsdale.com)
    TobagoVacations.com (making a few $/day with Adsense)

    I do build because of my interest, but I only have so much time in a day so I need to pick my battles. I am still a domain investor first and a developer second. Domain sales is still where I earn 80% of my income, although you can see that my blog is generating good revenue from direct ad sales.

    Everyone buys names because they could be developed into something great, but the reality is that it’s tough to develop and make money from your projects, and it’s especially difficult when you have many different things happening at once.

  70. @ Louise

    If salt is your thing, I have got some excellent salt related domains for sale:

    SalDeMar.com (sea salt)

    Please let me know if interested.

  71. @Louise

    These are available for hand reg (I’m not sure if they are worth registering … but maybe a little research might help):


  72. Selling gourmet salt online is BIG BUSINESS. Huge margins.

    I have a client from Thailand who is in his early 30’s and has made millions selling gourmet salts online. He created his own private label, but it was all handled through a fulfillment center.

    those are some great keywords in the available domains above, some with significant search volume.

    I actually just registered GourmetSalts.com

    1,300 exact monthly searches and $1.94 CPC

    Not bad for $7.

  73. Also (available),

    You might want to research these before deciding to register them:


    SnowSalt.net (Morton owns the .com, but it seems like a general term for salt that is used to melt snow)

  74. @Andrew Rosener,

    Glad that you was able to find something in this list! 🙂

    That’s a great story about your client making millions from his buisness.

    Also, available:


  75. Hello again Elliot

    You have TobagoVacations.com and I have
    Maybe you can see an opportunity?:)

    My last:

  76. @Ron Wells

    Can i ask what tool you used to find those available domains?

    Also, I picked up SanAndreasFault.net a couple of days ago on the drop, but not sure what to do with it. Perhaps an Amazon aff site with geology books 🙂 I have a few aff sites built out, like GasPoweredBlowers.com, is a bit long on the keywords but gets traffic and ranks. Could do with a revamp too.

  77. @Nigel Hall,

    I used a combination of:

    1) manual search
    2) the Google Keyword Tool*
    3) web sites of the leading companies
    etc …

    *the keyword tool is the best source that I use when search for names, because it gives me a general idea of what people are searching for.

  78. Picked a new Domain today.

    EndBeginning.com / .net

    It looks like people are think the end of the world is coming maybe they have the movie 2012?

    Exact Monthly Searches 249,240 CPC $0.50

    Now the hard part what to do with this one, but hey 249,240 searches per. month I like that part and EsiBot.com say’s it’s worth $660?

  79. @ Elliot I like your sites DogWalker and CatSitter! Especially I like the content that appears when you click on blog at DogWalker. It made me realize the blog is the page I want to load on any site developed by LouiseMarketing, since it makes the site more personal and content-rich! Enough of the impersonal, machine-generated list of links! We’ll look forward to Burbank, Lowell and NewburyPort – nice going to Burbank!

    @ Andrew, thanx for names suggestions – good job registering GourmetSalts.com – think you’ll do well with that! It’s okay to imbibe in some table salt, once you reduce salt from processed food!

    @ Ron, EpsonSalts.org is a great domain! Huge ovation score . . . You get I’m going for the no salt diet domains – registered NoSaltDiets.com, .net, and .org re your suggestion! Hey! You’re supposed to help me QUIT registering names, not keep adding! 😉 But it’s good, it has a higher appraisal than NoSaltDiet.com, and I was able to register the .com, .net and .org – so I appreciate that – thanx!

    Now I have: LimitSalt, LoseSalt, ShakeSalt, and NoSaltDiets, plus a page 1 listing for one of my no salt sites on Google, plus content on a blog: No-Added-Salt.com, but I am going to start over with branding.

    Google is content-hungry – I have a hard time to keep from being spidered, even with a robots tag . . . Google must be scraping the barrel.

  80. @Nigel Hall,

    You’re welcome.


    EpsomSalts.org seem like it is a nice name.

    Glad that you was able to find one name that you can use … although I don’t see a good reason to register the .net and .org for a name like that, unless you are protecting a brand (in the past, I’ve registered most extensions for my name “Ronald Wells” … and now that I look back on it, I think even that was overkill).

  81. Speaking of salt … here’s my “only” registration for the day (I better step away from the computer after this post


  82. @ Elliot – you’re harsh! But I know you mean to be honest.

    This is interesting about GAKT – I never used it! I see what you mean, now, it is EXACT search phrases which # you are looking at. Isn’t 590 respectable?

    @ Edward, it’s a great name! Don’t lose it! Because you bought both .net and .com, you’ll see, in a couple days the Estibot value skyrockets! It will double.

    You could just put a blog about your daily life in there. End Beginning could refer to the beginning and end of a day – there’s loads you could do with it! And people will actually find you!

  83. @ Louise

    Would you rather me be honest or blow smoke up your rear?

    BTW, what does it matter what Estibot says? At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what someone is willing to pay.

    I can imagine hundreds of names could be personal blogs. Trust me, they take a lot of time and effort to build and monetize.

  84. @ Elliot – Honest, honest, honest! I learned from this topic and from this blog! From now on, I am checking GAKT, not just appraisal software: Estibot, Leapfish, etc.

    What’s the weather like in NY this morning? Long Beach is 60 degrees and sunny . . . My sister lives in Mount Vernon.

  85. Wow, after reading this post I have a new found mission:

    TO DEVELOP MY DOMAIN: DNAddiction.com

    We’ll be providing a 12 step process for people to stop registering domain names.

    Contact me for more info 🙂

  86. @ Elliot! Thanx! Makes me homesick for Connecticut [briefly – I like Long Beach, CA]! You’ve got the life, work from home, take the dogs out!

    @ Andrew I would pay $50.00/month if your site can help me . . .
    Almost got away until you and Ron suggested I buy more salt domains! It’s your fault! Just kidding!

    Just now

    Hurry and get that site running! 😀

  87. @ Louise,

    Hi Louise what is GAKT and can you help me with their website address, as it sounds so good.

    Thank you,


  88. @ Louise,

    Thanks for the kind words related to EngBeginning. Hey picked up any new domains today or just window shopping…Ha Ha.

    Looks as my very good friend Benedict Valdez got in on the blog he has been staying with me for a few months til’ he heads back to the Philippines, he asked me what is GAKT I said I am not sure…told him to ask someone on the blog. So Louise he is waiting…for ya’ Benedict is getting into domainning has some .com’s and and few .ph’s

    He is a great programmer and a very smart engineer if anyone needs help on a website etc. he has the time on his hands while in the USA. Check out my home page on my storefront http://www.TopOneDomains.com I made all the images, graphics (except the logo) and Benedict put the one page website together for me, I like it…

    Hey I set my .com’s @ $7.99 and .net’s @ $6.49 (lowest I can set them) for anyone on the blog. I will leave it that way for a week, hope I can help anyone. Just click the full price list near the domain search box or you will see it @ checkout as I didn’t bother changing the images for a week!

    Again, Louise thanks for the kind words looks as everyone is having fun chatting with you, as your so nice.


  89. @ Louise,

    Thank you, if you need more time just let me know. Small favor is GAKT top secret if so I and Benedict totally understand if not can you help us out…if it’s not a good idea to talk about it on this blog we can try a different avenue…maybe via email or ?

    Hope your weekend was fun.


  90. @ Louise,

    Just found out about a Godaddy promo on another blog. $0.99 domains. The promo code is BUY2010 Hope it’s not to late give it a try…can’t hurt if it’s to late just cancel the transaction.

    Good luck, I am on my way there now…


  91. New registration today:


    North Holland is a province in the Netherlands (its largest city is Amsterdam).

    @ Louise,

    I was just at the Southern California Domaining Group Meeting in Laguna Beach this weekend and I was in a discussion with another member about forming a subgroup:

    Domainers Anonymous – he’s just as addicted as I am (just checked whois and saw that someone else already thought of that idea 🙂 )!!!

  92. @Edward, I get it – you’re a reseller! I just went over there and thought I’ll buy one of your aftermarket domains you’re trying to unload, but it’s all fresh registers! Are you a reseller for T****S? Elliot said: https://www.domaininvesting.com/some-sunday-thoughts-0946 It is appropriate coming from him! Can I be honest about GoDaddy? NoDaddy.[com]

    @ Ron,

    NorthHolland.net is great! That encompasses a big area! Surprised it was still available.

    DomainRehab also taken!

    This is the blog post that doesn’t die – I bookmarked it on my site, TaskDomains.com – this is great!

    Two days clean . . . (no new domains!)

  93. As previously mentioned, I’ve got: DNAddiction.com

    I am totally open to suggestions on how to build it into a community for aiding those of us who are uncontrollable domain registrants!

    12 steps to quitting?

    Rehab clinic?

  94. @ Louise,

    Thanks for the comment about NorthHolland (according to GAKT, it only have an exact search of 1,600 but still a nice geographical name).

    The Amsterdam Tourism Bureau owns Noord-Holland.com, which would have been better … but that’s okay. 🙂

    Also, really nice to see that you are slowing down on your registrations. Have a great week!

  95. @ Louise

    Yes I am a reseller for No Daddy for one reason only to register new domains at a low price and if some just happens to buy a name @ my site I make one whole dollar! or they buy a SSL certificate etc. It’s worth the $200 a year, to always get my .com’s for $7.99 a year and .net’s for $6.49, it comes out to $14.76 when I purchase both the .com and .net. if I find a good name package. And I don’t have to talk to one person never, just let site run it’s self 24/7.

    And yea I don’t like Godaddy for many…many reasons and Elliot may know plenty a long with hundreds of other people. The only account I have with nodaddy.com is my reseller. But there are some big resellers like Actnowdomains that make $$$$. But not me maybe $50-75 a month as of now…maybe someday 5-10 yrs. down the road I could pull in some $$$ but hey you can resell for hundreds of companies with hundreds of different products.

    I was thought maybe you where paying $10-$12 for your .com’s and was just trying to help you save a little cash…hey we all have to get our newly registered names some where, I guess you can say I buy from myself?

    But hey have fun and I hope you make some money in this business.

    I just found out that Chef Patrick is starting a weekly maybe daily newsletter to sell domains, kinda like Rick Latona’s I just submitted about 15 names hope I can sell some as you can’t just buy, buy, buy…need to sell some also to make a little cash. Hey check it out and submit some of your names what do have to loose. Far as Rick Latona’s newsltter the names have to be @ least a year old from what I can see.

    Have a great day Louise, hope nobody hates me for being a reseller. Maybe I should have said it up front but hey most people can tell just looking @ the site. Sorry if I offended anyone.


  96. @ Elliot, Louise,

    I owe you a personal apology as you are very highly respected person. I didn’t mean any harm to you or anyone on your blog. Please accept my apology if I could apologize in person I would to at your door step in 5 minutes. If we got to know each other you would see I am funny nice guy in person and would give the shirt off my back to anyone. I guess my typing words don’t come out so good and I am very sorry about that.

    Please accept this apology as it was my mistake and I am man enough to know when I am wrong. Thank you for your time.


  97. @ Andrew Rosener, I never got the confirmation email when I signed up for your newsletter! Domain addiction: Let’s write a blurb. It’s like gambling, except gambling has NO redeeming value. But there’s similarities in the build-up. Maybe it’s more like alcohol addiction. Modest consumption is okay – even healthy – for those who don’t go off the deep end . . . so alcohol has some value; but not gambling. Purchasing domains is about the only addiction where it COULD enhance your income! It’s a funny addiction.

    @Ron Wells, I lasted two days, then purchased 3 more domains:

    That’s it! It’s over. From what Elliot said about GAKT, I learned most of my portfolio doesn’t hold up! Been studying it all afternoon. The above are for development . . .

    @Edward, It was to you! 🙂

  98. @ Louise,

    I never left this part of the blog, just came here to see what domains people are buying. So I can make good purchases. But I did look around before this post and WOW! Meet Elliot’s new friend Joe not just any Joe.


    Boy I feel better already thanks to Joe! Hi Elliot how are you hope your day went well.

    Hey I picked up YogaCapri.com about a 1 1/2 weeks ago it had a nice appraisal $4300 and a CPC $2.09. Got up and running on shopping.com looks pretty good…


  99. @ Edward, Congratulations on a nice domain name! Finally was able to find your email addy and sent a message – don’t delete the attachment! You have to think in terms of protecting your assets if you registered through Go Daddy. GD is known to seize valuable properties, content and all!

  100. @Louise
    Regarding your previous comment to Edward… Could you provide examples of what GoDaddy has done to you or someone you know? I use them along with Enom, but GoDaddy is less expensive. What do we need to be concerned about when using GoDaddy? Thanks.

  101. @ Louise,

    Thanks for the advise. I do not host my home page with Go Daddy and from what I can see 90% of the resellers don’t the reason is simple no trust and I spent two weeks buliding my home page and made secure it as possible as other resellers like right clicking images to use for their home page(s) (go to my site and try to right-click anything) Go Daddy or any reseller can’t touch it, far as the store front they can shut it down it a wink as they control that part hosting and all.

    I may transfer all my domains from myself as I have an account in my reseller store to??? Any ideas…who do you register your new domains with. But hey can we trust anyone! Who does Elliot use?

    By day the wife and I are Top Farmers Agents. The top 3% (450) of 15,000 agents. Do you think I trust Farmers Insurance group…most agents don’t as I know top agents from all over the country. But our business make’s $15,000 to $20,000 a month can’t just let it go after 8 years of hard work. As after all the expenses we clear about $10,000 a month. And I come and go as I please no BOSS.

    How RENEWALS yes just like all ICANN Accredited Registrars every time you renew your domain(S) they get paid again. Insurance works the same way every time any of my clients renew their policies we get paid again and again, plus new business. That’s the only reason I became a reseller RENEWALS.

    You have seen nodaddy.com check this one out http://farmersreallysucks.com/ (and yes Farmers tried to shut it down) so you see where I am coming from it’s not just Go Daddy…there are ton’s of other compnaies with problems.

    So my point is are there any safe havens to have a domain account…we may need help on this one with Elliot as he has been around this business a long time.

    Sorry for the long one and thanks for your time your such a likable person I hope you do well in life. Things don’t happen over night it takes hard work, so keep hammering away it will come.


  102. @ Elliot

    Wow I have read lot of NoDaddy.com C_ _P. Can you help us new domainers and seasoned domainers out on a safe haven company to register new Domains if there is one what would be your choice company. As at nodaddy.com people were talking about other ICANN registrars also doing similar unethical things as No Daddy.

    Maybe a list of two or three companies as that would be safe on your side.

    P.S. I think you handled that Joe guy very professional great job.

    Have a great evening.


  103. @ Louise

    HI how are you, your picture is all smiles…

    Hey with the NFL draft a month away I just picked up DraftDates.com /.net hope it works out.


  104. @ Louise

    FINALLY LOUISE! I checked that one out… an actual product, category killing domain name in a .COM! LicoricePowder.com.


    (I own blueberrypowder.com and other plant/herbal powder domains).

    Now, build that domain out immediately and get hooked up CPA style, write some articles, invite people to write articles on that site, be the number one website offering Licorice powder.


  105. @Louise

    I agree with Stephen…Very nice appraisal. $940 CPC $0.77 NICE!!! Work it, get her up and running. I can see the smile on your face?


  106. An interesting domain that I registered this morning:


    CPC is $13.70 … with low search volume (only 210 global exact for February), but I’m sure that the financial institutions will find a way to make this type of card popular.

    PayPal is one institution that is already offering cash back to its Preferred Rewards members, who use their debit card when making a non PIN purchase.

  107. p.s.,

    Bankrate.com owns CashBackCreditCards.com (Bankrate is the same company that just recently purchased the website Bankaholic.com for $15 million)

  108. @Edward, Way to go: ChildBearingAge.com – nice name! Stephen would approve, I believe.

    @Ron Wells, Way to go! CashBackDebitCards – that should be burgeoning! Do you plan to approach Bankrate and offer it?

    I contacted 3 major companies this past week to offer a couple domains at reasonable prices . . . I’ll see if I hear back! That is my business model: sell to end user.

    BTW, today two .co.uk’s


  109. @Louise,

    Thanks for the complement! I do plan to make contact with them one of these days (there are quite a few big companies starting to push this type of item).

    Here’s a little news on a hand reg that I just recently purchased awhile back:

    I just parked the name (an insurance name), and looked into my account yesterday and saw that it received 1 click which paid me $33.09! Most definately a keeper. 🙂

  110. p.s.,


    The funniest part about the amount that I was paid for the click on that insurance name ($33.09) is that according to Google Adwords, that keyword was only worth $0.05 CPC!

  111. Newly Registered, just sitting there waiting on a home.


    All products, will make Shopping.com E-comm 2.0 stores with all three. Just waiting on the name server’s to move…check them in about 3 days. They should be cool I hope…

  112. nosaltseasoning.com, .net, and .org

    It’s a nice complement to NoSaltDiets.com, .net, and .org – thanx for suggestion, Ron Wells . . . has some exact Google keyword searches, both!

  113. @Louise,

    Good to hear that you were able to come up with a another name to go along with NoSaltDiets.com!

    Here’s one that I registered today:


  114. Hi, It’s nerve-wracking, but I have to pick one or two of my no – salt domains to develop, and I don’t know which one! I like NoSalt.tv, but everyone says if you develop anything other than dot com, you are handing business over . . .

    In the mean time, I am searching for a UK broker to sell these recent acquisitions:


    The above capture some exact Google keyword matches, esp. ToCook.

  115. .TV can be developed and rank of course. But, if you use an exact match .com/.net/.org, you will have an extra ranking boost. Other TLDs (like .TV) do not, unless you use a country specific TLD to try to rank in that country.

  116. @ Louise

    I will try to help you on your.co.uk names. As long a you never say READ IT, READ IT, READ IT again as I have a wife and one is enough…HA…HA.

    Email your names to Toby @ Rick Latona’s Toby is a great and very smart guy but very picky on names, Rick’s newsletter is put together very professional and it’s daily as they work very hard over @ Rick’s. Also sign up for the newsletter it’s a must, and they work the USA and UK. (Just tell Toby we meet on Elliot’s blog)

    Good luck,


  117. @ Jeroen, thanx for suggestion. Already one no salt domain is page 1 on Google, but not many people type that set of keywords . . . maybe I’ll start over with NoSalt.tv!

    @ Edward, OK, I reached out to Toby, but I don’t get my hopes up, because David of Latonas explained Latonas doesn’t accept newly-registered. Latonas has rejected every submission of mine so far! But they are nice guys . . . I approach Latonas first before the other auction houses.

    @ Ron, You’re getting all these great domains! Only I don’t know how to market dot org. Shouldn’t it be an organization that develops the website with dot org domain? For that reason, Juvenile Arthritis is great – ideally suited to an organization!

  118. @ Louise,

    Yea I didn’t want to tell you that part as I was hoping just by looking at the name(S) they would like it. But I have had the same new name problem with Toby. If you think there good domains wait a year or just ask your contact person one year from now will you like them!

    Hey what about Afternic.com $20 USD a year can give it a try…just go there and see if anything is close to what you have…also check DNjournel to see who is selling the most .co.uk names and what prices etc.
    Good luck,


  119. @ Louise,

    “Shouldn’t it be an organization that develops the website with dot org domain?”

    I agree, it would be a perfect name for an organization to build an informational website for the 6,600 people searching for this subject (it would probably even be more credible as a dot org because dot org seem to be more athoritive and trusting – which is perfect for medical names).

    If you do a keyword search on Google for the term Juvenile Arthritis, you will notice that 6 out of 10 of the sites on the first page are all dot org names.

  120. You don’t want to know. I logged on at 3AM and bought five domains, none of them dot com, spending close to $100.00 (that I don’t even have!). Funny, I feel hopeful about it. They’re all no salt family, esp, “low sodium,” so I’ll finish my taxes and build them out and achieve page 1 Google rankings just like I did with other non dot com extension!

    That was outside dinâmicas.com , my entry for IDN Tools contest. Where are you people? Hurry to the contest:

    Edward, Ron, you’re so smart – I know you’ll be able to beat me. Just keep it clean, okay? That’s all I ask. No porn.

  121. (Newly registered)

    NavigationScreen.com /.net CPC $3.39 USD

    Hey and it’s a product from what I can see on Google! I love registering unplucked gems.

  122. @ Edward, Congrats on your nice domain name, Navigation Screens! Tony got back to me he didn’t want my domains, nor the 2nd set I emailed him.

    On the IDN contest, I have been educating myself, so I bought:
    It’s French for espresso, just because I like it! Thought all coffee domains are gone. Guess espresso is Italian, but you associate a cafe with Fremch cafe . . .

    It won’t win the competition, but I liked it so I picked it up.

    One I picked up today: BuyDomainName.tv

  123. @ Louise,

    I love that new domain caféexpresso.com very cool, put it on Sedo.com as the whole world will see it.

    Yea’ I know getting a name on the Latona list very hard but I had one today it was on top CityFlats.net for $400, I hope is sells? The whois is still screwed up I picked it up on namejet.com a few months ago it still shows the old owner?

    Hey why don’t you try http://www.chefpatrick.com/sell-your-domains/ I had one on there yesterday TectonicPlates.us for $300. Patrick’s list has been a weekly thing but I am hoping he will get going daily that would be great.

    Have a good one..


  124. Thanx for suggestions! How do you make $$? You pay half in commissions – guess if you want to get out with $100-$200, it’s okay!

    Just now: Excavation.tv – get back to my original developing work in construction . . .

  125. @Louise

    Well that’s about all you can make on low end names from what I can see and if you notice these were .net and .us. Example: if you only pay $10 on a newly registered name and make $200 that’s 180% profit which there is not a lot of products where you can make 200-1000% profit like domains.

    Daily I am in the insurance business so I average about 18% profit not bad…but it seems to me that insurance/domaining etc. is all about volume. As it’s going to hard to find that golden egg in domaining like CAR.COM. I which but it still seems as we will need to move multiple name year long and try to $200 -$2000 maybe more if we are lucky.

    This is just how I am looking @ it, but ask around Steven and others and see what they think. Go to the “what domains have you sold” part of the blog and ask as it would be a great topic.

    The best of luck as always.


  126. It’s great – don’t get me wrong – nice business!

    Did you hear about Flippa.com? Just discovered it. It sounds like you take away a bigger %, if your domain gets bought there!

  127. I Will check it out as it sounds good to able to pocket more $$$$…


    P.S. It looks as this is a slow death on this topic we may need to move to another topic (area) in this blog as it’s only me and you left…ah…the end comes? I will see what else is going on like the sold area!

    See ya’

  128. I just got into domain investing and picked up quite a few!



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